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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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31 minutes ago, RomanR said:

@Machsc: It looks like some alarm clock. Could it be Auto-Save and Time or Time Manager? Mainly a first one displays same message according to its description page.

I was also thinking about the Time Manager. That's the one I use and I remember disabling those reminders back when I installed it. It should be in the settings, if memory serves.

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9 hours ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

I was also thinking about the Time Manager. That's the one I use and I remember disabling those reminders back when I installed it. It should be in the settings, if memory serves.

I actually found it... it's purge buffer cells plus plus 

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So I solved my first problem... but now I need a mod, I can't switch my weapons in combat fast enough with hot keys. The whole point of hot keys is to switch your weapons fast. But I hit the number on the key board and it will not obey my orders, in the menu it says can't switch weapons while attacking. 


I'm hoping there is a simple mod out there that fixes this Bethesda stupidity 

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9 minutes ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

You just need to wait a second or two for the animation to finish playing. Then you can change your weapon or spell while still in combat.

That's the whole problem.... I am spamming attacks, my weapons won't switch.  I'm hoping there is a mod that cuts off the Animation and switches the weapons/spells

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Detectives

i need help remembering the identity of a lovely armor HGEC i think for female companions It is called pao1 and pao2 and i think it is found in a chest on the dock at Anvil. there were only two single pieces of it here is a picture. it is IN my current install of Oblvion that i have been playing for over 12 years but I have forgotten the name of it.  I stored the suits away years ago in some chest in one of my houses and cant recall where i left them

well looking at the pictrues i see the boots match the top so i guess there were two parts to the outfit. thanks for help on this if possible.





Edited by CrisG99
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OK did some digging this is Krista's Lady Apella, now i need the links for it if anyone has them. Looks like i may need the conversion to match the HGEC /BB body i am using. thanks for any help on this.

I do have the mod installed, but Krista's mods do not respawn. So if i turn off the mod in data files and turn it back on  will the armor re appear?

thanks for any help on this


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  • 1 month later...

I have tried searching for this--it is a mod I got back when Oblivion was Beth's most recent game, but it's hard to describe it in a way that search engines get. Please bear with me (sorry for the length of this post).

I don't know if it was classified as a city or something else (I doubt it was a home, maybe a vendor mod, but it was much closer to being a small city). Somewhere in the part of the Niben which circles the capital, one would find an unusual ship/barge. It looked--on the outside--like an NPC patched together bits of old scows, so it had a very 'poor-ish' look. It wasn't an open at all IIRC--just jumped on and entered it.
The interior was the brilliant thing about this mod. In exploring the 'inside' it became clear that whomever (again, in in-world terms) had built it, had integrated the barge/ship with underground spaces; and the mod-maker had, in the most seamless and incredible way, incorporated different architectural styles (including Aylied). Walking around the interior make you think that someone who was a master of architectural design created this space. (Or you would think it was chaotic, or lore-breaking, etc.)

The overall 'vibe' of the place was very underworldly--very suited to thieves and the like. I know there was at least one merchant, but there may have been more. There was a bar area inside, I think at the uppermost area, but I recall there being lots of small areas throughout, which made it feel vary multipurpose.

Unfortunately, it's been so long since I have played Oblivion, so I no longer have the mods I once used, but I remember that for overall design this was one of my absolute favorites.

Thank you so much for whatever assistance can be provided. 

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