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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I used the console to up the horse's personality to 200. Didn't seem to have an effect.


I then added the horse to the faction that comes from the KOTN boots so it would have the "one with nature" benefit. That seems to have helped, but only works on natural animals.


I wonder how high I can pust the personality and whether that would benefit?

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I used the console to up the horse's personality to 200. Didn't seem to have an effect.


I then added the horse to the faction that comes from the KOTN boots so it would have the "one with nature" benefit. That seems to have helped, but only works on natural animals.


I wonder how high I can pust the personality and whether that would benefit?


Horses are in the Prey faction (you can confirm this by checkling any horse with the console command getfactionrank 5d556). You can remove any horse from the Prey faction with setfactionrank 5d556 -1 (after you've selected the horse in the console of course).

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Hi Friends,


I used to have a mod which would allow fast travel from indoors, as well as if enemies were nearby. I cant remember what it was called. Anyone know the mod in question?



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I would like to ask for your help to find a mod that I played a few years ago. This mod placed valuable items from NPCs in a small hidden chest. If I remember correctly, he put a key in each NPC's inventory. This made thievery more challenging.


I've already scoured the Nexus site looking for all related keywords, both in the title and description, and after several hours, I've had no success. Perhaps this mod was downloaded from some other site that is no longer online.


Can anyone help me?

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Umm ... I used to be very active in the modding community and my username was psymon, anyway ... stepped away from all video games and modding them for ... oh about a decade it seems. Getting back into it ... recovered an old drive that had about 900 gigs or so of Bethesda mods. Kinda well categorized. In downloading mods again to get all these installs going ... I've found that several mods no longer available.


Now I'm not going to list everything, but if your a modder who has lost his work or need access to another mod to patch yours or improve on .... just ask.


If your a mod user who wants to then upload that to a site, never-mind. or contact the author if you can. There are some I've found that now have been removed for good reason, so mod research on you ... I'm still getting my sea legs with this again.

Edited by PsymonPrime
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@PsymonPrime, please, do you have those mod that I described right above your post?



Umm ... I used to be very active in the modding community and my username was psymon, anyway ... stepped away from all video games and modding them for ... oh about a decade it seems. Getting back into it ... recovered an old drive that had about 900 gigs or so of Bethesda mods. Kinda well categorized. In downloading mods again to get all these installs going ... I've found that several mods no longer available.


Now I'm not going to list everything, but if your a modder who has lost his work or need access to another mod to patch yours or improve on .... just ask.


If your a mod user who wants to then upload that to a site, never-mind. or contact the author if you can. There are some I've found that now have been removed for good reason, so mod research on you ... I'm still getting my sea legs with this again.

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