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lucien lachance didn't visit me in my sleep...


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Hmmm.. Your game must of glitched or something.. I'll go have a look on Uesp.Wiki and get back to ya.


EDIT: Well I know that he only visits in a safe and secure location like an inn, have you tried that? If so, I'm afraid the only thing you can do would be to try console commands.. If you're on the PC..

Edited by Daledge
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^ That would be your best bet, just one thing that it's not always the '~' key. For example its the button with `` and ¬ on it on my keyboard but you should find it. :thumbsup:
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He finally ended up visiting me, but it was only after I went to jail. How is jail considered safe? I have no idea.


Ha. :laugh: Ah well, at least he came. :thumbsup:

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Perhaps Lucien won't visit while you have 'issues' with the guards.

Seems reasonable. It's gotta look bad visiting someone in their sleep to begin with, let alone being caught in the act by the guards, and whilst creeping on a person whom there's a bounty for no less... Of course, prison is probably the safest place in that game. I've never had anyone (save the guards) or anything try to kill me in there. Safe for you, at least. Later on in the questline we see just how unsafe a prison can be. :thumbsup:

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