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Which gender do you usually play?


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From what I have observed (am older female Gamer) I think people get this impression because as a general rule (not all) Men have a tendency to take more chances and not get quite so emotionally involved with the Characters they create, Women (once again as a general rule) tend to be more cautious and connect more so with their characters emotionally...and so thus reflected in their Game and how they approach their choices in Game, giving the impression of greater care and strategy.

makes sense to me



Lol no, the survey says 9% females...

you know i might have been thinking of a different survey.

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Female here, and I feel more comfortable playing my two male characters then ever as a female. I try and it never lasts for long. Mainly because I prefer the designs of the male armors over their female armors, and in Skyrim's case, their animations as well, since the females seem too dainty to ever be "me". I suppose my male characters might count as being androgynous (or to a degree) too for being a bit on the skinny side, no facial hair, and usually longer hair, so that kind of also makes up for if I were to play a character based on myself.

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i wouldnt say females are better, just most underestimate how good they are. i dont, i think it's balanced.

I guess when i said that i was referring to personal experience, i have seen a lot of females shut guys up really fast, Like i said in previous post, i quit MMO's for this main reason, are you male or female playing your character, i mean honestly i must be old school,because when i first got involved into gaming and MMO's i never thought the Requirment was, are you a guy or girl, i mean come on even in society Woman are the more dominate in the work force, people need to open thier eyes and accept woman for what they are, which is very creative when it comes to games, i have seen some amazing work on here since i joined, and like said yes a good portion of these mods are done by female, but why does it matter so much to these younger kids or teens if it's a guy or girl, do they think that they are going to get lucky? Seriously trying to use gaming as a form of getting off or trying to pick up woman is not reality.


When it comes to the oppisite sex and gaming i hold mutual respect for them, if they are down to earth and respectful, then i don't care if its a guy or girl playing, we have too much in life to worry about, when new players comes to gaming they should be able to be themselves and not pretend.

Edited by shep8234
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