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How did YOU react to the teaser?


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The video has more views than the original trailer!


Here are the lyrics:


Holy s***, what is this?

Forged in God's very flames.


Do mine eyes tell me lies,

A new Elder Scrolls Game?


Time is nigh, I must fly,

Venture forth on my quest.


Goodbye Ma, goodbye Pa

And goodbye Girlfriend's breasts.


I'll be off Azeroth, catch you later Hyrule.

I'll be gone Albion, I'm no longer your fool.


Other crap filled the gap

While I waited to begin...


The adventure of my life

in the land of Skyrim!

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I have to agree with Fonger that a teaser which effectively tells us and shows us nothing besides foreshadowing a few of the game's contents was rather disappointing. However when they do actually come out with a gameplay or theatrical trailer I think people will be frothing at the mouth to get the game, even doubters who besides gripes will be playing it come next winter.
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I was watching the Spike video game awards that day on satellite. I saw fog, then men in hoods, then a man in jeans o_O


Of course I have seen Todd before, so I was not that impressed because I thought he was going to talk about how awesome Fallout: New Vegas was. I thought he was going to talk about Rage or Brink or Hunted, I did not expect to hear Skyrim.


*passes out*






I missed the teaser! All I remember seeing was the big 11.11.11! *pass out again* So I had to look it up on the you tube as they somehow have it the very second it comes out, but it was not there! *starts crying* I thought waiting might help, so the next day or two I could not sleep, eat, or do anything but wait.


Then I saw it here under Skyrim. I still could not believe it. Five years in the waiting and I don't get anything but a context and release date (good enough for me). GI just filled in all the gaps, almost.



More serious tho, isn't that what teaser are supposed to do, make you want more and not get anywhere besides a name and release date?

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My reaction? Well..


In bullet point format, and chronological order;


+ Cross fingers.

+ Hope for not another fake/fan made trailer with footage from some old Warhammer game.

+ Face close to screen.

+ Scratch head.

+ Heart race increased.

+ Pulse skyrocketed.

+ Tears formed at "Dragonborn!"

+ Jumped out of seat.

+ Drop to the floor.

+ Drool.

+ Cried a little.

+ Perpetual clicking of the Replay button.

+ Repeat for an hour.

+ See if it is already posted on www.thenexusforums.com


And there you go.

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Haha, that video made me laugh so hard because it's pretty much how I reacted :P Minus the boner of course lol. I was checking my e-mail and went here and it said Skyrim was announced and I said "F** yeah SKYRIM!!!" and jumped up and down like I won the lottery. My boyfriend just looked at me all funny :P
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