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The worst part about Skyrim?


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I'm looking forward to some more "Fur Armor" mods, as well as clothing mods that will make sense (i.e. a fur robe like in Bloodmoon).


That being said, skimpy armor is personal taste. I personally don't like it, but that's just me. Playing TES games in third person is rather... well, to put it bluntly, brutal.


I would think that steel and iron armor would get rather cold, incredibly quickly in a place like Skyrim... Maybe they have a built in heating element (the same goes for the skimpy armor. Although I can't seem to think of where said heating element would be placed... :rolleyes: ).



i clicked on your smelly dragons do i get anything?

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Well because Bethesda games are not merely 1st person RPG-action games but more about fantasy incarnations. Everybody have their fantasies and I would not dare judge their minds nor mock their endeavored creations nor line the borders between fabrication & reality, even if they are drown to their sexual dreams rather than actual games.


But hell! Skyrim looks cleary different from formal elder scrolls with action based features and the quality of reenacting nordic lifes. I'm looking foward of mods detailing bow-hunting wild animals, tribal conquests, druidic association kinda,


not to mention well-posed muscled barbaric harf-naked female warrior actually grawling but making a good stand in scenic landscape like the good ol fantasy-arts.


MarkQuinn is just saying "You Are The Worst You Skimpy-enjoying Bastards!". The worst part of Skyrim has been not revealed. Stay in tune! :ninja:

Edited by midtek
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Y'know, if there's a magic spell to block swords from hitting you, I have little doubt there'd be a spell to keep you warm, particularly in an environment that so obviously required it.
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Y'know, if there's a magic spell to block swords from hitting you, I have little doubt there'd be a spell to keep you warm, particularly in an environment that so obviously required it.


No there can't be, it goes against my values and reminds me of my insecurities over my own body when I see images depicting scantily clad figures. :ohmy:

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Y'know, if there's a magic spell to block swords from hitting you, I have little doubt there'd be a spell to keep you warm, particularly in an environment that so obviously required it.

No there can't be, it goes against my values and reminds me of my insecurities over my own body when I see images depicting scantily clad figures. :ohmy:

Don't play Arean or Daggerfall. :P

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*pokes head above the hedgerow*


At least two points of realism will be satisfied for what regards skimpy armor mods when the first Perky Nipple mod comes out.


*goes back below the hedgerow*

My Skyrim character will have his beer belly visible if that will be posible. :biggrin:


Screenshots, I say! Screenshots of the glory!!

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Double standards? It is apparently okay to assume that mages can shoot fireballs without burning their hands and it is fine that you can withstand several hits even when the attacker wields a greatsword bigger than him or you can have a tiny ring that increases your armor value or resistances without covering every inch of your body with thick armor plating, but when it is a revealing outfit, suddenly certain people are up in arms and cry for 'realism' or - as some other players put it - 'plausibility'.


You just have to assume that the outfit has some inherent magical property that creates an invisible barrier that acts like heavy armor or provides cold resistance. It's not more implausible than surviving several arrow hits puncturing your chest.



I agree with LadyMilla. There are snow infested areas in Oblivion as well and much like what some are saying: it's a fantasy game. It's entertainment! Nothing wrong with letting go of "realism" for some entertainment. I still can't grasp the concept of why some people whine and complain about certain mods so much as if everyone should play Elder Scrolls games just one way. If scantily clad warrior chick mods bother you so much, then just don't pay attention to the mods. Is it so hard to just ignore mods that don't suit you? People mod games such as these for their own enjoyment; this is a right everyone has as long as it's nothing illegal.

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