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Found any dragon pet/mount mods besides akatosh in your searches Septfox?


Uses variant of Akatosh. Just click the big red button above the picture to download. There's some good stuff on this site, including many things not on the Nexus, but difficult to read if you can't read Russian or have a translator like I do. I downloaded and installed Google Chrome just for the autotranslate feature. Also, I have the link for the blue wolf mount thing that you may've seen around, PM me if you want it, 'cause the site's in Chinese and I'd rather just email it then have to provide instructions and stuff for how to get it. Picture here... http://s1021.photobucket.com/albums/af339/Raithfyre/?action=view&current=OnTheSpright.jpg&newest=1 Also picture of the dragon mount in that one, bit better shot. Here's the link itself.


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Edit: anyone recognize this outfit?


The blog I found it on was showing off the wings, gave no info on the outfit :\


It's something by Sinblood, but I don't recall the name of the outfit. It's in the Gypsy Market mod for the FF body and I believe Apachii adapted it or parts of it for HGEC in her latest version of the Apachii Goddess Store.

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It's something by Sinblood, but I don't recall the name of the outfit. It's in the Gypsy Market mod for the FF body and I believe Apachii adapted it or parts of it for HGEC in her latest version of the Apachii Goddess Store.


Thanks, found it; turned out to be Dominion, from the Nightwalker set of armors.


Too busty for my purposes, though, despite how it looks in the screenshot. Ho well. Back to the search.



Oh, found the ninja version of L.A.M.E. earlier, if anyone wants to figure out how to use it; here.

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efikmalydoskonaly: the witch sets are here, but for everything else it would take a while to completely find everything - But, fortunately, I did download all those mods before the links died, but I'm not sure of the permissions or rights for them are; I guess I should check, and if it's permitted, I may be able to upload them here...



Koben: The equipment is exclusive/private to another site than TESNexus, and even now I don't know if that mod is still up, but for the race do a search for Argonoid and you'll find it.

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Anyone can tell me where I can download this hair, please?



I'm not sure but perhaps I've seen this kind of hair some weeks ago.

I think it was part of a mod called 'Ancient Elven Sorceress'. Search for HS20 or something like that.

Could be the one you're looking for. (IF it's included - as I've said, I'm not sure)




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I am looking for the mod that has this armor :




Thanks for the help in advance.

Quote from the author:


The armor is a retextured HGEC Steel armor replacer.

Textures came from here : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20034

Meshes came from here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24194




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