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Is it too late for me to start woking on a mod?


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The older TES and fallout games still have projects going on, just because Skyrim is old (it not really that old.) doesn't mean no one is playing. In fact, these last two years have a lot of projects going in and still have a lot of players. Don't feel shy to post yours.


Posting the mod within a small crowd is not a bad idea at all. As long as it good, it should last long and well. You must focus on making a good/useful/fun mod first.

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Fo4 will not have paid mods, as Todd said right after the E3 showcase.

That's not actually true. He said they weren't a possibility anytime soon, because they were really busy. Plus, it'd be an absolutely stupid choice for PR, everyone would hate them all over again.


Doesn't mean it's not happening in the future - Pete Hines, at one point, said something to the effect "it's definitely something we want to look at in the future, it'd be awesome, but not atm".

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