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NMM 0.60 Beta released with profiling. Sharing profiles to follow soon.


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In response to post #28779589.

lydiacat wrote: To be honest, this update wasn't so bad. Sure the installation menu for mods won't show up once in a blue moon. The bugs are not that bad. I actually really like this new update. I look forward to seeing what this will become. :) Good luck with fixing the bugs.

About the missing installation menu for scripted mods:

If you want to change the options for scripted installers you need to uninstall them:
Uninstall is no longer achieved by double-clicking on a mod (that will just disable it, thus removing their link to the game's Data folder).
To uninstall a mod you need to right-click on it and select one of the 2 Uninstall options.
Now, if you reinstall it you'll get the usual scripted installer menus.
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In response to post #28777289.

gmrf wrote: I read the warnings during the updade and I was ready to face some minor bugs, some installation problems and all that. But the amount of errors that showed up on LOOT is absurd. Over 20 missing esps and esms.

So all I need to do is reinstall some mods using NMM, right? Wrong. The installation process is bugged and mod compatibility was shot to hell. The damage is so big that a simple clean install will not do it. I need to redownload some mods and do a manual install or use some other program to replace NMM.

This is a disaster. The update is a disaster and the post is a disaster.

Your MODERATOR commenting that "I bet the people who didn't bother to READ the bright RED warning are the same people that have several extra tool bars installed on their browser and wonder where they came from as well." is simply shameful. I don't even have the words. Is that what Nexus is? A bunch of "I know better" guys stomping on less savvy computer geeks?

I am truly disappointed. And it's clear a lot of people is too.
You can ignore me all you want, say that it's our fault 'cause we are too ignorant, but you should really take a moment to reevaluate some things around here.

I'm going to have to agree on that count. A certain moderator isn't really acting in a professional manner as befitting his job. Consumer based software is about making it simple enough so that regular people can use it without much hassle. If people ARE having a hassle with it, that's on the fault of the designer/coder, not on the consumer.
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In response to post #28779589. #28779679 is also a reply to the same post.

lydiacat wrote: To be honest, this update wasn't so bad. Sure the installation menu for mods won't show up once in a blue moon. The bugs are not that bad. I actually really like this new update. I look forward to seeing what this will become. :) Good luck with fixing the bugs.
DuskDweller wrote: About the missing installation menu for scripted mods:

If you want to change the options for scripted installers you need to uninstall them:
Uninstall is no longer achieved by double-clicking on a mod (that will just disable it, thus removing their link to the game's Data folder).
To uninstall a mod you need to right-click on it and select one of the 2 Uninstall options.
Now, if you reinstall it you'll get the usual scripted installer menus.

Ah I see. :D I was a derp there. :P Thank you. :D
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So it seems there are two problems. The famous "text in red" should read "This update will reinstall all your mods" and not what it says now. And it should be on the upgrade notification message not when you have installed the new version.


It should also say that the procedure will take hours even on a brand new 1500 euro PC ...

Edited by prinyo
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In response to post #28777289. #28779704 is also a reply to the same post.

gmrf wrote: I read the warnings during the updade and I was ready to face some minor bugs, some installation problems and all that. But the amount of errors that showed up on LOOT is absurd. Over 20 missing esps and esms.

So all I need to do is reinstall some mods using NMM, right? Wrong. The installation process is bugged and mod compatibility was shot to hell. The damage is so big that a simple clean install will not do it. I need to redownload some mods and do a manual install or use some other program to replace NMM.

This is a disaster. The update is a disaster and the post is a disaster.

Your MODERATOR commenting that "I bet the people who didn't bother to READ the bright RED warning are the same people that have several extra tool bars installed on their browser and wonder where they came from as well." is simply shameful. I don't even have the words. Is that what Nexus is? A bunch of "I know better" guys stomping on less savvy computer geeks?

I am truly disappointed. And it's clear a lot of people is too.
You can ignore me all you want, say that it's our fault 'cause we are too ignorant, but you should really take a moment to reevaluate some things around here.
calfurius wrote: I'm going to have to agree on that count. A certain moderator isn't really acting in a professional manner as befitting his job. Consumer based software is about making it simple enough so that regular people can use it without much hassle. If people ARE having a hassle with it, that's on the fault of the designer/coder, not on the consumer.

The issue for us is that, instead of people providing us with meaningful bug reports in our bug tracker, like we asked for repeatedly so we can actually fix the issue, they've instead decided to come on to the forums/this thread to verbally insult us and, on multiple occasions, told us to go kill ourselves. Frankly, I don't care about the personal insults, but when they start coming out, I'm not going to start treating people like princesses. And the worst part is, they don't even give us the bug report that would actually help us to fix the issue in between all the personal insults thrown at us. I'm not here to do PR and treat everyone like unique snowflakes. No one on the team is.

This is an open beta. Every time you start NMM the word "Beta" is written in BIG font. We released an alpha of our profiling build 8 months ago, in January. In that time, 40,000 people used a build very similar to this one. They reported all the bugs they could find and we fixed them, with 9 updates to that alpha. Since the last update to the alpha we've had no reports of any further issues and all our internal testing couldn't bring up any more issues either. The only thing we can do after that is release it in to the public beta. People are acting like we knew there were issues and decided to release it anyway, with a big middle finger and an up yours to all our user base. Frankly, that's insulting.

