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OBMM Fatal Error


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When I start up OBMM recieve the messsage:


Fatal Error


An unhandled exception has occurred

Extra information should have been saved to 'obmm_Crashdump.txt' in Oblivion's base directory.

Error message: The file or directory is corrupted or unreadable



I Proceeded to take a look at the txt file and was given the following information.


Saturday, February 26, 2011 - 11:19:43 AM

1.1.12 (Safe mode)

OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2


Type: System.IO.IOException

Error message: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


Stack trace: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)

at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption)

at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)

at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path)

at OblivionModManager.Program.ClearTempFiles(String subfolder)

at OblivionModManager.Program.Init()

at OblivionModManager.Program.Main(String[] args)



So I tried to find(very lazily) these specific files so that I could delete them and hopefully get obmm back to a working sate.

Unfortunately I could not find them so I said f*** it and used the ace up my sleve. Uninstall Oblivion comepletly and start over.

Once I reinstalled it, I redownloaded obmm and recieved the same thing.


If anybody could give me some sort of instruction, advice, and information on the problem and how to resolve it I'd appreciate it. I am relatively new to oblivion modding.

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Unfortunately I could not find them so I said f*** it and used the ace up my sleve. Uninstall Oblivion comepletly and start over.


That's not an ace up your sleeve, but a nuclear weapon being used to attack a gnat. There's no need to go through a lengthy uninstall process on the game itself when the problem lies in the installation procedure of a separate utility.


Is this the first time you've run OBMM? Or was it working, earlier? And you're running on Windows NT, correct?

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Unfortunately I could not find them so I said f*** it and used the ace up my sleve. Uninstall Oblivion comepletly and start over.


That's not an ace up your sleeve, but a nuclear weapon being used to attack a gnat. There's no need to go through a lengthy uninstall process on the game itself when the problem lies in the installation procedure of a separate utility.


Is this the first time you've run OBMM? Or was it working, earlier? And you're running on Windows NT, correct?


Yes when I first installed the oblivion and OBMM it worked fine. The first mod I decided to get for oblivion was the Natural enviroments mod. I could really figure out oh to use obmm to install it so I just followed the Natural enviroments readme extracted that mod into the data folder regularly checked OBMM and it showed up. I closed OBMM and left for a little awhile came back and got the error message when I tried to start it up. I am running on Windows NT.

Edited by ZTmaverick
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OBMM typically takes a while to close, and longer as more content is managed by it. Did you by any chance find it wouldn't close right away when you clicked the upper-right X, and attempt to close it more quickly by bringing up the Windows Task Manager, or right-clicking to close it in the task bar?


Have you tried just uninstalling and reinstalling OBMM? And I don't mean just deleting it.

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When I start up OBMM recieve the messsage:


Fatal Error


Type: System.IO.IOException

Error message: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


You need to run a Chkdsk on your hard drive -- you have corrupt data that may point to a failing drive. BACK UP YOUR DATA NOW!

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You say you're running on Windows NT (would that be as in Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0??). Is that OS even supported by Oblivion? I haven't had NT installed on a machine in nigh-on 10 years. Edited by Striker879
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