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Man dies after marathon online gaming session


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Ooooh, I forgot about BF3. But I wont be getting it yet.


The next coming timesink is Crysis 2, SP & MP. Hell, I'm upgrading my internet connection just to play it! :D


I will probs be stocking up on biscuits and have a long tube going from my water tank in the fridge to me.


OH NOES! I just found a problem! How will we do massive week long runs without the toilet! :P

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Crysis 2 maybe, but Homefront is coming out sooner then Crysis 2 and that looks like one heck of a Single player game and one heck of a Multiplayer one as well. Though if that doesn't turn out back to BF:BC2 for MP, Crysis 2 if it lacks dedicated servers its going to turn into MW2 meets Crysis 1 in the terms of hacks.


As for the toilet, upgrade to Tim Tailors' Mans Bath Room complete with 36 Inc Plamsa Screen TV in front of the toilet, you can hook your PC into that :)

Edited by Gracinfields
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How on earth does anyone manage gaming sessions as long as you guys describe? Between working full time and looking after my eighty year old kids aka parents, I would never have the time!


ah well, I'm a housewife living in a studio apartment, I got plenty of time on my hands. ;) I don't play as heavily as I used to, as no games can catch my attention like that anymore. Games are too easy these days...games used to take months...now they take hours...


But yes, when Skyrim comes out, the house is going to be a mess :P The Witcher 2 will probably do that to me too lol, got a feeling that's not going to be a very long game though.

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This is an attitude that I strongly despise, as it seems gamers have this habit of thinking somebody is going to blame their hobby for everything that goes wrong around it. Nobody isout to get the gamers, get used to that, The age of 'games cause violence' etc is long since past.



Wrong, sorry.



Its happened in the past, it still happens and will continue to happen for the simple reason that when people need to blame something for a tragic event, they will.


I know its crap of the bovine variety, as do you, but there will have been people that read that story and blamed the computer game and not the gamer.



Remember, the human race contains people that thought using a mobile phone would give you cancer or fry your brain.

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Wow, I thought playing Halo 3 for 7 hours straight (which I did this morning lol) was bad.


Jeepers! I can only manage Halo 3 for an hour or two max (per session, that is).


I remember once, my friend and I played Oblivion for just about 24 hours straight.... and the strangest thing was that it was on a PS3 (i.e. unmodded). :ohmy:


Still though, good times... rare cases of insomnia FTW! :D

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