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NMM 0.60 Beta released with profiling. Sharing profiles to follow soon.


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In response to post #28784614. #28787074, #28787319 are all replies on the same post.

mrchaos500 wrote: it is going sooo slow and i only have 32 mods active i couldve uninstalled them 1000 times by now
-i cant get this thing to work its been uninstalling the same mod for 3 hours and the reverting advice onyl works if i can actually use the interface but i cant since its trying to migrate but seems to be going no where i dread installing fnv mods i have 3 times as many think i'll move them all to fomm
Dark0ne wrote: It should not take 3 hours to uninstall one mod. Please file a bug report and let us know which mod it is for us to check.
mrchaos500 wrote: its sky ui. its not uninstalling anything i checked the task manager its responding and says its running but its not doing anything um where do i file a bug report?

http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/project-3-mod-manager-open-beta/ Edited by Dark0ne
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I have to agree with most people here ... NMM 0.60 totally ruined my setup ... it should`ve come with a way to IGNORE that specific feature and work as before ... but noooooo ...


I was forced to install the new version cause my previous one totally stopped working (0.53).

The site NEEDS to have all versions available for download (only version prior to 0.52 found on the net which ruins downloads), my skyrim would`ve continued to work if I could`ve find a older version dammit ...


Back to working HOURS on the game again >.< currently on reinstalling all the mods via the feature but I`m dead sure there`s gonna be loads of problems ... If I get a power outage as it happens here in blasted Italy, during this operation I`m ruined. Sorry for being so offensive but I just can`t help it.

Edited by bobbythecamel
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New version ruined my skyrim reinstalling all 300+ mods really ? I dont know what to do in my life anymore. *drinks poison*
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Before reinstalling everything... there is probably no need for that. The problems you are experiencing are because of missing files in some mods. It can be any kind of file.


In NMM click the Tools and then Restore the backup profile. Then switch to it via the new profile dropdown.

It will show you a list of all broken mods. All you have to do is reinstall the mods listed in this popup.

If you click Yes it will show a red icon in front of the broken mods and it makes it easier to find them and reinstall them.

It took me 10 minutes to fix my Skyrim after I found out about that.

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In response to post #28785609. #28785709 is also a reply to the same post.

WoodrowWaffles wrote: Updating now...but how will this work if I ALREADY had multiple skyrim mod profiles thanks to this amazing utility http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29307/?
WoodrowWaffles wrote: I mean, do I need to repeat this process for each set of mods i have, and how would i even go about migrating the profiles from Multiple Skyrim Installations Manager to NMM ? would i need to delete it and redo everything in NMM?

NMM will make a backup of the currently active installation and just that, you'll need to set the other profiles you have from scratch.
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In response to post #28786254. #28786739 is also a reply to the same post.

ds777 wrote: I'm SO pissed! I dloaded this when I started NMM cause I wanted to check my load order fast. Was like cool an updarte and clicked dload like an idiot. Now my game is fubar! Not only is this interupting my game time, but I had customized several of my mods! I don't want to freaking reinstall all of them now, and I don't remember all the ones I made changes to!! OMG, I had everything set up just right to start another play through with different mods and this just totally screws me over.

Holy cray you need to put some sort of warning to people who go to update and don't want to deal with this crap!! Oh man!!! thanks for ruining my night AND my game I spent a week on trying to set up just right!!!! You NMM team need to get it together and not ruin peoples games with out them knowing what they are dloading!!!!!! I get you need to update but people like me who don't care or are in the middle of playing the game shouldn't have to go through this crap!!

Give people some friggin warning that they are about to reinstall all thier mods before dloading this patch when the get asked if they want to dload it!!!!! Like I siad I had made custom changes to several mods and now I'll have to redo them all over again if I can remember what ones I changed.


I lost all repect for you guys this is complete BS!!!

Thanks again for ruining my game and my night!
Robanus wrote: I'm just going to give the exact same reply as before.

As has been stated countless times in this thread already: there is a huge red warning during the update process. The NMM is beta software and updates are bound to contain changes. No offence, but your argument is void.

you can download 0.56.1, go to the download page here and at the bottom, click spoilers. Thanks to prinyo for finding this.


I agree, sure there's a warning but there should be an option to not have to go through a full reinstall process for those of us who only do 1 playthrough at a time.
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In response to post #28785559. #28786049 is also a reply to the same post.

dovakin91x wrote: Where can i download the previous version? 0.56.1 version
mrchaos500 wrote: indeed this may work with lightning fast computers but not mine it is on its last legs and it cant even uninstall my 32 active mods in the time it wouldve taken me to manualing uninstall now i appreciate progress and all the devs hard work and unexpected errors happen.
but until the bugs are ironed out i would like to go back to 56.1 the method described won't work because i cant click on tools or anything in the nmm while its trying to uninstall the mods

Go here


At the bottom of the page, click on Spoilers and its there.

Thanks to prinyo for finding this
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In response to post #28787889.

bobbythecamel wrote:

I don`t suppose NMM 0.60 makes a backup of what it uninstalls does it ? if it does, where is it ?

Yes it does.

Make sure you have version 0.60.3, go in the Tools menu, click "Restore backup profile" and follow the instructions.

If this doesn't fix your installation or should you have any more issues please post here:
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