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Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer


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In response to post #25797929. #25798059, #25798104 are all replies on the same post.

carseplant wrote: I. COULD. CRY.

bethjunkie wrote: I AM crying and shaking like a little girl and I don't care who knows it!!
MrRadioactiv wrote: i also :)

amen, did the same even when i saw the freaking countdown XD
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A LOT of detail about Fallout 4 that people disbelieved at the time, but corresponds pretty much EXACTLY with information we now know for certain. And a different inside source on NeoGaf confirmed the whole android/bladerunner theme.


Oh, and when I mentioned the android stuff earlier, I noticed some jumped immediately on my comment to 'deny' it- interesting. We know Bethesda has people posting here, of course, and I appreciate they don't enjoy the fact that game details have leaked ahead of their own planned PR campaign.


The Reddit source claims a 'new' engine for the current gen platforms, but I wonder if the Witcher 3 issue didn't strike this project as well, with a change to a MUCH weaker engine to keep Xbone performance of Fallout 4 to an acceptable level. Remember, even though the PS4 is a MUCH faster platform than the Xbone, even the PS4 is a little slower than a moderate gaming PC with a 750TI or 260X GPU.


If the Reddit source is correct, the 'all new engine' could be a massively reworked version of iDtech, but Skyrim also boasted a 'new' engine that eventually proved to be just another iteration of the Gamebryo one. and the trailer looks awfully like Skyrim with better assets and a better post processing system. I think the plan to use an amazing new engine faltered for the reason I said above, and Fallout 4, like Witcher 3, ended up returning to an engine based on the last gen console code.


The dreadful performance of Microsoft's Xbone console is going to be crippling PC gaming for years to come.

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In response to post #25811829. #25812254, #25812534, #25812919 are all replies on the same post.

Mohamed2001 wrote:


In response to post #25811344.

djhater wrote: Why doesn't anyone care that Fallout 4 is still NOT being developed by the actual real creator of Fallout?? The Original creator knows the world, lore and vision better than anyone.
"My idea is to explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun."

It does not matter is 1994 vs 2015 or isometric vs 3d/fps It's still Tim Cain's vision ....
You really think the creator doesn't know games evolved?? that 3d games exist? he wanted to 3D too.
Tim is the only guy actually qualified to do a real proper Fallout game(that would NOT disappoint)
His skills/stats system influenced TES games as well as other rpg games.
It's his world his vision and he should be working on it Not that TES retard Todd Howard.

Quotes from Tim(Original Fallout creator) about Fallout 3
"FEV was supposed to be localized to CA, I would have done something completely different."
"If I were to compare the two games, I would say that Fallout New Vegas felt like it captured the humor and style of the Fallout universe better than Fallout 3"
"New Vegas is very good and comes closer to FO1 for me than any of the other games."

And don't try arguing irrelevant things like..
"fallout was dead and Bethesda revived it"
"Bethesda made better world in Fallout 3"
"iso-metric vs FPS"
- Other nonsense like "Fallout 3 really better captured the feeling of post-apocalyptic world"

Again NOBODY knows the Fallout world better than it's own creator....
You simply can Not argue with the creator's vision of his Fallout world

Fallout 3 was Not "real Fallout 3"
it was just some "Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay" game with a "fallout name" but only because Bethesda says so. just because you can wander around a "wasteland" doesn't make it "Fallout"
having total 50's theme doesn't make it Fallout.

Never had only stuck in the 1950's overly done retro feel.. the world had moved on since
Fallout had the 50s futuristic theme representing the old pre-war world that was lost, with little remnants of it left behind. Not perpetual 50's life. The 50's styling has always been there,but it was a different kind of 50's styling and it was a lot more subtle.
The soundtracks of Fallout 1 and 2 are very un-retro.

Bethesda basically sued, robbed, shitted on Tim and the rest of the guys(stole his world)


The creators came up with a great universe, but they can't tell a story to save their life.

