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Fallout 4 Graphics Controversy.


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Am I the only the one who is certain that the reveal trailer was nothing more than the CGI trailer from Mirada?


I don't believe we've been shown in engine graphics yet.


Someone tell me I'm not the only one who's put some rational thought to this.





Edited by SoberBarn
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I was thinking the same, it's pretty similar to New Vegas' CGI trailer.


Even if it is actual gameplay, I'm not completely sure why people are making such a fuss about graphics, they look far better than Skyrim IMO.


But people will always find something to be mad/disappointing about, so what can you do, eh?

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I thought the characters looked a little off. They lacked fine detail that you'd expect to see. The whole thing just didn't say "This is a game"


I assumed it was the rumored Mirada trailer from the moment I saw it and never expected it to be a representation of the in game graphics.

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I remember when people played video games for the story/writing/content rather than the graphics. As long as the story and exploration and the content is good, the graphics are the last thing I care about.

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The point here isn't whether or not graphics are good or bad or if they matter or don't matter.


I'm asking if anyone thinks the trailer is really rendered in game, or if its just a CGI trailer produced by Mirada.

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It looks 2005-2008 CGIish. Whether the game is going to graphically reach the 2014 standard is anyone's guess. Plus it's a cross-gen game, so don't expect mouth watering graphics in the final product.

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Don't get your panties in a wad over the graphics in the trailer. The trailer was probably done some months ago and is more than likely based on the Xbox graphics if it is even based on actual game graphics at all. Not at all what you are going to see on your PC. How about accepting that the trailer is advertising, and like most advertising is idealized for a certain demographic. It has been 'massaged' by graphic artists and been through a dozen approvals by various vice presidents in charge of vice and advice. Each of whom had their own ideas of what it should and should not be. And none of what it really is. On the other hand, as a marketing tool it has worked very well - it has generated a lot of hype and a lot of controversy, which is all good for their pre-release sales.


Just accept it for what it is - advertising designed to get your hopes up and get you to throw money at Beth. :cool:

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