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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I had a mod on my old computer for oblivion that was a portable home that would pop up a stone slab with I think a lions head on it and when you went inside there would be a chest right where you end up so you can put stuff in it if you where over encumbered and I believe had 3 rooms that had a bed, tons of storage (I believe 6 chests 2 Jewelery Cases 1 desk 2 wardrobes and 2 nightstands, It had a big round table in one of the rooms and I don't think it had any spell making or item enchanting area in it. I know the exit looked like an oblivion gate and made a weird growl sound on exit. If you know what the name of this mod is and where and I can get it I would be very grateful. If you have it but don't know where to find it online (and are able to send it to me) you can send it to [email protected] Thank You


I don't know about that one, but there is one called The box located here http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/16857/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=16857 is a portable home. I have used it before. Just in case you can't find the other one, you can use this one till then.

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The UI (the bars,etc) looks like it might be Darnified UI


There are a lot of options you can use for it.


Someone else will have to figure out the attire. I have no clue there.

That's what someone told me in the IRC last night. But unfortunately, I've looked at the screenshots of DarNified UI, and none of them appeared to have the prettier bar design. Just the same position for them. I suppose the mod might have the changed colors as an option, but then again it might not.


-What mod creates that beautiful, not-too-showy-yet-not-too-modest character in that masterfully designed attire? I imagine more than one mod went into that player.

Gloves (arm bracers) and boots are from Assassins Creed-Altairs Gear.

The top is an fur armor replacement. I'm not really sure, because there are a lot armor replacers around the Nexus, f.e. Sexier YAARM Fur Armor. (in your image ,the bib was removed - or maybe it is another replacer).

The sleeves seem to come from Huntress armor (available in Apachii Goddess Store).


Have fun.



Alba and Tobjoern. :)


Thanks for the tip. Any idea what created the girl herself though?

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Thanks for the tip. Any idea what created the girl herself though?

Body is ofc some form of hgec (bc most apachii stuff are) That hair seems to be soya / corean because it looks kinda 'flat'.

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The eyepatch is from "Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store". It might also be available in Apachii Goddess Store, I don't really remember. Hiyoko has it for sure. The arms are part of the outfit, which is from Hentai Mania 2.

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1) Is there a mod that change the Dark Brotherhood quest where you clean the Cheydinhal sanctuary. I was pretty disappointed that when you do the quest you're like a lone Assassin in the Tamriel realm, just like becoming a vampire same story here.


2) I am also looking for mods that add new creatures, especially marine and flying animals/creatures.

I got those already installed:





Some new flying monster would be cool.


3) I am looking for this mod Rope Ladders v1.esp


@ Striker879 - many thanks. :-)

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Which race mod is this gorgeous drow guy from?



(Sorry about the sort of dark picture, Nexus won't let me upload any of the other pictures I have of him, saying they're "too big" even though they're smaller than this one. :rolleyes: )

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