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The Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings

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I am giving up on this game.

I cannot get past that ballista, I never get the option to fire it, the enemies keep coming, I can kill them OK but all I then get is aim ballista - mash LMB - Geralt stops cranking - more enemies



Waste of my money if due to my arthritic fingers I cannot get out of the tutorial.

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It is the Assault path, yes. Hehe, I decided to give it one last go and...cranked the sensitivity of my mouse to max, to compensate for the fact that my fingers do not have the pressure power like most people, due to the arthritis. It worked, yeh! All the same, thanks so much for the kind offer, much appreciated.
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people help! I bought off Amazon. got it today. installed - Spyware Doctor with Antivirus flags up that I have a trojan installed by the Witcher called Trojan-Downloader.CodecPack !!!! When I start the game it says it has downloaded a patch but when i try to install that patch it aborts saying there is not enough space to run the patch (which is rubbish - all my drives have space)...


has anyone else had this trojan!???? what to do? I can't find any reference to this online (I can find info on the trojan and its nasty, but not in relation to the witcher 2)


Please help.


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Yeah that part was a little difficult, took me 5-6 runs to finally get it. Trick is to take your Swallow potion before you jump down there and constantly cast Quen to protect yourself, worked for me :dance:


Bah, I almost beat the last section of the prologue and it CTD again. Strange thing is it it messes up Firefox too...so I have to restart. Dunno...I want to play more...but I think I might wait for a patch. Just so lame...I don't think they test these games enough at all.


That virus thing you speak of is happening with a few AV programs, it's not a virus :) Just disable your AV for that or make a filter.

Edited by Illiad86
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Re-instated quarantined files, turned off intelliguard for 15mins and now the patch is...patching.


I do hope this "trojan" doesn't FUBAR my system!!


and now my amazon pre-order code doesn't work. geez! :{

Edited by bifford
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Meh, I was really motoring. Still on the Prologue, I had got into

the priory and was going with Foltest and Roche to find the children in the solar. We were proceeding across a bridge when we got trashed by a dragon.



The thing is, a message flashed up to tell me to use a particular control to

evade the dragon when it appears

. It was too quick for me to be sure what I was supposed to be doing, hence I got killed a few times and then gave up again.


Would anyone care to enlighten me? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!


Apart from the first crash when I initially ran the game, no further crashes and I am getting very respectable performance on my aging ATI4850. On Ultra/Uber, would you believe? Using 11.5 drivers.

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Lady Milla: Where are the Difficult QTES? I can't seem to find this. At the very beginning before you start the game?


My mouse is super sensitive even though I've put the "bar" down to zero.


It is accessible from the main menu (the one you see after you start the game: 'New Game', 'Load game', 'Options', 'Extras', 'Quit' ) ---> Go to 'Options', then 'Gameplay'. Untick 'Difficult QTES'. Now you should have an easier time beating those time button-mashing events.


Also, you can try to adjust the mouse in its own configuration utility (that is, if it has one) or in the Control Panel -> Mouse.


Finally I got out of the tutorial part. It seems that some of the non-player characters have pathing issues but it is negligible. The environment is stunningly beautiful and detailed. I played about one hour and a half without CTDs, game even survived when I alt-tabbed to other running applications several times.





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