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I cracked Oblivion!

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Yes, the title misleading but I've cracked it, literally. My disc is cracked :(


I have the game installed but I can't play it as it requires the disc. My computer won't read it.


I don't want to fork out another £15-20 (right now, anyway). So, is there any ways I can play Oblivion without the need of the disc, legally?


(No CD cracks are out of the question as they're illegal, and will get me banned.)


Cheers for reading.

Edited by xiiROSS
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Thanks for posting,


The copy of Oblivion (GOTY Edition) wasn't a steam version, or had a code or anything on it. So, using steam seems to be out of the question.


Also, I don't think Bethesda will do repairs for discs anymore, or refund the disc. I'll try repairing the disc myself, if that fails I'll have to buy it again. Luckily, CD2 is fine, so I won't have to buy another GOTY edition.


Thanks for the replys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before my disc broke I made a .ISO backup as I do with all my software because I lose CDs a lot. Anyway way I just mount it to virtual drive to play until I get a new disc


If you have a genuine copy, it can be mounted. I'm not sure if I am allowed to link to it, so I will just say search for Daemon Tools. It is not ilegal software, but many copy protected disks will not run from images mounted in this way.

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The .iso I made of my disc when it started showing cracks along the inner rim won't run the uninstall for some reason, so I have to haul out the disc when I need to reinstall. Is that normal?


You should have an uninstall option under Control Panel / Programs . This runs a local UninstallShield uninstaller from 'Program Files\Common Files\Installshield\...'

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