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Fallout 4 and S.T.E.A.M.


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I'm new to this, but I thought I would try this method of finding some answers.


I have been playing FALLOUT 3 "Game of the Year" edition for quite a while now, and it has been really great.


When FALLOUT 3 "New Vegas" came out, I bought it immediately because of my great experiences with FALLOUT 3. This release required a S.T.E.A.M. account to be able to play it, so I opened an account there. S.T.E.A.M. basically ruined my experience with this game. I experienced random crashes, huge slow-downs in performance, and many times the game just locked up. I contacted all the relevant support sources, and got no help at all. Consequently, my "New Vegas" version just sits on the shelf.


Incidentally, my GAME PC is set up as follows:

CPU: Intel 4770K i7 3.5 Ghz.



VIDEO Cards: Two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 cards in SLI configuration.

O.S.: Windows 7 Ultimate Edition

NETWORK: Fiber Optic Cable, 18 MB/s up and down


While this is not the fastest machine out there, it does its own share of screaming through FALLOUT, CRYSIS, Call of Duty, etc. No crashes, no lock-ups, no performance degradation no matter how hard I push the games. BUT.....these are all played off line.



My "GOTY" version allows me to play off line and does not require a S.T.E.A.M. account, so I am getting a lot of enjoyment out of it.


I noticed FALLOUT 4 is on the near horizon, and it looks like S.T.E.A.M. is involved with that release as well. Does anoyone know if there is hope for a version of FALLOUT 4 that does NOT require a S.T.E.A.M. account, so that a person at least has the option of playing it off line?


Any information you can provide will be most appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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Maybe try these? These mods should help increase your gaming experience with this game. While it is not ideal to have Steam always running whilst playing a game, it is something we unfortunately have to just deal with. However, it may be comforting for you to know that Steam may not be the only culprit. New Vegas is not the most optimized game, and in general it has a lot of issues that affect performance and crate crashes. Hopefully these mods help.


NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash:



New Vegas Stutter Remover:



OneTweak for FNV:



Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP






If you need more information about making New Vegas all around more enjoyable to play, I recommend watching Gopher's video on the subject:


Fallout NV: Mod Clinic


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Thank you all for your input to my question. I appreciate it.


It seems that, as I feared, I will not be able to play FALLOUT 4 outside of S.T.E.A.M... Most disappointing.


Thanks, DaddyDirection for the links to help make FALLOUT 3 New Vegas more tolerable.


Rabbit, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "offline mode" from within S.T.E.A.M. Can you please help me out with this one?


Thanks again everybody! (smile)

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S.T.E.A.M is just a glorified DRM system that gaming companies have sold out to in order to ATTEMPT to stop piracy....of course games are still pirated and distributed without much touble, so it's an epic fail in that regard. It's instusive and a pain in the arse, but unfortunately, here to stay. I wished more companies would go with a GOG type system, but alas Valve has deeper pockets than most, so the big devs will always go with them.

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Meh, Steam is the least intrusive by far. Could be Ubi's bulls***. Valve doesn't give a flying f*** about their customers, but they care enough about their image to at least fix their biggest mistakes. Origin, ironically, is probably better at this point as far as UI is concerned - but EA failed hardcore to start with and there' s no games there.


All that aside, Fallout New Vegas isn't crashing because of Steam. Almost no game crashes specifically because of Steam, though if you're pushing your system to its limits you should probably turn off the in-game overlay - which you can do by right clicking the game in the library and selecting preferences. Fallout New Vegas crashes because it was made by Obsidian, and Obsidian is laughably incapable of finishing any of their games for whatever reason. It'd be laudable, maybe, if that was the case because they didn't do crunch. Unfortunately, it's much more likely that they low-ball all of their estimates and ship too early in spite of stuff not being ready.


Also, Steam isn't an acronym, so why are we putting periods in it in this thread?


Edit: And Fallout 3 GOTY only lets you play "offline" because of the Games for Windows Live nonsense that ruined that game for months after release before people dug around and figured out how to turn it off. THAT, that stuff DEFINITELY caused chrashes.

Edited by JMan240
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