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Is it too late for me to start woking on a mod?


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Don't listen to Kerberus on this one, please. Mod what you want, and if you want to share it, do so. Don't mod just to get validation from users in the form of endorsements or something. Just make what you want, and share it if you want. It's your creation. :smile:

Edited by Mattiewagg
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Don't listen to Kerberus on this one, please. Mod what you want, and if you want to share it, do so. Don't mod just to get validation from users in the form of endorsements or something. Just make what you want, and share it if you want. It's your creation. :smile:


Make a mod that people likes and people will take notice. :smile: But don't just do it for others, do it because you want to and enjoy the learning experience.

That's the plan, but still, working on something and then be ignored, its not so enjoyable :) .

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I'm sure you'll get some hits anyway. lol Still, never too late to learn. I started getting into the modding scene about 2 months ago and I'm still mucking about with my first mod, adding new things as I go along and learning something new, like making meshes and exporting them to the game. :)


If anything, the system will most likely be the same or similar to what we will see for Fall Out 4 or future TES games. Learning now will just lessen the time needed to get started on future games. ;)

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I'm sure you'll get some hits anyway. lol Still, never too late to learn. I started getting into the modding scene about 2 months ago and I'm still mucking about with my first mod, adding new things as I go along and learning something new, like making meshes and exporting them to the game. :smile:


If anything, the system will most likely be the same or similar to what we will see for Fall Out 4 or future TES games. Learning now will just lessen the time needed to get started on future games. :wink:

Fo4 does use an updated Skyrim engine. So it likely will be the same a little.

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Don't listen to Kerberus on this one, please. Mod what you want, and if you want to share it, do so. Don't mod just to get validation from users in the form of endorsements or something. Just make what you want, and share it if you want. It's your creation. :smile:

Wtf, I told him to mod for himself, not for others, why do you always make me seem like a bad influence? :(

Edited by Kerberus14
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Too late? No. Take a look, for example, at nsk13's Daedric Reaper Armor mod.


Downloaded over 26,000 times in six days. Note it has:


Male armor, which is relatively rare.

Female armor, with various degrees of skimpiness, which is always popular.

A Bodyslide2 setup and links to a UUNP setup, which makes the female armor adaptable to many of the different female bodies out there.

Visually appealing textures, and meshes nicely weighted to minimize/avoid clipping.

At least one version that doesn't require any DLCs.

And the esp seems to have been cleaned up, according to my TES5Edit.


Appealed to a lot of different players. So I'm not surprised it also got lots of endorsements.

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Don't listen to Kerberus on this one, please. Mod what you want, and if you want to share it, do so. Don't mod just to get validation from users in the form of endorsements or something. Just make what you want, and share it if you want. It's your creation. :smile:

Wtf, I told him to mod for himself, not for others, why do you always make me seem like a bad influence? :sad:





Unless you're already famous don't expect anyone to pay attention to your mods, just mod for yourself.

Sounds like "don't release a mod, no one ever gets their mods recognized unless everyone loves them" which is not true in the slightest. Plenty of huge mods were made by people who were never popular - and popular mod authors have made plenty of disliked or unrecognized mods.
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