JaBaRouke Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 Mine is back to working again. The only comment I have to pass is that the mods that had NMM options do not appear on reinstall. It appears to take the previously selected options as the answer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bacon27 Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 After taking the time to upgrade, I can say that I haven't noticed any problems with NMM or in Skyrim itself. I have to say, I enjoy the new features (such as FNIS, Dual Sheath support, etc.). It definitely is nicer to be able to do all of that from one console instead of hunting down app shortcuts. Running Windows 8.1 and NMM 0.60.9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elgar82 Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29127034. Reveal hidden contents Quote JaBaRouke wrote: Mine is back to working again. The only comment I have to pass is that the mods that had NMM options do not appear on reinstall. It appears to take the previously selected options as the answer.As explained in the FAQ. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DrakeTheDragon Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29046409. #29125669, #29126869 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote bben46 wrote: Please. commenting in a forum is not a bug report. if you really want to help, and not just rant - please use the bug report that we set up just for this reason. If you don't know how to report a bug, start here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/460590-reporting-bugs/ This is not something new we started just for this version, it has always been a part of the Open Beta from the beginning when the very first version of NMM beta was released. This is how we track and fix problems, and how nearly every software development process works. If you do not use the bug tracker, you are just ranting and not reporting bugs. :pinch: Quote nahuelst wrote: Beta open forever, because it suits you, you are a bad people are kind angels now ... and that the user is s#*!. To think that in a survey I gave a favorable opinion to you, and are only a pack of useless and vociferous against the user characters. My time is as valuable as yours. Is reprehensible attitude they have taken. Obviously I advise no one to use your damn installer if there are bad users, you behave like some lunatics. 6.0 very dangerous virus, do not bother if I download ... hjmmGOOGLE TRANSLATORBeta abierta para siempre, porque les conviene a ustedes, son una mala gente ustedes son angeles bondadosos ahora... y que el usuario se cague. Pensar que en una encuesta les di una opinión favorable a ustedes, y son solamente una jaúria de personajes inútiles y vociferantes en contra del usuario. Mi tiempo es tan valioso como el de ustedes. Es repudiable la actitud que han tomado. Obviamente que no aconsejaré a nadie que use su maldito instalador, si hay usuarios malos, ustedes se comportan como unos energumenos. Versión 6.0 virus muy peligroso, no moleste si lo descargo...hjmmGOOGLE TRANSLATOR Quote Drache198 wrote: Well, I can hardly file a bug report for something I didn't test myself. But I can see where the new version went wrong.The biggest problem is that the modmanager assumed that the modmanager is the only entity changing game data. Since patchers are a thing this is a miscalculation even for more casual users. And then there are users who make changes to their mods using the creation kit, nifskope and what else. Not taking these changes into account when asking the user to reinstall all their mods was a big blunder.For what it's worth, I recall it didn't even touch any files of mine which were "not" coming from a mod packaged that was managed by the NMM during the uninstall and reinstall process at all. There's a lot of custom files of mine which would've vanished otherwise but are not. And as far as I recall there was mentioning somewhere publicly that even 3rd party dynamic files like the Bashed Patch would be included inside your mod profile/backup as well somehow.I agree, the reinstall of a mod package has the power to undo all customizing changes you applied onto files coming from NMM-managed mod packages at any time, reverting everything back to fresh blank install state. But then again, that's been the case "every" time a reinstall of a mod package has taken place so far, which was happening regularly on my end even outside of an update. A simple backup of my customized files was working wonders in getting my customizations back in place after the reinstall in that case. (I keep these doubly locked up and regularly updated, as my modding is so extensive it's almost bound to mess up some files sooner or later, anyways!)What I don't get is where all this infighting between pro-.60-beta and contra-.06-beta "users" of the NMM is coming from in here? It isn't like a member of the NMM's actual "developers" or support staff ever replied in here so far with anything but politely pointing towards the proper places where these issues are to be discussed, i.e. the bug tracker, mostly. Regular moderators and site staff responding is "not" the people even remotely involved in all this. They don't know anything more than you all "could" know as well, for they're only "users" of the NMM as well, just like you all. (It just appears they know way more about it than you from experience alone here, going by your postings and their's, and try to help with this and inside knowledge as good as they can.)When they're posting they're trying to help out here, or maybe just spout their own opinion