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We don't serve food here! Bartender says.


A sandwich walks into a bar.



Hey guys, I'm going to tell you a joke so bad it rips through the time creating an effective time machine! Oh, wait.

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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Why not?


Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it wanted to and its none of your business anyway, so there!


Why did the chicken cross the road?

To avoid all the people hanging around to see why the chicken crossed the road.


Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because of the news reporters that were there. We all know what the news media can be like.

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A piece of string walks into a bar, sits down and orders a drink.

The bartender says 'Sorry, but we dont serve your kind here', so the string scoffs and walks out.

He then ties himself in a knot and rolls around, then goes back and orders again.

The bartender says 'Arent you that string from before?'

To which the string replies 'Nope, frayed knot!'


A horse walks into a bar. Animal control quickly arrives on scene to remove it.

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Why did the chicken 'cross the Road'?

Because only the chicken dared to 'cross the infamous criminal, the Road'.

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Eight Words with two Meanings



1. THINGY (thing-ee) n.

Female...... Any part under a car's hood.

Male..... The strap fastener on a woman's bra.


2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj.

Female.... Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another.

Male.... Playing cricket without a box.


3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.

Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.

Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.


4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n.

Female.... A desire to get married and raise a family.

Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.


5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.

Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book.

Male...... Anything that can be done while drinking beer.


6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n.

Female.... An embarrassing by product of indigestion.

Male...... A source of entertainment, self-expression, male bonding.


7 MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n.

Female...... The greatest expression of intimacy a couple can achieve.

Male.. Call it whatever you want, just as long as we do it.


8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.

Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.

Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

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Made up with a friend IRL, and posted in a status update a while back:


*at the crime scene, a crosswalk*

A: It looks like a pretty bad car collision here; the guy is dead, without a doubt.

B: What do you know about the victim?

A: Reports say he was a very paranoid guy who had a troubled past. Even tried to commit suicide a couple times. Poor guy.

B: Well...it looks like this chicken...

*puts on sunglasses*

...couldn't cross the road.



Jack and Jill

Went up the hill

To have a little fun.


Stupid Jill

Forgot the Pill

And now they have a son.






Made my morning.

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