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Mehrunes Dagon invades Fallout 3 worldscape  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. How well would the daedra do

    • very well
    • well
    • stalemate
    • badly
    • very badly
    • no opinion
  2. 2. Who would the most powerful resistance be

    • General Wastelander population
    • Raiders
    • Brotherhood of Steel
    • Enclave
    • Super Mutants
    • Monsters such as deathclaws, radscorpions, feral ghouls etc.
    • other or mixture (please post answer)
    • no opinion
  3. 3. would magic give daedra any real advantage

    • yes
    • maybe
    • no
    • no opinion

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If daedric magic did work in the DC Wastelands then such as fireballs might cause such as bullets to explode inside guns or belts etc. Electrical elemental attacks might fry electronics to cause trouble with such as energy guns and power armour.


Who knows what other daedric magic would do to Fallout technologies.


For instance if high powered destructive magic struck an an abandoned car with atomics inside what might happen?


Would the use of certain daedric magic disrupt radio broadcasting or communications?


The use of magic could have many unforseen consequnces outside of the Oblivion Realms and such places as Tamriel.


You forget that in the timeline of Oblivion, the only technology available are guns and swords. In the age of Fallout, a dremora could easily pick up a gun, learn the mechanism, and use it. It'd be a complete disaster if deadra began enchanting bullets and guns with fire damage 50 with a large explosion radius. Like tiny fast nukes. Deadric power armor? Oh S*@#. It would be the same situation as Aliens vs Predators, deathclaws being aliens and humans being bags of flesh being easily torn to ribbons.


At any rate, the Enclave would view Deadra as some sort of mutant and attempt to eradicate it. The Brotherhood would come up in second place as a threat to Mehrunes as homeland protection.

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If daedra could gain the use of Fallout 3 technologies and add magic, could not Fallout 3 folk discover how to also work magic?


Can you imagine somebody summoning a 'bonded submachinegun' or 'sentry robots'.


In Doom games there has been a mixture of guns and magic along with Hellsgate London.



As for closing an Oblivion Gate, that would be a matter of entering Oblivion and disabling the gateway from there as was done in Oblivion. A longer term solution might have to be found to all Oblivion Gates.

Edited by Maharg67
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If about 4 guys with swords and other sharp metal objects can bust Mehrune's chops and end his plans, what can about 8000 guys with guns, sledgehammers, powerfists and aircraft do to them when Mehrune's laddies cant even use their vaunted magic? it'd be a massacre! or would it?


The real thing that would be a decider however would be logistics: how many Daedra can the Daedra afford to lose? how much ammo do said guns have? how often would they be re-supplied? could the daedra interupt the resupply? could the daedra adapt the technology used against them? would they even want to?


And what of other human assets like air vehicles, land armour, and artillery? sure a dremora mage can throw a fireball, but if that wont even kill a similar leveled adventuror what would it hope to do to a tank or BHOS member?


I think that if humans responded quickly, had good command, and excellent logstics, the dremora would be routed, but if the humans had poor logistical support, ie low ammo, food, or morale, and or bad leaders, they would stand little chance of holding washington.


Remember thqat history has taught as countless times that force does not always mean victory: a bad commander can turn an excellentt force into a flailing mob! Likewise well led a bunch of rotten grunts with knives can win a war! Think about Vietnam: the NVA were, to be fair not the best of armies, but they still won, in the air and on the ground.

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At first I was sure that the people of the wastes would prevail, but now, I'm not so sure. You see, Daedra can't technically be killed. They just get reborn again in the planes of Oblivion. Sure, humans are technologically advanced, but the Daedra have (essentially) an unlimited number of troops... :ermm:


I suppose the only way Dagon would win, is if he expanded Oblivion out into the Wasteland...

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This topic has ended up having a far wider range of possibilities and answers than I considered when I first started it.


The daedra would have a fairly easy time adapting to the harsh conditions and the local monsterss but what of vertibird attacks, power armoured soldiers and such like?


Can you imagine the daedra trying to deal with Liberty Prime. Would Mehrunes Dagon himself appear to take on Liberty Prime himself?


I think victory would rely on luck as much as anything else and deciding factors such as does daedric magic function well on the Fallout world?

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This topic has ended up having a far wider range of possibilities and answers than I considered when I first started it.


The daedra would have a fairly easy time adapting to the harsh conditions and the local monsterss but what of vertibird attacks, power armoured soldiers and such like?


Can you imagine the daedra trying to deal with Liberty Prime. Would Mehrunes Dagon himself appear to take on Liberty Prime himself?


