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Same Sex Education in Schools


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I completely disagree with this idea on a number of accounts.


Firstly, school systems, as we all know, do NOT have an abundance of resources at there disposal. There are very good reasons why a history class in a given country tends to stick with the history of that country, and why science classes tend to teach mainstream science. Schools both don't have the money to teach the minority factions of these subjects, and also, teaching them would mean that students would be aware of a thousand things and barely know any information on any of it, because they were only given a negligable amount of time to be taught teach subject.


Secondly, the differences between a homocentric and hederocentric sex education class would be minimal at best. From the sex ed classes that I have had, they were not focused what so ever on any sort of "idendity" as you seem to imply, but was entirely focused on one of two things, depending on the age I was when I was taught: In 7th grade, I was given as abstienence-focused education, that as I recall, was fairly gender neutral as is, as it was focused on nobody having sex with anyone to begin with. By the time I was a junior in high school, my second sex ed class had changed its' focus from abstinence to pregnancy and STD prevention, the former of which could be ignored by homosexuals, and the latter is something that both sexualities need to take heed to.


Therefore, I assert that same sex education in schools is a bad idea on account of it being poor resource management for an underresources system, and such a change would be little different from the current system anyways, and would far better be relegated to say... replacing the few classes in my heath class that kept trying to convince us that weed was going to get us killed.

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The worst discrimination in the world is that put on children to be ashamed of themselves and their bodies.

I think nudity should be encouraged in an appropriate forum and experimentation within a controlled group. These groups should be for kids around the same age group and be monitored by the parents so that when these kids grow into young adults they could be more comfortable with each other.


I think when the graduating class goes on their field trip the boys get bussed up to the nearest prostitute house and get 12 hours free to do what they want on the governments dime. After that they'd probably have to spend some time in the Shriner's burn unit, dipping their manhoods in Solarcaine, but they would have gotten out their curiosity and would have a fiery reminder not to use women for sex objects.

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I hope that was all spewed with heaping helpings of sarcasm. :blink:

Nope. experience is the best teacher and the lessons that stick are usual the ones taught through the same teacher.



Maybe your learning by screwing up (no pun intended) is a lesson but using women as objects to teach people NOT to treat them as objects isn't a great argument and honestly I find it a bit offensive as a female. Since sexually transmitted disease usually has a time period that follows the actual act, I don't even see it as a valid experiment if I look beyond the repulsion I have for this idea. Young men (and women) think they are immortal and bad things won't happen to them and I doubt a delayed "lesson" would work. Unless you plan to immediately beat them with a newspaper on the *cough* nose I am afraid your "plan" holds little validity. I have seen some really scary things from the copyright department in some of my sociology classes of devices invented to protect women from the unwanted act that perhaps have a better chance.


And I say that with a heavy dose of sarcasm.


KV...I don't always see eye to eye with you, but typically your responses hold a measure of sympathy and empathy towards others that I have always respected. I find no redeeming quality in your posts here.

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I hope that was all spewed with heaping helpings of sarcasm. :blink:

Nope. experience is the best teacher and the lessons that stick are usual the ones taught through the same teacher.



Maybe your learning by screwing up (no pun intended) is a lesson but using women as objects to teach people NOT to treat them as objects isn't a great argument and honestly I find it a bit offensive as a female. Since sexually transmitted disease usually has a time period that follows the actual act, I don't even see it as a valid experiment if I look beyond the repulsion I have for this idea. Young men (and women) think they are immortal and bad things won't happen to them and I doubt a delayed "lesson" would work. Unless you plan to immediately beat them with a newspaper on the *cough* nose I am afraid your "plan" holds little validity. I have seen some really scary things from the copyright department in some of my sociology classes of devices invented to protect women from the unwanted act that perhaps have a better chance.


And I say that with a heavy dose of sarcasm.


KV...I don't always see eye to eye with you, but typically your responses hold a measure of sympathy and empathy towards others that I have always respected. I find no redeeming quality in your posts here.


