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About the "angel wing" outfit by Hentai...


NO, it was not part of Hentai Mania1.


It was, however, released in several Hentai compilation mods in different versions.


Okay, one is here, on a German site: http://www.egg-of-time.us/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=714:hentai-mods-compilation-pack-dv&catid=40:kleidung-ruestueng-schmuck-und-waffen&Itemid=62


Ha! Sometimes it pays of to be German :D

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About the "angel wing" outfit by Hentai...


NO, it was not part of Hentai Mania1.


It was, however, released in several Hentai compilation mods in different versions.


Okay, one is here, on a German site: http://www.egg-of-time.us/portal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=714:hentai-mods-compilation-pack-dv&catid=40:kleidung-ruestueng-schmuck-und-waffen&Itemid=62


Ha! Sometimes it pays of to be German :D


That's great, but no need to be rude to me. I said a similar outfit was in Hentai Mania 1, not that exact one. I was going by the textures at least. It's a dress called Luna. But as you said, it's not the exact one so I guess my suggestion is no good.

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Ack I didn't mean to be rude, I' sorry >.< I was in kind of a hurry and like I said, I am German and English is not my native tongue. I'm sorry if it came across as being rude, that was not my intention :( And it was not directed at you either O.o I was more referring to the fact that it was called a private mod when at the same time it was released in several versions and mods.


@itzkloaz: I don't know if that's a rip or a private mod, but the general consensus is that it's not released publicly. I have no idea what it's even called, so I couldn't even google it for you. :(

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Okay so I downloaded various versions of roberts male body and hgec female body and i want to individually make each NPC either skinny, bulky, muscular...etc based on how my opinion of what body type suits that npc the best. Trying to make Oblivion incredibly immersive as far as graphics go. If someone could help me out with this i will be making a huge npc immersion project and I will post it on here.
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I don't think that's possible, since you can only use one bodymesh - mod per gender. Changing the NPCs in appearance is possible by editing their bodyheight and - weight. That of corse would mean that you have to create a myriad of races, one for every NPC. But the bodymeshes themselves are always the same.
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I remember once having a mod that added a Ogrim companion. Now it is possible I'm confused and this is actually a Morrowind mod (after all these years the two games and the mods for them sort of started bending together in my mind). Does anyone know whether that's real or did I just make that up? Thanks!
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