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TES V, Mounts?


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I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to be terribly disappointed if they do not include horses.


That way, it will definitely confirm that every TES game is getting more dumbed down than getting more innovative.


While I agree horses in Oblivion were quite flawed, they were heavy and clumsy, but WERE useful early for a character who did not develop athletics skill and/or did not have speed increasing items.


The thing is, TES is THE ultimate RPG experience for me. It has absolutely everything, it not having horses because they were flawed in previous games is not an excuse for not improving upon them.


Mount & Blade was a game originally developed by two people, TWO. And even back in the early development phase they had excellent horse combat, so why can't a multi million company do it?


If they don't include it in the retail version, I highly hope they will release it in a DLC/expansion.

Edited by BloodRaven666
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this is most excellent news. SKYRIM now has even more potential for EPIC modding.


The best part is,Todd will likely not have allowed mounts to enter the game unless they do them RIGHT.


I'll be in my room... :whistling:

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To be honest, when Bethesda said they are thinking about it I was sure they wouldn't include them, well, I gotta say I'm glad I was wrong :)



It's often been my experience that when they say 'We don't know' or 'We have no plans' it usually means they're working on and don't yet feel like revealing that information just yet

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Would have liked to see mounts of some skyrim exclusive fauna. maybe not mammoths but surly there are other domesticated or suitable wildlife? As long as it is not predator mounts.. those are just unrealistic, save huge domesticated wolves.. which i suppose are feasible.

Like the guar in Morrowind?

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I think the fjord horse would be a most suitable mount for skyrim, it belongs in a cold climate. Hopefully someone eventually mods them into skyrim.



from wikipedia


"The Fjord horse is one of the world's oldest and purest breeds. Horse were known to exist in Norway at the end of the last ice age. It is believed that the ancestors of the modern Fjord horse migrated to Norway and were domesticated over 4,000 years ago. Archaeological excavations at Viking burial sites indicate that the Fjord horse type has been selectively bred for at least 2,000 years.[1][3] The Fjord horse and its ancestors have been used for hundreds of years as farm animals in western Norway. Even as late as World War II, they were useful for work in mountainous terrain. The Fjord horse also has a long recorded history of pure breeding without crossbreeding from other sources.[3]



The Fjord horse is featured as a charge on the coat of arms of the Nordfjord municipalities of Gloppen and Eid."

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