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Not one functioning toilet.

Have you ever taken any trip IRL with this many people, that someone doesn't need to take a bathroom break? On top of that, Raul is, what, 200+yrs old? Tell me he doesn't need to make frequent stops.

An integral part of the game is consuming foods, and drinking irradiated water = need to go number 2 soon. Quite often, your character suffers various blood poisonings, and a bout or two of drug withdrawls = need to go number 2 right now. Once in while, you're forced into doing all of the above within three minutes = need new pants.

There are toilets EvErYwHeRe, but they seem to serve merely as nasty drinking fountains. The only character who should be drinking from these bowls is Sunny's dog, and she doesn't.

You may enjoy a reflective rest in the outhouses, but this provides no additional benefits (not even load weight reduction, or movement speed increase); and you can't even sit down on the porcelain thrones.

Even beyond all of this.....Indeed: would not one of the most valuable commodities, in a post apocalyptic world, be toilet paper?


Final thought:

Maybe this is where companions are running off to occasionally, after you Fast Travel........hmmmm.

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1. Invisible walls. Did they spend all of 2 hours on the worldspace for this game or what?


2. The strip being 3 zones!


3. Not fixing the 64hz bug after 6 years even though the mod community has done so on three different game.


4. Not making the game large memory address aware. Sorry just no excuse for that one any more.


5. Cazadors! I swear I am going to make a mod that has a weapon that sends out a pulse that makes any cazadors in 200m explode. Who came up with them?

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I played through again recently and I was seriously peeved with the amount of quests that bugged, especially companion quests!


For example: An option came up for Cass' quest that should have appeared right at the end of the questline, but I'd only just met her!


Also there's loads of quests where NPCs freeze or won't talk or acknowledge my progress :mad:


Also clipping issues and INVISIBLE WALLS! :wallbash:


I like the the story in NV, it's definately more versatile than in FO3. But to me it just felt like there was far more love put into the world of FO3 than New Vegas.

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But to me it just felt like there was far more love put into the world of FO3 than New Vegas.


Nice way of describing it, and yeah, I agree. I think they put a lot of love into New Vegas dialogue, and forgot to smooch anything else :)

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1. Cazagors. Omg HATE those things. See one, then your SWARMED getting stabbed like pin cusion and poined to death before you spammed the stimpack hotkey.


2. NPCs erraticly sidestepping in combat. Trying to shoot them at distance is ridiculous. Its like they walk to the side one or two steps then sprint to a side then walk then sprint. Ridiculous


3. The amount of damage animals like nightstalkers do. High powered thick metal armor is no match for their 2-4 inc fangs and steal shattering jaw strength


4. Hardcore mode. Tried it, hate it.

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1. People don't move like they should. Even with mods it's still odd that my character runs about the wasteland with a ramrod-straight spine. There's no roll to their movement. Nothing says "Hi mom! I'm in a video game!" like playing Fallout 3 and NV in 3rd person.


2. Charisma is pointless. I can have a charisma of 1 and NPC's won't flinch when I come up to their window. My character has rotting skin, bad teeth, and smells like somebody took a dump in an old shoe and wore it for a week... yet nobody cares. Really? I know the wasteland is rough, but it's not so desensitized that the White Glove society lets me in the door of the Ultralux. Heck, they should be shooing my Charisma 1 ghoul character away before they get up the sidewalk, let alone inside the joint.


3. Power armor weighing less that 50 lbs? Seriously? It's frikkin' steel, with a power-plant on the back, and can withstand (at least in the lore) small-to-medium arms fire. It replaced the tank in America's arsenal. It should weigh at least 300 lbs, if not more.


4. Fast travel that can't be interrupted. Heck, fast travel bugs me anyways. If they wanted me to get somewhere fast... GIMME A CAR. Otherwise, we're hoofing it through the wasteland. Fast-travel is a cop-out. To be honest, the idea that I can travel un-interrupted from Jacobstown to Goodsprings without being jumped by the myriad of Fiends, Deathclaws, Geckos, Radscorpions, and those comedic Powder-gangers is laughable. I can't swing a dead cat when hoofing it without being jumped by something. Somehow, fast travel makes them all go away. I call BS.


5. Speaking of #3 and #4, the encumbrance system and movement is silly. As little as I played Oblivion or Daggerfall, they had a running skill in them (at least Elder Scrolls did, it's been a long time for the others, forgive me if I'm wrong), and Fallout 3 and NV should have had it as well. Running should work based on endurance, encumbrance (which deals with the Strength stat), and running skill. Heck, it would have made hardcore mode's "food and drink requirements" actually mean something. Running through the wasteland to sell that junked power armor you found? Better have a metric sh*t-ton of water. Or a ride. Probably a ride; toting that 300-pound pile of junked pre-war tech is going to give you a hernia something quick... unless you're built like Andre the Giant.


6. Speaking of Andre the Giant, why is do your stats not effect your character's body shape? A strength 3 beta-male has the same shape and size as a strength 10 alpha-male. Really? I should be able to pick body types and roll from there. Games made before Fallout New Vegas (hell, before Oblivion) have this capability, why in god's name, after seeing all the modding that went into changing how characters look, did they bother to keep the same system? I know the engine is ancient, but they couldn't do something about it? Again, this is related to point #1.


7. I love this game, in spite of all it's flaws. That's a big pet peeve of mine as I've dropped games for lesser sins, but I keep coming back for more. Well done, Bethesda and Obsidian, well done. Now, make Fallout 4 more awesome and don't use a frikkin' ancient game engine this time. Idiots.

Edited by Seviche
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Another thing Ive noticed. My pipboy "world" map displays a pretty healthy peice of territory yet only 25% seems to excist and the over 75% of the world map is block my invso game walls.


Contrary to science and study...the world may not be flat but IS surrounded by invisible stealth jedis the stop you from moving when you reach a certain place on the map lol

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No pet peeve: I've played through four times so far. The only glitches/crashes I've had were in the days before the first patch, and then not so much.

Pet peeve: The large amount of places with no access, no people, no quests.

No pet peeve: The great dialog and often panoramic landscapes (helped by Fellout, TYVM.)

Pet peeve: The teeny size of New Vegas.

No pet peeve: The casino quests. I liked them.

Pet peeve: Having to keep shooting Veronica in the back because she just won't get out of my way!

No pet peeve: Goodsprings at the start. Love that whole feeling and the quests.

Pet peeve: Primm the first time. Mods help, thank goodness.

No pet peeve: The weapons. Sound great, shoot great.

Pet peeve: Not enough hotkeys, for sure.

No pet peeve: The ability for our genius modders to generously lavish us with goodies. Thank you!

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