I think victory would rely on luck as much as anything else and deciding factors such as does daedric magic function well on the Fallout world?

I don't think it would matter if they could use magic or not, they have a never ending amount of troops.


The only reason the invasion failed in TES4 was because of Martin and the player.


Not to mention that they might secured the sigal stone so people can't just walk in and take it.


The population in FO3 is much more widespread and smaller.


The enclave and brotherhood and rivals, and they will either fight each other in the process or work against dagon separately.


Everyone else doesn't have much of a connection so they won't do to good on their own.

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I believe that it would probably end badly for the Daedra. While they may have an inexhaustible amount of troops, they wouldn't stand much of a chance against groups like the Enclave. Most of the magic they use is pretty weak and feeble, and the range is pretty low. Most firearms would be able to kill the Daedra before they can even get in range to use their magic. There would be many reasons why the Daedra would fail, most of which is based on modern and advance technology.


If an Oblivion gate opened, all it would take is for a group such as the Enclave to kill whatever comes out, then move into it themselves. If they can't get the Sigil Stone, they'd probably just blow up the tower instead. Numbers alone do not convey an advantage, this has been seen in many wars. Theoretically, most, if not all nations on Earth could enter an eternity of warfare and still not run out of troops.


Then, there's the local wildlife. A Deathclaw could easily turn any Daedra into minced meat, as would Yao Guai and many others. Also keep in mind that the Daedra have never been exposed to nuclear radiation, most creatures in the Wasteland were formed from it. It takes a very long time for animals to build a tolerance to certain things, radiation being one of them.


There are plenty more reasons but I can't remember them right now.

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I believe that it would probably end badly for the Daedra. While they may have an inexhaustible amount of troops, they wouldn't stand much of a chance against groups like the Enclave. Most of the magic they use is pretty weak and feeble, and the range is pretty low. Most firearms would be able to kill the Daedra before they can even get in range to use their magic. There would be many reasons why the Daedra would fail, most of which is based on modern and advance technology.


If an Oblivion gate opened, all it would take is for a group such as the Enclave to kill whatever comes out, then move into it themselves. If they can't get the Sigil Stone, they'd probably just blow up the tower instead. Numbers alone do not convey an advantage, this has been seen in many wars. Theoretically, most, if not all nations on Earth could enter an eternity of warfare and still not run out of troops.


Then, there's the local wildlife. A Deathclaw could easily turn any Daedra into minced meat, as would Yao Guai and many others. Also keep in mind that the Daedra have never been exposed to nuclear radiation, most creatures in the Wasteland were formed from it. It takes a very long time for animals to build a tolerance to certain things, radiation being one of them.


There are plenty more reasons but I can't remember them right now.


daedorth are quite similar to deathclaws, I don't think deathclaws and other wild life would help either side much at all.

The radiation is gone in FO3 for the most part besides certain areas.


Its hard to say what magic armor could stop, I think magic armor could very well stop a bullet.


And if dagon decided to come out then that's it, dagon wasn't hurt by anything in TES4 seeing as hes a god.


So if dagon came out (which he would) then he would easily destroy everything.



The enclave may not even want to be part in it, they might see the gates as a chance to build their own power.


The brotherhood is superior in numbers to the enclave as well, so I think the brotherhood would be the strongest resistance.

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Right, well, time to add a bit of science!


Marharth, "stopping" a bullet actualy plays right into the hands of some weapons, some munitions are specificaly designed to kill targets in armour, including a tiny few that use it's own armour plate against it.


Before I go on, ALL of these bullets and weapon REALLY EXIST, and are de-classified, some of them even having been fired with journos present during press events, such as the railguns, which were fired for Guiness World Records in a succesful attempt in 2002 to take the world muzzel velocity record, and send a tour de force message.

OK; Group A represents conventonial weapons modified to fire specialist munitions that merely need to hit you to kill you, armour be damned.


Hydroshock projectile: Hydrostatic shock is when a high impact sends a destructive through soft tissues. Such shockwaves are incredibly lethal, and can be created with kinetic force rather than the harder task of punching through someone. Some shotguns, large calbire pistols, antimaterial rifles, and other similar big-bore, massive power weapons can all deliver these deadly rounds, splattering a man in his armour, regardless of thickness.


Manbroiler: Coated in a sloppy, oozing, hyperflamable fuel, or even napalm like substances, the vicious Incediary round hits and burns. Some versions can burst open, igniting a whole person in a deadly conflagatrion.


