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Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ


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In response to post #28851164.

bben46 wrote:

If you look down at my sig there is a line that says

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you went after."

This is not new, it has been a part of my sig for a long time. Experience is what you got from this. Experience is never cheap, but this time it is actually very inexpensive in real world terms. You have a problem with a game :rolleyes: This is not life threating nor is it going to cost you any money. What did you learn ( experience) - BACK UP first, always back up anything you consider important and keep the back up up to date. Not having a recent back up is ALWAYS your own fault. The excuse I hear most often is "But I just don't have the time to back up stuff." - Why? Because you are too busy checking facebook, watching silly You tube videos and playing a game. :psyduck: Too busy to do something that is actually important? :whistling: There is nothing wrong with these activities, but there are some important things that you need to do first. Unless you want to pay for that experience with the time you thought you would be playing games.


The second excuse "It's too Hard!" Is it harder than reinstalling 400 mods? Or losing your companies entire financial records for the last year? :blink: BACK UP - NOW!!! Put down the facebook and backup. NOW, later may be too late. Or at least accept responsibility for not doing something that is considered common sense in the real world.


Another line in my sig is"

"When all else fails - Read the directions. (RTFM) "


Read the directions. Always read the directions before starting. Reading them after you have failed to follow them isn't going to help. Even if you think you are so smart you don't need no stinking instructions. By not reading you are showing you are not as smart as you think you are. Often things are not quite as straightforward as they look at first, and reading those instructions can save you a lot of time an grief - and later in life, a lot of money as well. So RTFM, Every time, even if you think you already know what they say things may have changed since the last time. More cheap experience - if you are willing to learn from mistakes. :yes:


We all make mistakes. Some of us learn from our mistakes - and some would rather blame someone else. :facepalm:

I agree,
This update was a huge mistake, specially from guys who make usually a pretty good job, and have a pretty big experience on how people use an auto-updated tool.

I mean, you know how people are, for a fact: There are thousands posts on how increase donation, or how improve community concern.

And there, we have a tool, that works perfectly since *years*, made specifically to be a no-brainer, with a high trust capital, that screws a complete install in *one* click on a button labelled in a totally illogical way.
It's a bit easy to blame users for that failure.

So, simple solution for a start.
*do not allow auto-update on this version*.
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In response to post #28834879.

Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Folks still doing the blame game? I updated, had to reinstall and took me hours to get back to working...was it frustrating?, Yuppers. Did I say lots of bad words? Oh you bet I did. Did I jump on the forums, raise holy hell, swear, threaten, and make an ass of myself? Not even once. I DID make a bug report as requested, and am currently getting help from the Devs...most likely because I explained my issue and requested help instead of blindly lashing out and threatening their entire bloodline with doom and horror. You see folks, for whatever amount of time you put into playing the game, they have most likely put that same amount (if not more) time into developing this FREE program to help you play the game you enjoy. Show some respect and maybe just a little patience until this gets sorted out. Most of us will be playing FO4 in a couple of months and Skyrim will be relegated to those dusty parts of our computer that we store it in when we get a new shiny anyway, and I bet they will STILL be working on NMM whilst we are hunting in the wasteland. Remember the golden rule, my good people: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!

So the mods did confirm that you could run two instances of NMM (old version for Skyrim and new version for FO4, as long as one is renamed, exp: Nexus 2). My Skyrim is running fine with the new NMM (except for the highly touted profiles:( ) even though it did take me more than a few hours to fix, so doubt I will go that route, but it is a viable option for those who are having issues with the upgrade.
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I'm glad I read the site news today instead of just booting up NWN and accepting the update. Thank you Dark0ne for your post, really, thank you (no sarcasm no bs).


That being said, the perpetual-beta explanation/defense does make me sigh... I suspect the majority of NWN users are gamers, not programmers. What is common sense to one group may not be common sense to another.


If I am reading correctly, it seems like the moral of the story is for users to not update NWN until they are ready to do a full uninstall/reinstall rebuild of their game/mods.


Personally, I've done that two or three times over the past year and a half, so have managed to learn the hard way. The first time was very painful, but at least it taught me to never use the site's green "Download (NWN)" button and always manually download so I had a copy of the mod file saved.


Perhaps in the future when there is a major update that will do something along the lines of uninstall or reinstall a users mods, a unique warning could be used instead of the standard accept/decline the update box? (I'm imagining a huge cartoon hammer bonking a cartoon head flashing 'read me dork!')


