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Combat Mod


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I'd like a combat mod that makes skyrim more skill based.

I don't want the mod to just buff the enemies health and lower my damage.

The game is absolutely impossible on legendary. I get one hitted from the two imperials in the helgen dungeon, even when I block.

I want a mod that makes blocking usefull, and that makes every successfull hit lethal.

I toggled tgm on and needed 30 seconds of constant slashing until the health bar of one of them was gone.

Absolutely ridiculous.

I tried ultimate combat + combat evolved but blocking is still useless and I get one hitted when I block the attack yet I do zero damage.

When I put the difficulty on adept it's hardly more challenging than vanilla adept.

I tried using the hardcore damage from ultimate combat but it seems it's only 50% more.

Revenge of the enemies just does the same, it gives some enemies new abilities but basically it just buffs their stats, same as deadly dragons, enhanced mighty dragons, obis etc.

Populated Forts, ASIS and Sands of Time just increase the spawns, I don't want an MMO or some kind of Diablo game.

Duel Combat Realism makes the vanilla fights even longer xD.


Do you guys know any combat mods that change it to be more realistic?

Like, 2-3 hits and you are dead and blocking is usefull, like in Dark Souls?

I would use it with combat evolved, because that mods makes enemies surround you and attack simultaneously.

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I just tried Deadly Combat + Combat Evolved and Ultimate Combat + Combat Evolved.

Timed Blocking in deadly combat rarely works because of script lag and I lose stamina when getting hit which promotes mindless button mashing.

I sometimes even got staggered after a successful block xD and even if the enemy gets staggerd for these 0.2 seconds, it just isn't enough to chain an attack right after and hit. He can simply block it.

Ultimate Combat didn't change anything. I literally didn't notice anything apart from the combat evolved ai.


I also tried tk dodge mod but the delay is pretty noticeable and dodging in the left direction moves you 5cm, which is pretty much redundant. Might as well remove the ability to doge to left direction.


I googled a bit and found out that scripts need a good cpu.

I have an i7 970 @ 4.2 Ghz (it's a six core but apparently skyrim can't use more than one or two).


So is there really not a single combat mod that makes it so the pc and npcs can't take 10 hits and still be alive, being like sponges and taking damage left and right?

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Yes I was, but I got rid of many script heavy mods now.

I only have Run for your Lives, When vampires attack, magic duel reborn, deadly dragons, Moonlight Tales, Better Vampires, EFF, Immersive Patrols, Wet and Cold, iNeed, Frostfall, CoT + Supreme Storms and Expanded Snow Systems and the combat mods.

Is that still too much?

I removed every follower mods, quest mods, convenient horses, footprints, cco remade and so on.

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In case you haven't already looked into it, Perkus Maximus is a great option; it's what saved Skyrim for me when I got bored. There's a well-implemented timed blocking mechanic, hits are more deadly, shields and armor block more, movement is encouraged instead of punished, power attacks cost more but are way more effective... the list goes on and on. Even if you don't prefer the full overhaul you can get the Warrior module alone and benefit from that. With your load order, you'll only require one or two patches, so it'll be an easy install.

Also, Skyrim Redone, while outdated, has fantastic AI/spawn zones modules that really improve combat with multiple enemies. Might want to check that out too.


EDIT: I just read what you mentioned about your CPU. If you check out this guide, it has a couple of great suggestions, just in case you haven't done all of it already. Additionally, I'd make sure your power mode for your computer is set to prioritize "Performance" in the Control Panel. That will prevent your computer lowering your CPU speed while you're playing and wreaking havoc on scripts.

Edited by newzilla7
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Remove all your mods altering weapon damage or enemies. Those are most likely interfering with your dealt/received damage.


Try this combination in order:

Duel - Combat Realism v7 HARDCORE

Combat Evolved

Combat Behavior Improved (faster animations without scripts, makes possible to switch to block stance in the middle of weapon attack / swing) Important!!!

Archery Gameplay Overhaul (with Enhanced Camera 1.2)



SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators (load before Duel, might make bears, etc longer to kill)

Dual Wield Parrying


Optional Animations (for smoother movement, etc):

DSer Animations

Dual Wield Improved Animation

Pseudo parry animation

Mystic Knight

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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