Explosive rounds: they hit, then they detonate in a small fireball and massive shockwave, shattering armour and ripping the twisted remnants of flesh clean off the mangled bones. Regardless of it's size, all targets need fear these deadly bolts.


Armour Peircing High Velocity: Heavyweight metal core shots with improved aerodynamics, they use clever physics and bullet dynamics to achieve a simple goal: smash ANY armour. When fired from a big enough rifle, these tungsten core rounds can do just that, splintering even vehicle plate to ribbons.


Now the dreaded Group B, special, mainly prototype weapons old and new, strange new frontier-of-science devices and dreadful alien looking killing instruments abound here, but all rely on unusual ways to kill, some eschewing kinetic energy alltogether.


"ThorHammer" rounds: Able to turn the strongest of fortifications to splintered, shattered contrete and the mightiest tanks to twisted, steaming scrap strewn a mile-long impact scar in a single skysplitting shot, the RailGun showed the world a new sort of warfare when it made it's public debut in 2002.


With a muzzel velocity of 17,000 MPH and above (some shots were not measurable) these horrific weapons represent the theoretical next generation of emplaced vehicle killers. Using magnetic fields to fling a vastly heavy depleted uranium slug at a hypersonic speed, RailGuns dont need to bother with such pitiful concers as the target not complying and dying when shot: tests have shown that the unimaginable kinetic force with which they hit is sufficient to SHATTER metals, rather than simply twist or bend them; the impact friction itself creates a firey explosion, and the 17+ KMPH impact shatters the slug aswell, creating a fan of hypervelocity shrapnel. If that wasnt enough, the incalculable muzzlevelocity imparts a searing thousand degree farenheit plasma charge to the bullet, meaning that if it doesnt penetrate the target, somehow, it will melt it to atoms intead, as it burns hotter than an arc-welder's tip. This could likely kill Dagon himelf in a single shot, and it can do so from over the horizon or out to sea.


Missilekiller Advanced Tactical Laser System: in use since the early '90s on some American warships, this ultraprecise weapon can target and destroy incoming projectiles at insane ranges using a massive laser: enhanced versions can burn the skin off aircraft and land vehicles and flash-fry humans.


"pocketnuke" One of the stupidest ideas to arise during the Cold Wars, which was itself a monument to our owbn idiocy, the "Pocket-Nuke" is a real world FatMan: only ever fired once, it could be fitted into a (very very very big, towed by 6 Semi-trailers) Howitzer, allowing a bombardment of tactical nukes small enough to only kill the enemy: not very practical but in Fallout such weapons would have been pushed even further into development.


Microwave Point Defence: a HUMVEE mounted experimental weapon, it emits a debilitating cone of microwave radiation, originaly a riotbuster, and largely abandoned, it causes excuriating pain to anything standing infront of it, turning a bold horde into crippled wimps in moments without actualy doing them any permanent harm(it WAS human-tested, and causes mild sunburn, and skin-tanning symptons after long exposure)


And finaly Group-C represents current weapons that can virtualy ignore armour, and using mere kinetic energy and questionable design ethics can rip virtualy anything limb from limb.


Ma-Duece: The Browning M-2 .50 calibre shoots the same bullet as many antimaterial rifles: survive one antimaterial slug and you're tough, surviving a burst from this deadly weapon is far harder. With a range of two miles, good accuracy and the ability to tear a man limb fom limb even in the most advanced modern armour, this venerable ancient has been present in virtualy every war since and including WWII, and it's munition, the .50 BMG has spread globaly and is used in hundreds of types weapons. It can also bring down lightly armoured air vehicles and cripple light armour.


Swiss BOFORS. BOFORS weapon systems, autocannon, fire powerful penetrator bullets, but can also use incendiary, or explosive rounds. These 20mm horrors typicaly boast 2-4 barrels, a rate of fire that puts machineguns to shame, and can rip apart a Main battle Tank, let alone a man!


Denel NTW-20. The indesputably most brutal sniper rifle ever created, the NTW 20 fires a 20mm BOFORS style autcannon shell, the sort normaly employed to kill armoured vehicles from over a mile away, and which was created in WWII to shoot down high flying aircraft. This abbhorent device will turn a man to red mist in a single shot, can use incendiary and explosive bolts, and has a range limited mainly by it's scope. It's also bloody heavy! (about 25 kilos including the tripod)




Would'nt you just love to bring THAT to the rifle range? :) THAT my friends is a railgun, that's what they look like IRW, big long boxy things that shoot glowing orange bullets of doom, big thanks to WikiMedia Commons for the image, and the US Navy for actualy releasing cool stuff like that to the public.

Edited by Vindekarr
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