Yes, there's been problems. Instead of people doing what you do in a beta test when there's a problem, which is actually provide us with meaningful bug reports that would help us to narrow down the problem and help us fix it, they've resorted to coming here and spewing hate and vile all over the place. You can be upset, I don't mind if you throw some hate out, let it out of your system, I don't mind, I've been doing this for 14 years and seen far worse. But once you've got it out, actually help out your fellow mod users by giving us the damn report that would help us fix this issue for everyone.

Out of all the people that have come in to this news post and said this update hasn't worked out for them, less than 4% of them have posted in our bug tracker to actually help us fix it. That is extremely telling of the people we're dealing with.

So sure, it's a PR nightmare and doesn't reflect greatly on us. But frankly, with users like this, there's no drive for us to be nice back. And when I'm being told by someone to kill myself...nah. Just nah. Edited by Dark0ne
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In response to post #28778574. #28779059 is also a reply to the same post.

Arcturus7777 wrote:


In response to post #28760444.

Naznaczony wrote: Damn after installation my mods stop working, now i need to reinstal whole game with all mods thank you.

It said right in the bright bold "PLEASE READ" section that it would uninstall, and then reinstall all of your mods. That should be a red flag if you have a touchy setup.



It DID NOT say that when I started NMM today and it asked me to update? It was AFTER it erased my old NMM that I found out I was totally messed up. Hitting cancel, and now with no mod manager.


There should of been some warning. I have 221 mods installed and working. I do not want to try and uninstall and reinstall them during a play thru.


SO, where is the latest old version, OR do I need to go to MO or trick FOMM into doing skyrim?

Dark0ne wrote: If you haven't interacted with the process yet (i.e. you clicked "Cancel" instead of "Yes" or "No") then all you need to do is reinstall the previous version of NMM you had, and no changes will have been made.

The fun thing is If you updated your previous versions of NMM through the in program update prompt then the previous version isn't available.

Leaving one with the option to un-install mods, un-install mods or not play modded game.

I was lucky enough to still have a V 0.52.3 installer on my old Hard-drive.

Neither the wiki nor this post link to the last stable version. They just say use the previous one... Maybe include a link to it in the wiki AND post?
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In response to post #28778574. #28779059, #28780139 are all replies on the same post.

Arcturus7777 wrote:


In response to post #28760444.

Naznaczony wrote: Damn after installation my mods stop working, now i need to reinstal whole game with all mods thank you.

It said right in the bright bold "PLEASE READ" section that it would uninstall, and then reinstall all of your mods. That should be a red flag if you have a touchy setup.



It DID NOT say that when I started NMM today and it asked me to update? It was AFTER it erased my old NMM that I found out I was totally messed up. Hitting cancel, and now with no mod manager.


There should of been some warning. I have 221 mods installed and working. I do not want to try and uninstall and reinstall them during a play thru.


SO, where is the latest old version, OR do I need to go to MO or trick FOMM into doing skyrim?

Dark0ne wrote: If you haven't interacted with the process yet (i.e. you clicked "Cancel" instead of "Yes" or "No") then all you need to do is reinstall the previous version of NMM you had, and no changes will have been made.
sanasish wrote: The fun thing is If you updated your previous versions of NMM through the in program update prompt then the previous version isn't available.

Leaving one with the option to un-install mods, un-install mods or not play modded game.

I was lucky enough to still have a V 0.52.3 installer on my old Hard-drive.

Neither the wiki nor this post link to the last stable version. They just say use the previous one... Maybe include a link to it in the wiki AND post?

Click on Install NMM at the top of this page, then click on the NMM version number, you'll reach the Release Notes thread on the Forums, at the bottom there's all the links to all the supported Previous Builds. Edited by DuskDweller
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Well I'm not sure why but NMM gives up on the whole uninstall process after a few minutes. I seem to notice this on occasion when I would uninstall a mod to either update or refresh it due to a possible unintended overwrite, an error message would popup and NMM would have to close. Sometimes it would have actually uninstalled the mod, or it may just have left it "alone".


Moving on from .56.1 to .60 it gave up several times and closed showing an error message. I think most users who have a large selection of mods, and probably especially those who don't rely completely on Nexus based mods may be better off doing a full uninstall/reinstall of skyrim and start from scratch. At least I have the luxury of being able to transfer my ENTIRE skyrim directory onto a removable HD so things like modified textures or anything else that may be changed from the original mod can be reapplied... It's going to be a PITA but hopefully this BS is a one time thing.


I haven't finished trying the NMM auto reinstaller process that it comes up with on startup after the update, so I don't know yet if I will be stuck doing a fresh install or not.

Edited by FadetoBlack04
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I had to disable and then enable 200 mods....took time and was frustrating, BUT I didn't lose any and was able to get my game back to working order. It's running fine now....I even had to re-install the latest SKSE because the scripts were no longer compatible, so it wasn't a smooth transition, but I'll be ready for FO4 when it comes out. Now.....is there a tutorial on how to make and switch Profiles somewhere? My 10 yr old wants to play Skyrim, but no way in hell is he playing Daddy's version...:0
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