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Star Wars: X-Wing / Tie Fighter


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I think what Dark0ne meant about Eve Online is that it hasn't been neglected. It was one of the 1st MMO's I think and it is still going strong. From what I'm told, there are people playing in there since the beginning. It also isn't a game you buy, sit down and just start playing around and blowing things up. With careful planning, you "might" get some descent craft in a few months. And if you take a pot shot at a seemingly defenseless mining craft, be prepared to be hunted down ruthlessly by his coalition...to the point of not being able to undock your spaceship without being instantly exploded by bounty hunters because you have a bounty on your head. hehehe.

ah, okay. I guess that's a very dynamic difference, indeed, from X-Wing. Thanks for the info!

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Eve Online doesn't belong in the Space Sim genre (if that's the genre Tie Fighter and X-Wing are in..) as it's not a space sim. It's an MMO like any other, except it's in space. The combat is not a "simulator", it's a turn-based MMO made to look like it's real-time. Essentially the space sim genre is about your skill actually flying your space ship where as Eve Online isn't, for the most part. Yes, there's a skill to speed tanking ships, knowing when and where to drop bombs, etc., but it's not on the same par as flying a ship in a Space sim game.


Hopefully you understand the difference.

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Eve Online doesn't belong in the Space Sim genre (if that's the genre Tie Fighter and X-Wing are in..) as it's not a space sim. It's an MMO like any other, except it's in space. The combat is not a "simulator", it's a turn-based MMO made to look like it's real-time. Essentially the space sim genre is about your skill actually flying your space ship where as Eve Online isn't, for the most part. Yes, there's a skill to speed tanking ships, knowing when and where to drop bombs, etc., but it's not on the same par as flying a ship in a Space sim game.


Hopefully you understand the difference.

Ah, I see. Well, that's a big difference then. I was under the impression that Eve Online was more real-time, flying ships, fighting, etc, more on the lines of X-Wing and Tie-Fighter as I would dearly love to have something like that again in modern form. Thanks, man.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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There are games like that. Freelancer, for one. It's rather old so if you don't have it you'll probably have to find it at a place that sells used software, or it might even be on an abandonware site by now.


There's also one called Allegiance I think that's purely free. Might be in LHammond's Free Multiplayer Games thread.

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There are games like that. Freelancer, for one. It's rather old so if you don't have it you'll probably have to find it at a place that sells used software, or it might even be on an abandonware site by now.


There's also one called Allegiance I think that's purely free. Might be in LHammond's Free Multiplayer Games thread.

Thanks for the tip. I've heard a tiny bit about Freelancer. I'll have to check out that thread, too. Thanks!

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