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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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That's one of my own pics, so here goes:


The armor is a very old one by ancient_laws. It's a rip from another game, so it's not downloadable here. But a little google-fu should get you to his mods that are still around.


The sword is an AION rip from a set that is called "aion dragon weapons". Again I can not link you, since I downloaded that a while ago, but I think Google can help here, too. But BE AWARE that I heavily recolored it (like, completely) to match the armor. The original weapons have a red/orange/flame color theme.


ah yes i was afraid it wasnt available here on tesnexus...


still thanks for giving me some names and stuff this gets me somewhere using google, just too bad i cant read chinese... or russian for that matter...

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That's one of my own pics, so here goes:


The armor is a very old one by ancient_laws. It's a rip from another game, so it's not downloadable here. But a little google-fu should get you to his mods that are still around.


The sword is an AION rip from a set that is called "aion dragon weapons". Again I can not link you, since I downloaded that a while ago, but I think Google can help here, too. But BE AWARE that I heavily recolored it (like, completely) to match the armor. The original weapons have a red/orange/flame color theme.


ah yes i was afraid it wasnt available here on tesnexus...


still thanks for giving me some names and stuff this gets me somewhere using google, just too bad i cant read chinese... or russian for that matter...


Well, google chrome fixes that...mostly. Also, you might have an easier time finding it using dogpile... :whistling:

Edited by theabyss
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Havent had the chance to test it yet but im not sure if the first link is really priestess of dibella, i mean it does look similar but the pic with the exact shape is not in the page... like i said, havent had the chance yet so i dont know if it comes with it...



I'll help you with the first link, it's nor priestess of dibella. It's Called Lady Fantasy HGEC, and I believe it's a rip so I can't post any links here. Try using google, it shouldn't be too hard to find.


Thanks!; found it


Now ive found some more things i was looking for but im still missing some hairstyles like this one, this one, this one, and maybe this one altough is a little dark so i cant see well if its the same as the first.


And this armor looks cool too so if anyone knows something about it...


I know is a lot but im installing the game so i need a lot of mods before its ready...

Im specially interested in the first two hairstyles so i'wd apreciate any info :)

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Now ive found some more things i was looking for but im still missing some hairstyles like this one, this one, this one, and maybe this one altough is a little dark so i cant see well if its the same as the first.


The second one is from soya hair pack(converted from XM Sims hair, but available at TESNexus). For other hairs, I think they are from SKS Ren hair, or other Sims 2 hair conversion(or some private original hair mod, though I'm not sure).

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Havent had the chance to test it yet but im not sure if the first link is really priestess of dibella, i mean it does look similar but the pic with the exact shape is not in the page... like i said, havent had the chance yet so i dont know if it comes with it...



I'll help you with the first link, it's nor priestess of dibella. It's Called Lady Fantasy HGEC, and I believe it's a rip so I can't post any links here. Try using google, it shouldn't be too hard to find.


Thanks!; found it


Now ive found some more things i was looking for but im still missing some hairstyles like this one, this one, this one, and maybe this one altough is a little dark so i cant see well if its the same as the first.


And this armor looks cool too so if anyone knows something about it...


I know is a lot but im installing the game so i need a lot of mods before its ready...

Im specially interested in the first two hairstyles so i'wd apreciate any info :)

First, third and fourth hairstyles are from the SKS Rens collection, which is no longer available for download (and if it's on some file sharing website, then shame on the moron who uploaded them without permission!). The first and fourth are not the same.


Second hairstyle is from Soya 4 Hair Pack (German) or (English).


The armour is a rip and again, otherwise unlinkable.

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I am looking for an oblivion version of the short dresses and gloves in this mod Asharas Formal Clothing - Fallout 3(http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12546) . I try to google but I only find more fallout mods for this. I was wondering if anyone knows if they exist for oblivion. Thank you!
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Laughing: Depends on what you like and dislike - Yes, a lot of it is bikini armor or is more in the "cute" direciton, but as for actual armor there isn't much that's focused on the female form.


kirinann: I don't think there is an Oblivion version of either, other than that the short dress is a modification of the Terry Malick Ball Gown. Perhaps the gloves from Tona's Mods Store with the texture changed to the gown might work?


phayze81: Sorry, it's a rip. Not sure where to get it, but it's from UT2004 (Enigma's body, to be exact)

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