I would have to say that you've missed the entire idea behind me posting this. I was taught not to smoke, not by having someone tell me how bad it was while they smoked like a chimney. I was taught not to smoke by the first person who caught me with a cigarette in my mouth. He set me down and he said I wasn't a man until I could smoke him under the table and I ended up smoking myself under the table. I got so sick, I couldn't set upright and ended up putting my head in the head. I never smoked a cigartte again, though I did fire up a joint or two, or six or a thousand. lol


Teenagers want to experiment and with their hormones raging like a rhino, you will never talk to them enough to get them to respect anything beyond their experience has taught them to respect. Going to these places will embarrassed several straight out of the gate. The majority will, after a few goes at proving their masculinity will begin to see what sex for sexes sake brings you and the rest will never get it, no matter what. It also gives those who consider themselves to have no other option than force the option that society will never give them.


Society has made things taboo that makes them enticing to the younger generation. Especially when 99% of the videos, the fashion and advertising industry sexualizes everything. Young people need to see first hand the pitfalls of objectifying people and I am positive that pushing them into this spectacle will bring up more discussion than anything seeing how timid most parents are when talking to their kids about this stuff. Their lack of stepping up gives their kids little option but to experiment on each other and you can see that in the rise of teenage mothers. This is not constructive. It's totally unacceptable and it ruins whole generations when it happens.


Why do you think there are so many fights on the internet and on these sites? do you think 1/2 these roaring lions would dare say the things they do to each other on here if they were standing face to face? I'm not talking about anyone being afraid of anyone. It's the fight in the man that makes the fight in the first place, but here they don't look each other in the face. That's the key to being subjective, because you see the reactions and that personalizes things in a way that it's impossible for a feeling person to ignore.


Society has demonized sex and the media has sensationalized it. What do you thing is more of an influence on the younger generation. A new music video or father Mc Donald. The information is set in bedrock of the upbringing of our youth, but the largest question, the only question that I think the youth of today are asking is WHY?


I'm pretty sure that looking into the eyes of some of these ladies will personalizing them to these guys. These guys will begin to see these women as they do the women and the girls they know from school and from life. The sensationalizing of sex by the media will become as clearly fake as it is and these kids will see that. Maybe not right away but when they have pause to think about it.

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I understand you reasoning very well, I don't agree with it. And in the instance you speak of the cigarette is an inanimate object...women are not objects.


Do I think that American's views on sexuality are completely off-base, of course. I have tried to do much better by my daughter than I got and as my Mother got (which the extent was when she started her menses my Grandmother handed her a maxi pad and told her not to put the blue side next to her.) However having young men (and don't remember you mentioning girls in this one) have sex with a woman being paid (by who? The young man, the CDC) and have some kind sexual experience that ends in some venereal disease is going to help who and hurt who exactly?


By the way teen pregnancy in the US has gone down dramatically over the past 20 years.




Men are praised for their sexual conquests, women are called whores. This society breeds a rape culture (my daughter actually did a paper/debate in her AP English class this year on that) and the women are blamed for their provocative dress and boys are excused as they can not control themselves (the school system is one of these. Girls dress codes are MUCH more harsh, boys and girls don't even go to athletic things in the same buses here.) It is like all men are these cavemen that can not control their baser natures.


I have a 17 year old daughter and a 16 year old step-son and a 14 year old step-son. Their Mother is unhelpful at best. She has given them some really outrageous and dangerous information. My husband and I have tried to counter this with them and teach my daughter the ONLY thing that matters. They need to see woman treated respectfully. They need (and are) explained to in very specific terms human sexuality. With my daughter I have maybe shared too much at times (I was almost raped in college and I have told her in graphic detail because I think she needs to learn from this as she is going to college soon.) The (parents, employers,) school system needs to teach respect and proper behavior, not isolating the sexes so they can not manage to figure out how to co-exist and behave around one another.) The schools need to be held more accountable and sports figures and the like need to be held accountable for their actions. Men treating women like they matter, seeing how treatment of women should be, practicing these ideas and behaviors will eventually change things. People get VDs all the time and it has not stopped sex since the dawn of man and it won't. The young are stupid and have actual poor impulse control in their brains (http://news.sciencemag.org/brain-behavior/2013/11/why-teenagers-are-so-impulsive as one source.) They are not wired to make good decisions. Having the young men of our society go and screw what they no doubt will see as a bunch of whores is not the answer especially for the women.