I'd much rather have a better game than a more "legitimate" game. And Fallout New Vegas was a huge, huge let down... I still haven't finished it...it's just flat, uninteresting, tedious in the extreme. Compared to Fallout 3 that I've played through a few times and dug into every last square foot of the maps. If the "creator" had done Fallout 3 it would have been the last Fallout game ever produced...because it would have killed the franchise.

Fallout 3 knew how to write and tell an good story. Fallout New Vegas...like much of the Obsidian games...felt like a bunch of automated throw away stories with no point, surprise, or character development whatsoever. A million choices...all equally meaningless, mundane, and repetitive...combined with the worlds worst and most tedious crafting systems imaginable.





Fallout 3 had a good story?






Best story ever.


Best RPG ever.


Nothing can beat this masterpiece.




A - Worst dialogue ever. "Your face looks like my butt." "You must have such a good looking butt then."


B - useless choices. Does it matter if I nuke Megaton or not? SPOILERS: No.


C - Attachment to story = ZERO. Do I FEEL like I should save those people and NOT poison the water? No, I don't. It's daddy's dream, not mine. I do not feel like that at all. Do I feel attached to Megaton, and feel strong feelings to not nuke it? No. I do not.




Also, a RPG is grey, not black and white. You get 2 evils. You choose the lesser one and hope for the best.


Fallout 3 is literally black and white.


Do you wish to nuke Megaton or not? People die if you nuke it, -1000 Karma. Clearly evil. People don't die if you don't do it, +1000 karma. Clearly good.


Do you wish to poison Project Purity or not? See above.


Do you wish to help Big Town survive or not? See above, but I don't think there's a Karma penalty.


Do-.. You get the point.

Zeruel241 wrote: To be fair, nuking Megaton cannot be that evil if you can wash the bad karma away by giving a random hobo a thousand bottles of purified water.
Thviker wrote: And with purified water bottles just lying around everywhere, it's strange why they can't just search in the nearby buildings themselves :/
Zeruel241 wrote: They are just following the example set by the FO3 Super Mutants: why consume the countless amounts of 200 year old fresh food and water you are surrounded by that's perfectly safe to consume when you can struggle to get it off of other folks?

To be fair, Fallout 3 isn't literally black and white.
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In response to post #25811829. #25812254, #25812534, #25812919, #25814709 are all replies on the same post.

Mohamed2001 wrote:


In response to post #25811344.

djhater wrote: Why doesn't anyone care that Fallout 4 is still NOT being developed by the actual real creator of Fallout?? The Original creator knows the world, lore and vision better than anyone.
"My idea is to explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun."

It does not matter is 1994 vs 2015 or isometric vs 3d/fps It's still Tim Cain's vision ....
You really think the creator doesn't know games evolved?? that 3d games exist? he wanted to 3D too.
Tim is the only guy actually qualified to do a real proper Fallout game(that would NOT disappoint)
His skills/stats system influenced TES games as well as other rpg games.
It's his world his vision and he should be working on it Not that TES retard Todd Howard.

Quotes from Tim(Original Fallout creator) about Fallout 3
"FEV was supposed to be localized to CA, I would have done something completely different."
"If I were to compare the two games, I would say that Fallout New Vegas felt like it captured the humor and style of the Fallout universe better than Fallout 3"
"New Vegas is very good and comes closer to FO1 for me than any of the other games."

And don't try arguing irrelevant things like..
"fallout was dead and Bethesda revived it"
"Bethesda made better world in Fallout 3"
"iso-metric vs FPS"
- Other nonsense like "Fallout 3 really better captured the feeling of post-apocalyptic world"

Again NOBODY knows the Fallout world better than it's own creator....
You simply can Not argue with the creator's vision of his Fallout world

Fallout 3 was Not "real Fallout 3"
it was just some "Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay" game with a "fallout name" but only because Bethesda says so. just because you can wander around a "wasteland" doesn't make it "Fallout"
having total 50's theme doesn't make it Fallout.