sometimes like you all keep doing. I was lately informed by a user I'd have no right to publicly post my personal opinion on any topic anymore, because with a staff badge it'll now inevitably be taken as an official response instead, and thus it'd be better for me to shut up and remain silent. But, like the others, I'm only a volunteer here doing this in my free time for nothing in return (well, grief, maybe, sometimes, but so is me being a mod author already), and I don't see why investing my time and work into you people completely for free should now also cost me the right to speak my mind.But this infighting between white knight and black knight "users" of the NMM in here is getting out of hand, and serves no purpose. So do all my latest posts in help requests and discussions it seems, but they're about to stop for at least a couple months already anyways. If my help is of no use anymore, or simply ignored, as seems to be the case recently, I can just as well just stop wasting my time with this, so I can invest the limited amount I have left into things more useful to me and others instead. I wasn't "forced" to help, I "wanted" to. (And I hope the past tense won't be something foretelling here.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorLies Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29120289. Reveal hidden contents Quote DoctorLies wrote: So if it crashed while trying to redo all my mods, how do I get it to resume that process?No one else? Half my mods are now grayed out too so can't even install them manually... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azulyn Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29115579. #29120544 is also a reply to the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote Tabub2001 wrote: Not sure how I feel about the condescending tone... Not like it's ever been any different. I'm sure the features are worth the trouble, though.But new features for NMM seem less important in contrast with the way you and your "staff" (mods) conduct yourselves. This site has gotten big enough, in my opinion, to start acting professional. Just seems you guys are quick to chuck weird insults at people who are supposedly being childish (they might not be as familiar with the programs as you) and getting upset, the people that very well could be donating (you know, the donations you need to stay live). Haha, but your mods are even quicker to ban people, it would seem.All in all, if the consumers aren't treated decent (and I'm not even one of those "the customer is always right" kinda guys), then a competitor who knows better could easily steal your traffic. The elitist club won't last very long, then, as it's the masses who are your staple.Just my opiniooooon, don't go out and make a thread about how ignorant I am, please. ;) Quote nahuelst wrote: Good comment. Nexus is behaving in a strange way with its users. Keep underestimating users, it is annoying to read their children's responses.GOOGLE TRANSLATORBuen comentario. Nexus se está comportando de una forma extraña con sus usuarios. Sigan subestimando a los usuarios, es un fastidio hasta leer sus repuestas infantiles.GOOGLE TRANSLATORyou know what's really annoying? entitled users like yourself who flame and troll every comment with your butchered google translations. how about you stop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adamocelot Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 As I read this post , once again I choke ,Why ? well ... all the complaining , let me ask did any us pay for this tool ,and did it come with a guarantee > Somewhere maybe ? ... nah .....Before we all pee our pants and sit in it and pout ,, let me ask thisDo we know how to properly install and uninstall Skyrim mods without assistance of any sort , such as a mod organizer/manager ..whatever the tool preferred .. I know how to and I am sure many others do too.Do we understand the risk of complete game FUBAR from installing them or using anything other tool, addon, patcher,sorter, script tool or editor other than what came out of the box in our game on a computer .. I do , and I am sure many other users do too. These are the tools we ... WE choose to HELP simplify our Modding experience with . no one forced it on us.If your game installation breaks ... reinstall the game or mods .. load up that last good save ... and there ya goI think we all got really lazy and expected for too long a one button solution to mod installation .. Something went wrong with our toy and we are gonna stomp around till Ma or Da gets us a new oneREALLY ?Over 4k I have in Skyrim I have had to reinstall the game more than 200 times ..atleast because I BROKE IT TO complete FUBAR ..and the best part I know I am gonna the more I tinker with itsuch is the life of a game modder I use these tools also.. you bet .. but I also know I am using them at my own riskC'mon its not a total loss ,reinstall and keep going Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4g3 Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29077604. #29120804 is also a reply to the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote ThreeBlessings wrote: Just offering some hopefully helpful suggestions for the hardworking NMM team here.0.6x is a completely different animal - in structure, in theory, in implemtation, and in usage. As such is really should be (should have been) a completely new offering (NMM2). In engineering, if you make major changes to form-fit-function, you create new part number/product offering/etc. I get the direction of the new software version, but it should not be offered as