We need to be taught to respect people. To be able to see value in all people from all walks of life, especially toward women. Women need to demand they be treated differently as if we don't then why should anyone? And I am not talking politically correct bulls***. It will take time and effort on our part. Just like teen pregnancy has gone down, cigarette smoking gone down-a major action of letting people know that certain things are unacceptable to this society. This needs taught from birth til death. Once the respect is learned the sexual act will have much more power and meaning.


If you want to take these young men to the whorehouse...let them spend some time with these women whose best choice seemed to be prostitution. Let them see how they live, their triumphs and tragedies. Let them walk as closely as they can to being in their shoes. Then perhaps they will see how this is and where things went wrong. An easily cured disease far removed from the act that put it there is really not any answer at all.


We will have to agree to disagree on this matter. As this is completely off topic of the OP I am ending this here. Should you wish to debate this further open another topic.

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I hope that was all spewed with heaping helpings of sarcasm. :blink:

Nope. experience is the best teacher and the lessons that stick are usual the ones taught through the same teacher.



Maybe your learning by screwing up (no pun intended) is a lesson but using women as objects to teach people NOT to treat them as objects isn't a great argument and honestly I find it a bit offensive as a female. Since sexually transmitted disease usually has a time period that follows the actual act, I don't even see it as a valid experiment if I look beyond the repulsion I have for this idea. Young men (and women) think they are immortal and bad things won't happen to them and I doubt a delayed "lesson" would work. Unless you plan to immediately beat them with a newspaper on the *cough* nose I am afraid your "plan" holds little validity. I have seen some really scary things from the copyright department in some of my sociology classes of devices invented to protect women from the unwanted act that perhaps have a better chance.


And I say that with a heavy dose of sarcasm.


KV...I don't always see eye to eye with you, but typically your responses hold a measure of sympathy and empathy towards others that I have always respected. I find no redeeming quality in your posts here.


I would have to say that you've missed the entire idea behind me posting this. I was taught not to smoke, not by having someone tell me how bad it was while they smoked like a chimney. I was taught not to smoke by the first person who caught me with a cigarette in my mouth. He set me down and he said I wasn't a man until I could smoke him under the table and I ended up smoking myself under the table. I got so sick, I couldn't set upright and ended up putting my head in the head. I never smoked a cigartte again, though I did fire up a joint or two, or six or a thousand. lol


Teenagers want to experiment and with their hormones raging like a rhino, you will never talk to them enough to get them to respect anything beyond their experience has taught them to respect. Going to these places will embarrassed several straight out of the gate. The majority will, after a few goes at proving their masculinity will begin to see what sex for sexes sake brings you and the rest will never get it, no matter what. It also gives those who consider themselves to have no other option than force the option that society will never give them.


Society has made things taboo that makes them enticing to the younger generation. Especially when 99% of the videos, the fashion and advertising industry sexualizes everything. Young people need to see first hand the pitfalls of objectifying people and I am positive that pushing them into this spectacle will bring up more discussion than anything seeing how timid most parents are when talking to their kids about this stuff. Their lack of stepping up gives their kids little option but to experiment on each other and you can see that in the rise of teenage mothers. This is not constructive. It's totally unacceptable and it ruins whole generations when it happens.


