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Most Memorable Character


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Sheogorath - Do I really have to explain this?

Vicente Valtieri - Such a pleasant guy... and the first vampire I encountered. One of the rare characters I felt any attachment to.

Modryn Oreyn - He was pretty much the only FG member who wasn't a retard and I liked his grumpiness. It was interesting to follow how his opinion of you changed during the quests and I also liked the fact that he was an angry but honorable dunmer as you rarely see them in this kind of roles. ... and his paintings are awesome.

Lucien Lachance - He scared the crap out of me when he made his first appearance during the freaking Kvatch quest. My character decided to take a nap in the chapel and I was already feeling a bit jumpy and then BAM!!! "You sleep rather soundly...for a murdererrrrrr!" My character: "AAAAGH WTF GO AWAYYYY!" Certainly left a lasting impression. A really fascinating character.

Adoring fan - "By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!" You just can't ignore this guy... or forget him. He's a damn legend XD.

He once followed my character for a long time but then got scared by some wolf and disappeared. I was like "whatever" and went to investigate the nearest fort. I had been sneaking around for a long while and was in some narrow labyrinth which was filled with traps. Suddenly there was curious noices "Ouch, uuh, aaaagh!" and I could hear how some of the traps were triggered. I was like "What the-?" and then... there comes the Adoring fan. I had already managed to forgot him so I was rather surprised. I told him to go away and then he went and killed himself by dropping on spikes.

Runs-in-Circles - "Ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni...."

Martin - Gave a feeling of true companionship. I screwed up during the escort mission to Bruma and was thrown into jail. Jauffre was like "Meh, whatever!" and galloped to the Cloud Ruler Temple BUT the ever loyal Martin accompanied me to the jail XD. I found it hilarious. Stupid guards obviously didn't care of the fact that he was to be their Emperor.

Janus Hassildor - A freaking Count comes to save my butt from the necromancers? And then I see that he's a vampire. He was really the only memorable Count/Countess for me and the only one I remember by name. I liked his crankiness too XD.

Aldos Othran - "Cliffracers flyyyyy so hiiiiiiiigh!" *hic*

Owyn - His comments cracked me up.

Hirrus Clutumnus - The SI guy who wanted to die. I don't know, the whole "This is your lucky day!" "WHAT?" -exchange is just so very memorable for me.

Banus Alor - An odd choice I know :D. He was the dunmer Speaker who appeared at the end of the DB storyline. He was just so totally random. The fact that he was a dunmer caught my attention since you never saw any dunmers in the sanctuary. Also... the way how he smiled at me like he was on drugs didn't help.

Edited by Creeper234
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Sheogorath. the man is hilarious.

Mai'q. Random, but made sense.

Martin. Like the guy above me, the guy felt like a true companion.


EDIT: I posted twice on two differenct occasions. Damn I am not observant at all! My bad! :wallbash:

Edited by InuyashaFE
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Burz gro-Khash (Cheydinhal Fighters Guild master) has some good ones once you are the Guild Master ... "Want me to go kill something, Guild Master". The first time you meet him he says "I'm Burz gro-Khash, and I'm in charge of this St. Jiub's Fair. All I need is clowns, monkeys, and jugglers. No. Wait... just need jugglers....". Most all of the Cheydinhal Orcs crack me up.
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No one likes Mazoga the orc? There is something very sweet and innocent under that gruesome face and dumb demeanor.



She was my favorite too! Very sweet in her own special way... :tongue: But I liked a couple of others too, Kud-ei included. Also liked Baurus for his loyalty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Adoring Fan. Definitely.


That creepy grin still gives me nightmares to this day....




Gotta love his suicidal intentions. "Aw gee" *runs off a cliff*



It seems lucien Lachance convinced him to die this time.

Edited by spiritshadowx
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The vampire guy in the dark brotherhood.

Baurus the blade guy you meet in the beginning.

Rohssana or something? The woman that owns a weapon shop in the imperial city, a fighting chance?

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