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I have a ton on mods installed and one of them gives some races a white left eye, like in the screenshot. I would like to unintstall it but I can't figure out which one it is. Could someone please help me out?


Wrong texture on wrong meshes, like eye textures for Ren's eye meshes on Elaborate Eyes meshes. Need your mod list.

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i'll try asking again and post a link to the initial post in the hope it helps finding it(providing they exist)

i'm looking for a Super Luigi armor mod

and a Princess Jasmine clothing mod(both for a themed character and i wanna go all the way with that) and the initial post was this i hope someone can help.

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There are alot of leveling mods out there, many of which increase your attributes dynamically based on your skills.

But im looking for a much simpler mod, one that essentially simply lets me chose where to place my attribute bonuses. It takes 20 minor skill increases and 10 major to get 15 bonus attribute points, i want to keep this as is i just want to chose where to put those 15 points. So if i was increasing athletics acrobatics and light armor i want to be able to increase endurance. And of course if i onlly raised 10 major skills i should onlly have 5 attribute bonus to put where i chose.


It seems much simpler then many leveling mods i saw so there must be one out there.


Thanks for the help


I suggest Wyre Leveling. You pay gold to level up, and then put the attribute and skill points wherever you want. Also if you don't like the default settings you can edit them easily.

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Does anyone know where this armor can be found? I've heard that that author might be SpeedBuster, but I haven't been able to find it in any of the mods he/she has posted.


Don't know where you can find it, but I CAN tell you that is from the Queen's Blade anime. A name should help you along :)


Yeah, hasn't help so far unfortantly, does anyone else know where it might be found? I don't see it on Tes Nexus





Thanks for the quick response, but thats the wrong Queen Blade armor, I'm lookig for this one:



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