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Banishment Clarification


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We don't allow that here, neko. The file database is for released files not for sharing files among friends and people who do this tend to end up getting banned!
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Its like your asking if you can offer your under age friend a beer, in your own house, with no one knowing... Except that you put a little sign on the door offering it to any other minors who want some.


I don't think anyone cares what you do on your own time but when you insist on putting links in your signature to other sites that may break the tos is becomes an issue.


Not really my place to say I just like analogies and know I wouldn't want my mods shared offsite...

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For purposes of interpersonal sharing, would a password-protected page count as "non public" enough? I mean, some mods are too big to email.

Totally NOT allowed under the ToS. (The Nexus is not your personal file storage and transfer service. :tongue: )


Extract of relevant portion from the the ToS:


•Do not upload files that are password protected or contain password protected sections.


Any files uploaded to the Nexus have to meet the ToS, and be made available for public access, which is exactly why the kind of file you're taking about can't be placed here. :laugh:

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For purposes of interpersonal sharing, would a password-protected page count as "non public" enough? I mean, some mods are too big to email.

Totally NOT allowed under the ToS. (The Nexus is not your personal file storage and transfer service. :tongue: )


Extract of relevant portion from the the ToS:


•Do not upload files that are password protected or contain password protected sections.


Any files uploaded to the Nexus have to meet the ToS, and be made available for public access, which is exactly why the kind of file you're taking about can't be placed here. :laugh:

That's referring to uploading to the nexus, though.

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For purposes of interpersonal sharing, would a password-protected page count as "non public" enough? I mean, some mods are too big to email.

Totally NOT allowed under the ToS. (The Nexus is not your personal file storage and transfer service. :tongue: )


Extract of relevant portion from the the ToS:


•Do not upload files that are password protected or contain password protected sections.


Any files uploaded to the Nexus have to meet the ToS, and be made available for public access, which is exactly why the kind of file you're taking about can't be placed here. :laugh:

That's referring to uploading to the nexus, though.

Uploading password-protected files to the Nexus was what evilneko was asking about.

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So the Nexus cops are now following us around the internet to see what we're doing elsewhere now? *sigh*

Imperial Guard: "I'm watching you, scum."

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