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Which gender do you usually play?


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i prefer the innocent and mischievous character that WILL END YOU IF YOU SAY ANYTHING I DONT LIKE! types. all of fun... though to be honest if an unimportant NPC is just wandering about and they cross my path, their probably going to die whether they no it or not.

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All serious RPs are males. I simply cannot emulate the many considerations a woman about to embark on a journey of travelling, fighting and dragon slaying has to make that a guy would't have to.


This sexism, urgh. :armscrossed: If you mean menstruation, athletic amenorrhea takes care of that with those playing buff warrior characters. Actually, starvation in struggling to survive can trigger it too. It's seems fitting if you're into survival mods.

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This sexism, urgh. :armscrossed: If you mean menstruation, athletic amenorrhea takes care of that with those playing buff warrior characters. Actually, starvation in struggling to survive can trigger it too. It's seems fitting if you're into survival mods.



Told you I don't know enough about women to RP one :P

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I usually play females because they are fun to make. I use Frostfall so after my character finds their first cloak I don't see much of them any more.


It all started with Oblivion. My fist play through was a male (on Xbox). In my second(on computer) I decided to play a female. She looked ghastly. I didn't know the first thing about creating a good looking female. I looked on the internet to find pretty saves to use as examples & that's when I found the Nexus(back in 2007). I took me a long time to learn how to make petty or beautiful females. It has become the first challenge of most games I play.


I do know some people(male & female) that will not play the Witcher series because they can't create or play a female. For me if the challenge of creating the perfect female in a game is not there, its fine.

My second favorite game series is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. & there are no females at all in that game.



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In games like Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout New Vegas, etc. I have always played male characters. Though a game I have been thinking about playing, Vampire: The Masquerade, I am going to play as a Female Vampire. Then probably do up a Female Blood-sucking Dragonborn for Skyrim. Now that I am finally getting around to installing a Mod Organizer setup, will be great to try out some different Character Profiles with mod loads personalized to each unique character.

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I'm male, but play almost exclusively female characters for two reasons.


First, I prefer girls as main characters in general. I honestly have no idea why - it's not a sexual thing or an issue with my gender identity. They just appeal to me more. Even as a writer, I find myself having a marked preference for female protagonists.


Second, I find that it's almost impossible to make a good male character in Skyrim. Aside from the fact that most vanilla male models look like they've been beaten with a shovel made out of ugly, I just really hate that slightly hunched forward posture they have.

Edited by Relativelybest
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I usually play male argonian in skyrim but may occasionally play female. To me, it doesn't usually matter in games unless there is a major stat gap like in other TES games. PS does anyone else think that the female specific dialogue sounds a bit more forced than the male dialogue?

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I usually play male argonian in skyrim but may occasionally play female. To me, it doesn't usually matter in games unless there is a major stat gap like in other TES games. PS does anyone else think that the female specific dialogue sounds a bit more forced than the male dialogue?


I write all my mod dialogue with a male player character in mind, and then just adjust it here and there when needed for a female player character.



I agree that it doesn't really matter much, Skyrim and games like it are designed to be all about the world around you, it isn't really about the character and their personal drama. I could play Skyrim as a doorknob and still have fun. (no, please don't make this mod...)

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