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Heard that level scaling sucks. I think it is. Best mod to remove it?


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So, I am starting to experience some level-scaling now that my character is leveling up.


Its not so bad/ridiculous yet, just some bandits having steel axes, bows and arrows.


But from what I hear, it'll get worse and worse. Like bandits having daedric armor? So...how come they're still bandits?


In anycase, what level-scaling removal mod would you suggest?


Preliminary searches suggest that Oblivion XP is good.



Pray for Japan.

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If you want to merely add sensible limits, Francesco's Levelled Items and Creatures makes it so rats are low level, bandits have fur/leather armour, and daedra are high level. There is still scalling; it is just within reasonable limits.


If you want the traditional RPG static approach, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul hand-places every item and determines exactly what level of what kinds of enemies appear in any given place of the world.


I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Oblivion XP replaces the *levelling* system, not the *scalling*.

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If you want to merely add sensible limits, Francesco's Levelled Items and Creatures makes it so rats are low level, bandits have fur/leather armour, and daedra are high level. There is still scalling; it is just within reasonable limits.


If you want the traditional RPG static approach, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul hand-places every item and determines exactly what level of what kinds of enemies appear in any given place of the world.


I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Oblivion XP replaces the *levelling* system, not the *scalling*.



Darn...have to make a choice between these two now huh? I'm leaning towards Francesco's, since it adds so much interensting stuff, peaks my curiosity.


But OOO seems to be the safer and simpler bet between the two.


UPDATE: It's FCOM, the merged version of these mods.

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Okay, FCOM is tempting to a point. But since I already have been warned against installing it by one of the more veteran TES4 players in one of my threads, I don't think I will install it any time soon. But what do you think?


FCOM removes level-scaling, right? But if it does, it definitely does more than just that.


Though Francesco's adds things, it might feel like too much change from how the world of TES is.


OOO is the simpler of the two, and doesn't add things that may potentially change how the world of TES canonically feels like.


But it seems that Francesco's is more popular than OOO, but it ranks higher in PCGamer's list.



So, I am open for counsel/advice:


1. OOO,

2. Francesco's, or



I have read about these mods again. Now I want to hear from you guys.

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Dumb question. How are these different from mods like Realistic Leveling? I am not happy with Oblivion's leveling and haven't yet found the fixes that work for me. I was searching the forums and found this thread.

Could someone explain it to me please.



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FCOM and the mod's it integrates are world-changing mods that hand place fixed-level mobs. If you're just looking to change the leveling experience there are mods like Oblivion XP, KCAS, and nGCD. Then there is Progress, which adjusts the way skills are gained while the previous mods mentioned will change the way levels and attributes are leveled. Personally I use a combination of nGCD and Progress.
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FCOM, OOO, etc, change the way the world scales to you. In the vanilla game, ALL encounters are scaled to your level. With FCOM et. al., the world is more "place-centric" than "player-centric". For the most part, with FCOM, the further you get from civilization, the stronger the monsters/npc's will be.


Mods like nGCD, KCAS, and Oblivion XP, alter the mechanics of how the PLAYER levels, and have no effect on what you encounter, and when.


I hated the way the world scaled to me in vanilla oblivion. Leveling seemed pointless, as I never got any better as compared to what I encountered. I run FCOM. It is by no means a trivial undertaking to install, but, there are several good guides to help you along. If you are not fairly experienced with installing mods, starting with just OOO may not be a bad plan.

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