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A poem a Day


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Together Forever


I never thought the day would come

When I saw her face and fell in love

Not like when you look and like

But true love and connection


Now we are together everyday and night

Only sleep and work have us departed

But just as soon as one of us leaves

We are right back together again


So forever I could go on like this with you

But with the most minor of adjustments

I will not have night or work or anything

Get in the way - being Together Forever with you!

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A New Year comes and the old is swept away

Yet don't forget it, we may need it

For the future is wide and mysterious

Full of wonder and excitement

And tragedy and pain

Sickness and loss

But hope for the next year will linger

We will make it through if we have each other

So here's the start of a great New Year

And many more together with you

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Love is a partner with many faces

Who comes and goes on the road of ages

As long as we attach importance to

It grows from our tender childhood


Made of laughter and made of tears

Love makes us stronger as it disarms

Sometimes cruel or true, always present

It fills our hearts the most beautiful torment


Without which life would be meaningless

And who is better than any silence

For there is hope for those who can share it

And a promise of light for eternity...






L'amour est compagnon ayant bien des visages,

Qui s'en va et revient sur la route des âges,

Pour peu que l'on y attache de l'importance,

Il grandit depuis notre plus tendre enfance,


Il est fait de rires, il est fait de larmes,

Peut nous rendre fort, autant qu'il nous désarme,

Parfois fidèle, parfois cruel, toujours présent,

Il emplit notre coeur du plus beau des tourments,


Celui sans lequel la vie n'aurait aucun sens,

Et qui vaut mieux que n'importe quel silence,

Car il est espoir pour qui sait le partager,

Et promesse de lumière pour l'éternité...


Fifoo - "L'amour" 05/09/2011.


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I fight for freedom

Fight for my life

Fight with my very soul

Defending me and yourself


I will not be the Broken, but the Breaker

Not the Giver, but the Undertaker

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I miss the one I love

More than any would know

Being apart is more than sweet sorrow

Worse than living in a hole

More depressing than breaking up


Yet I will live on with strength

Hoping in the day we embrace again

Working till the next day and looking to you

Never forgetting our love and chemistry

Waiting to be together forever again

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"cold whispers"


in our pasts and mistakes we confide,

and while we linger we decide

the next regretful choice we shall make.




a haiku i wrote some time ago.

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Very good, auraginx!




Nothing is so fair to behold

Than the one I hold at night

None can match her

Never another

Such a thing will never leave me


More wonderful than life itself

She keeps me next to herself

Without a sigh I stay

All day and night

If it could happen, I couldn't leave


That is why I say from inside

From the deepest heart I have

My thoughts declare

Heart exclaims

You are my Amaranthine

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thanks, yours are nice as well. i'll continue to post in here as i've a massive collection. another haiku:


You say I'm perfect-

I say perfection is but

a flaw in itself.

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