Why do you think there are so many fights on the internet and on these sites? do you think 1/2 these roaring lions would dare say the things they do to each other on here if they were standing face to face? I'm not talking about anyone being afraid of anyone. It's the fight in the man that makes the fight in the first place, but here they don't look each other in the face. That's the key to being subjective, because you see the reactions and that personalizes things in a way that it's impossible for a feeling person to ignore.


Society has demonized sex and the media has sensationalized it. What do you thing is more of an influence on the younger generation. A new music video or father Mc Donald. The information is set in bedrock of the upbringing of our youth, but the largest question, the only question that I think the youth of today are asking is WHY?


I'm pretty sure that looking into the eyes of some of these ladies will personalizing them to these guys. These guys will begin to see these women as they do the women and the girls they know from school and from life. The sensationalizing of sex by the media will become as clearly fake as it is and these kids will see that. Maybe not right away but when they have pause to think about it.





I would have to say that you've missed the entire idea behind me posting this. I was taught not to smoke, not by having someone tell me how bad it was while they smoked like a chimney. I was taught not to smoke by the first person who caught me with a cigarette in my mouth. He set me down and he said I wasn't a man until I could smoke him under the table and I ended up smoking myself under the table. I got so sick, I couldn't set upright and ended up putting my head in the head. I never smoked a cigartte again, though I did fire up a joint or two, or six or a thousand. lol

How does this some up your "entire idea"?


Teenagers want to experiment and with their hormones raging like a rhino, you will never talk to them enough to get them to respect anything beyond their experience has taught them to respect. Going to these places will embarrassed several straight out of the gate. The majority will, after a few goes at proving their masculinity will begin to see what sex for sexes sake brings you and the rest will never get it, no matter what. It also gives those who consider themselves to have no other option than force the option that society will never give them.

Do you even have children?


Why do you think there are so many fights on the internet and on these sites? do you think 1/2 these roaring lions would dare say the things they do to each other on here if they were standing face to face? I'm not talking about anyone being afraid of anyone. It's the fight in the man that makes the fight in the first place, but here they don't look each other in the face. That's the key to being subjective, because you see the reactions and that personalizes things in a way that it's impossible for a feeling person to ignore.

What? I think you drank too many roaring lions, is what I think. Everything you say cycles around to some perceived confrontation, some tribal rite of passage s#*! or something... :wacko:


Society has demonized sex and the media has sensationalized it. What do you thing is more of an influence on the younger generation. A new music video or father Mc Donald. The information is set in bedrock of the upbringing of our youth, but the largest question, the only question that I think the youth of today are asking is WHY?

This happens to be the only statement made so far by you that fits anywhere in this debate thread. We can thank the Victorian Age for the prudeness you so casually call demonizing sex. Let's go from there?

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I hope that was all spewed with heaping helpings of sarcasm. :blink:

Nope. experience is the best teacher and the lessons that stick are usual the ones taught through the same teacher.



Maybe your learning by screwing up (no pun intended) is a lesson but using women as objects to teach people NOT to treat them as objects isn't a great argument and honestly I find it a bit offensive as a female. Since sexually transmitted disease usually has a time period that follows the actual act, I don't even see it as a valid experiment if I look beyond the repulsion I have for this idea. Young men (and women) think they are immortal and bad things won't happen to them and I doubt a delayed "lesson" would work. Unless you plan to immediately beat them with a newspaper on the *cough* nose I am afraid your "plan" holds little validity. I have seen some really scary things from the copyright department in some of my sociology classes of devices invented to protect women from the unwanted act that perhaps have a better chance.


And I say that with a heavy dose of sarcasm.


KV...I don't always see eye to eye with you, but typically your responses hold a measure of sympathy and empathy towards others that I have always respected. I find no redeeming quality in your posts here.