Never had only stuck in the 1950's overly done retro feel.. the world had moved on since
Fallout had the 50s futuristic theme representing the old pre-war world that was lost, with little remnants of it left behind. Not perpetual 50's life. The 50's styling has always been there,but it was a different kind of 50's styling and it was a lot more subtle.
The soundtracks of Fallout 1 and 2 are very un-retro.

Bethesda basically sued, robbed, shitted on Tim and the rest of the guys(stole his world)


The creators came up with a great universe, but they can't tell a story to save their life.

I'd much rather have a better game than a more "legitimate" game. And Fallout New Vegas was a huge, huge let down... I still haven't finished it...it's just flat, uninteresting, tedious in the extreme. Compared to Fallout 3 that I've played through a few times and dug into every last square foot of the maps. If the "creator" had done Fallout 3 it would have been the last Fallout game ever produced...because it would have killed the franchise.

Fallout 3 knew how to write and tell an good story. Fallout New Vegas...like much of the Obsidian games...felt like a bunch of automated throw away stories with no point, surprise, or character development whatsoever. A million choices...all equally meaningless, mundane, and repetitive...combined with the worlds worst and most tedious crafting systems imaginable.





Fallout 3 had a good story?






Best story ever.


Best RPG ever.


Nothing can beat this masterpiece.




A - Worst dialogue ever. "Your face looks like my butt." "You must have such a good looking butt then."


B - useless choices. Does it matter if I nuke Megaton or not? SPOILERS: No.


C - Attachment to story = ZERO. Do I FEEL like I should save those people and NOT poison the water? No, I don't. It's daddy's dream, not mine. I do not feel like that at all. Do I feel attached to Megaton, and feel strong feelings to not nuke it? No. I do not.




Also, a RPG is grey, not black and white. You get 2 evils. You choose the lesser one and hope for the best.


Fallout 3 is literally black and white.


Do you wish to nuke Megaton or not? People die if you nuke it, -1000 Karma. Clearly evil. People don't die if you don't do it, +1000 karma. Clearly good.


Do you wish to poison Project Purity or not? See above.


Do you wish to help Big Town survive or not? See above, but I don't think there's a Karma penalty.


Do-.. You get the point.

Zeruel241 wrote: To be fair, nuking Megaton cannot be that evil if you can wash the bad karma away by giving a random hobo a thousand bottles of purified water.
Thviker wrote: And with purified water bottles just lying around everywhere, it's strange why they can't just search in the nearby buildings themselves :/
Zeruel241 wrote: They are just following the example set by the FO3 Super Mutants: why consume the countless amounts of 200 year old fresh food and water you are surrounded by that's perfectly safe to consume when you can struggle to get it off of other folks?
Arkngt wrote: To be fair, Fallout 3 isn't literally black and white.

Yes it is, but so are almost all games so that's nothing special :/
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In response to post #25811829. #25812254, #25812534, #25812919, #25814709, #25814844 are all replies on the same post.

Mohamed2001 wrote:


In response to post #25811344.

djhater wrote: Why doesn't anyone care that Fallout 4 is still NOT being developed by the actual real creator of Fallout?? The Original creator knows the world, lore and vision better than anyone.
"My idea is to explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun."

It does not matter is 1994 vs 2015 or isometric vs 3d/fps It's still Tim Cain's vision ....
You really think the creator doesn't know games evolved?? that 3d games exist? he wanted to 3D too.
Tim is the only guy actually qualified to do a real proper Fallout game(that would NOT disappoint)
His skills/stats system influenced TES games as well as other rpg games.
It's his world his vision and he should be working on it Not that TES retard Todd Howard.

Quotes from Tim(Original Fallout creator) about Fallout 3
"FEV was supposed to be localized to CA, I would have done something completely different."
"If I were to compare the two games, I would say that Fallout New Vegas felt like it captured the humor and style of the Fallout universe better than Fallout 3"
"New Vegas is very good and comes closer to FO1 for me than any of the other games."