I understand the need and desire to update, but I can also understand the frustration folks may have, particularly when I'm reading that the various options menus several mods offer appear to be disabled by the 6.0 beta, let alone any adjustments a user might have made with NifSkope/TES5edit/BodySlide.


Am I reading this correctly or have these issues already been addressed?

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Actually I luv this version ... but when it installed it showed that several mods were active .. but when I played Skyrim the mods were inactive ... I had to uninstall several mods and download and reinstall the ones I had ... most of the mods however did switch over and install correctly .. however ... Caleintes body and such did not ... I had to uninstall Caliente and reinstall .. also all the Vampire mods like beautiful vampires and others I had to reinstall ... no problem ... I just deleted the ones that did not cross over and reinstalled them once again ... for safe purposes .. go thru all .. A L L .. your mods .. uninstall and reinstall them .. then .. play the game and see what did not do that .. if any did not do that .. u not only have to uninstall .. but u have to delete them .. then .. download them again which ones .. and install them from fresh ... no problem .. I'm not like other people .. I luv Skyrim and I luv Nexus Mod Manager LOL ... cool .. again .... MOST all mods came over .. but the ones that require interation when installed did not ... only the mods that mainly do not require interaction came over ... a cool version ... NOTE: in using this new version .. it was awesome quick to install this version .. why .. I have a Titan graphics card ... 64 GIG Ram the full amount ... i7 processor ... and loaded for bear LOL ... so ... with this in mind ... the longer it takes to install this new version is NOT the program at all .. its YOUR hardware setup and what u have in your computer LOL ... to me there is NO problem at all and recommend this new version ... awesome ! .. now .. back to downloading more mods from Nexus ... and ... MORE WHISKEY ! ... GO NEXUS ! .. I luv u ! ..
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Even though this update was huge and mess up my load order a bit, I have gotten used to it once I learned to uninstall a mod completely. My only real issue is the lack of installer showing up on disabling mods. I wish it could show up while enabling over having to go the whole reinstallation process. I have 200 active mods atm.
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In response to post #28834879. #28853329 is also a reply to the same post.

Crimsonhawk87 wrote: Folks still doing the blame game? I updated, had to reinstall and took me hours to get back to working...was it frustrating?, Yuppers. Did I say lots of bad words? Oh you bet I did. Did I jump on the forums, raise holy hell, swear, threaten, and make an ass of myself? Not even once. I DID make a bug report as requested, and am currently getting help from the Devs...most likely because I explained my issue and requested help instead of blindly lashing out and threatening their entire bloodline with doom and horror. You see folks, for whatever amount of time you put into playing the game, they have most likely put that same amount (if not more) time into developing this FREE program to help you play the game you enjoy. Show some respect and maybe just a little patience until this gets sorted out. Most of us will be playing FO4 in a couple of months and Skyrim will be relegated to those dusty parts of our computer that we store it in when we get a new shiny anyway, and I bet they will STILL be working on NMM whilst we are hunting in the wasteland. Remember the golden rule, my good people: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!
Crimsonhawk87 wrote: So the mods did confirm that you could run two instances of NMM (old version for Skyrim and new version for FO4, as long as one is renamed, exp: Nexus 2). My Skyrim is running fine with the new NMM (except for the highly touted profiles:( ) even though it did take me more than a few hours to fix, so doubt I will go that route, but it is a viable option for those who are having issues with the upgrade.

You can just copy the nexus mods folder and place it someplace else, run it there and select only the games that you don't want to be reinstalled, and use your original version to upgrade to the latest version.
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Downgrading does not seem to be straightforward at all. The most recent previous version of NMM I could find was .53. I tried to find .56.1 and could not. The link provided above points to the 0.60 release announcement.
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Ok, some of us have indeed had some issues with this update. Frustrating as all Hell. Yes. Of course. Lots of nasty words being uttered at the time of finding said issue/s. Most of us, some of us, a few of us, anyway, see the issue/s and post with critical info about the issue/s. But, then you have members who throw tantrums as in a post I responded to earlier. Anyway, do the devs of this software deserve criticism? Yes. Of course they do. They deserve logical, factual, positive, constructive, and practical criticism. Do they deserve destructive and shaming criticism? NO! So, in conclusion, people need to shut their pie holes, gather their thoughts and POST constructively, accurate info about the issue/s they have encountered. So the devs can ACTUALLY help. Harsh and rude posts are not wanted or needed. I am STILL surprised that DuskDweller even responded to one idiotic post. Kudos to you DuskDweller. You have my total respect.

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