I would have to say that you've missed the entire idea behind me posting this. I was taught not to smoke, not by having someone tell me how bad it was while they smoked like a chimney. I was taught not to smoke by the first person who caught me with a cigarette in my mouth. He set me down and he said I wasn't a man until I could smoke him under the table and I ended up smoking myself under the table. I got so sick, I couldn't set upright and ended up putting my head in the head. I never smoked a cigartte again, though I did fire up a joint or two, or six or a thousand. lol


Teenagers want to experiment and with their hormones raging like a rhino, you will never talk to them enough to get them to respect anything beyond their experience has taught them to respect. Going to these places will embarrassed several straight out of the gate. The majority will, after a few goes at proving their masculinity will begin to see what sex for sexes sake brings you and the rest will never get it, no matter what. It also gives those who consider themselves to have no other option than force the option that society will never give them.


Society has made things taboo that makes them enticing to the younger generation. Especially when 99% of the videos, the fashion and advertising industry sexualizes everything. Young people need to see first hand the pitfalls of objectifying people and I am positive that pushing them into this spectacle will bring up more discussion than anything seeing how timid most parents are when talking to their kids about this stuff. Their lack of stepping up gives their kids little option but to experiment on each other and you can see that in the rise of teenage mothers. This is not constructive. It's totally unacceptable and it ruins whole generations when it happens.


Why do you think there are so many fights on the internet and on these sites? do you think 1/2 these roaring lions would dare say the things they do to each other on here if they were standing face to face? I'm not talking about anyone being afraid of anyone. It's the fight in the man that makes the fight in the first place, but here they don't look each other in the face. That's the key to being subjective, because you see the reactions and that personalizes things in a way that it's impossible for a feeling person to ignore.


Society has demonized sex and the media has sensationalized it. What do you thing is more of an influence on the younger generation. A new music video or father Mc Donald. The information is set in bedrock of the upbringing of our youth, but the largest question, the only question that I think the youth of today are asking is WHY?


I'm pretty sure that looking into the eyes of some of these ladies will personalizing them to these guys. These guys will begin to see these women as they do the women and the girls they know from school and from life. The sensationalizing of sex by the media will become as clearly fake as it is and these kids will see that. Maybe not right away but when they have pause to think about it.





I would have to say that you've missed the entire idea behind me posting this. I was taught not to smoke, not by having someone tell me how bad it was while they smoked like a chimney. I was taught not to smoke by the first person who caught me with a cigarette in my mouth. He set me down and he said I wasn't a man until I could smoke him under the table and I ended up smoking myself under the table. I got so sick, I couldn't set upright and ended up putting my head in the head. I never smoked a cigartte again, though I did fire up a joint or two, or six or a thousand. lol

How does this some up your "entire idea"?


Teenagers want to experiment and with their hormones raging like a rhino, you will never talk to them enough to get them to respect anything beyond their experience has taught them to respect. Going to these places will embarrassed several straight out of the gate. The majority will, after a few goes at proving their masculinity will begin to see what sex for sexes sake brings you and the rest will never get it, no matter what. It also gives those who consider themselves to have no other option than force the option that society will never give them.

Do you even have children?


Why do you think there are so many fights on the internet and on these sites? do you think 1/2 these roaring lions would dare say the things they do to each other on here if they were standing face to face? I'm not talking about anyone being afraid of anyone. It's the fight in the man that makes the fight in the first place, but here they don't look each other in the face. That's the key to being subjective, because you see the reactions and that personalizes things in a way that it's impossible for a feeling person to ignore.

What? I think you drank too many roaring lions, is what I think. Everything you say cycles around to some perceived confrontation, some tribal rite of passage s*** or something... :wacko:


Society has demonized sex and the media has sensationalized it. What do you thing is more of an influence on the younger generation. A new music video or father Mc Donald. The information is set in bedrock of the upbringing of our youth, but the largest question, the only question that I think the youth of today are asking is WHY?

This happens to be the only statement made so far by you that fits anywhere in this debate thread. We can thank the Victorian Age for the prudeness you so casually call demonizing sex. Let's go from there?

Do I even have children......... I'll get back to you f*#@ing ass after I calm the f*#@ down, b&@*$.

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