And don't try arguing irrelevant things like..
"fallout was dead and Bethesda revived it"
"Bethesda made better world in Fallout 3"
"iso-metric vs FPS"
- Other nonsense like "Fallout 3 really better captured the feeling of post-apocalyptic world"

Again NOBODY knows the Fallout world better than it's own creator....
You simply can Not argue with the creator's vision of his Fallout world

Fallout 3 was Not "real Fallout 3"
it was just some "Post-Apocalyptic Roleplay" game with a "fallout name" but only because Bethesda says so. just because you can wander around a "wasteland" doesn't make it "Fallout"
having total 50's theme doesn't make it Fallout.

Never had only stuck in the 1950's overly done retro feel.. the world had moved on since
Fallout had the 50s futuristic theme representing the old pre-war world that was lost, with little remnants of it left behind. Not perpetual 50's life. The 50's styling has always been there,but it was a different kind of 50's styling and it was a lot more subtle.
The soundtracks of Fallout 1 and 2 are very un-retro.

Bethesda basically sued, robbed, shitted on Tim and the rest of the guys(stole his world)


The creators came up with a great universe, but they can't tell a story to save their life.

I'd much rather have a better game than a more "legitimate" game. And Fallout New Vegas was a huge, huge let down... I still haven't finished it...it's just flat, uninteresting, tedious in the extreme. Compared to Fallout 3 that I've played through a few times and dug into every last square foot of the maps. If the "creator" had done Fallout 3 it would have been the last Fallout game ever produced...because it would have killed the franchise.

Fallout 3 knew how to write and tell an good story. Fallout New Vegas...like much of the Obsidian games...felt like a bunch of automated throw away stories with no point, surprise, or character development whatsoever. A million choices...all equally meaningless, mundane, and repetitive...combined with the worlds worst and most tedious crafting systems imaginable.





Fallout 3 had a good story?






Best story ever.


Best RPG ever.


Nothing can beat this masterpiece.




A - Worst dialogue ever. "Your face looks like my butt." "You must have such a good looking butt then."


B - useless choices. Does it matter if I nuke Megaton or not? SPOILERS: No.


C - Attachment to story = ZERO. Do I FEEL like I should save those people and NOT poison the water? No, I don't. It's daddy's dream, not mine. I do not feel like that at all. Do I feel attached to Megaton, and feel strong feelings to not nuke it? No. I do not.




Also, a RPG is grey, not black and white. You get 2 evils. You choose the lesser one and hope for the best.


Fallout 3 is literally black and white.


Do you wish to nuke Megaton or not? People die if you nuke it, -1000 Karma. Clearly evil. People don't die if you don't do it, +1000 karma. Clearly good.


Do you wish to poison Project Purity or not? See above.


Do you wish to help Big Town survive or not? See above, but I don't think there's a Karma penalty.


Do-.. You get the point.

Zeruel241 wrote: To be fair, nuking Megaton cannot be that evil if you can wash the bad karma away by giving a random hobo a thousand bottles of purified water.
Thviker wrote: And with purified water bottles just lying around everywhere, it's strange why they can't just search in the nearby buildings themselves :/
Zeruel241 wrote: They are just following the example set by the FO3 Super Mutants: why consume the countless amounts of 200 year old fresh food and water you are surrounded by that's perfectly safe to consume when you can struggle to get it off of other folks?
Arkngt wrote: To be fair, Fallout 3 isn't literally black and white.
Thviker wrote: Yes it is, but so are almost all games so that's nothing special :/

Being there since the beginning, Fallout NV is the best out of the slight reboot. Fallout 4 is looking better. We will see how MIT turns out. Edited by KeltecRFB
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I admit I am mostly excited about the dog and its textures and the slight improvement mesh wise, animations for it are better then FO3/FNV but could be better still. But then again most people know I just like dogs in general lol.


I hope this is a older version of the game and/or pre-render, because the rest is alittle iffy texture/mesh/animation wise.


I will reserve the judgement on that after E3 and more info is released.


My hopes is FO3 world design, FNV character and story design (not appearance but personality ect), I think that would be a great game.


Mostly please just give us good RPG elements and some survival stuff built in like FNV Hardcore.

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