an "upgrade", and it certainly should not be hooked into the "check for new versions" piece of the 0.5x NMM releases. The above specifically avoids all the undo pain being experienced by those users who either didn't know they were signing up for a nuke and replace, or did know and still experienced unrecoverable scenarios that nuked their install/mods.Yes, backup, read, beta, etc.... still, this is the ideal roll-out path:1) NMM 0.5x retired, no more updates (no prompts from the software, except to say you are now on a dead branch that isn't going to be updated)2) NMM2 0.1x announced - is available as a SEPARATE install file, old 0.5x still there but with a note "this is the old version that we won't be updating/supporting any more". NNM2 installer, before it does anything presents big fat "don't install this unless you are ready to start from scratch, mkay? Totally different beast that will nuke your current setup, mkay?" click here if you are willing to start over from scratch > Got it, awesome... proceed...General rule being that your user base varies from click-install-play people to hardcore codemonkey propeller head jockeys. It seems more than apparent in reading the forums and these posts that the chosen roll out strategy is suffering from not having created a new software offering and instead attempting an upgrade from Windows 95 to Linux. This has left all the click-install-play types nuked and pissed and feeling betrayed. Responding with "WTF RTFM!! ROFLMAO" just makes that situation worse.My suggestion is to bite the bullet and rename NMM 0.6x to NMM2 and isolate the old NMM so its clearly in a different stream and can't be had unless you consciously choose it knowing it may nuke your stuffs.That said - I thank you for all your hard work. I have learned so much using your software and it has extended my enjoyment of Skyrim literally for years. I will not be installing 0.6 because like soo many others my Skyrim setup is just the way I want it and I don't WANT to mess with it. for FO4 I MAY install the new one, but it will be a separate instance. Following points 1 and 2 above would make that a cleaner delineation.Wishing you the best!! (Truly!) Quote nahuelst wrote: Excellent commentary.Agree entirely, it's been implemented without decent project management oversight. Also completely agree with the comment on the teams hard work and has extended my love of the game for years too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nahuelst Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29140199. Reveal hidden contents Quote adamocelot wrote: As I read this post , once again I choke ,Why ? well ... all the complaining , let me ask did any us pay for this tool ,and did it come with a guarantee > Somewhere maybe ? ... nah .....Before we all pee our pants and sit in it and pout ,, let me ask thisDo we know how to properly install and uninstall Skyrim mods without assistance of any sort , such as a mod organizer/manager ..whatever the tool preferred .. I know how to and I am sure many others do too.Do we understand the risk of complete game FUBAR from installing them or using anything other tool, addon, patcher,sorter, script tool or editor other than what came out of the box in our game on a computer .. I do , and I am sure many other users do too. These are the tools we ... WE choose to HELP simplify our Modding experience with . no one forced it on us.If your game installation breaks ... reinstall the game or mods .. load up that last good save ... and there ya goI think we all got really lazy and expected for too long a one button solution to mod installation .. Something went wrong with our toy and we are gonna stomp around till Ma or Da gets us a new oneREALLY ?Over 4k I have in Skyrim I have had to reinstall the game more than 200 times ..atleast because I BROKE IT TO complete FUBAR ..and the best part I know I am gonna the more I tinker with itsuch is the life of a game modder I use these tools also.. you bet .. but I also know I am using them at my own riskC'mon its not a total loss ,reinstall and keep going GOOGLE TRANSLATEI apologize but I disagree, this unholy version was designed only to test us, did not see the necessary warning: it was installing a new type of malware say, for what this failed quiz, had been excellent display a large window a red skull warning that the chances of ruining our games was almost total. And they warn you before and not nearly as when one is going to click install, middle guard. Do not be condescending when you used without adequate notice, time is money friend, and this is a lost time without asking. Obviously you have to defend yourself and not be stomping the head, without threats or grandstanding, only truths that are not recognized here. I wish that those who manage Nexus, Lanzen a new survey, this is now only a false statistics.Cone nor do I care not speak English speakers speak languages, use the Google God and paste below the translation in Castilian, so it does not lend itself to misinterpretation, but usually always understood, it is not infallible either. I do not hate anyone, I do not rebuke anyone xdxd, neither will I take for useful idiot.Greetings least one game.PS if you pay for a tool that works well, gladly would if I pound of these adversities, ergo, Windows ... heheGOOGLE TRANSLATEGOOGLE TRANSLATEDisculpa pero no estoy de acuerdo, esta nefasta versión fué diseñada solamente para probarla con nosotros, NO vi la necesaria advertencía: que estaba instalando un NUEVO tipo de malware digamos, para lo que esta pruebita fallida, hubiera estado excelente que aparezca una gran ventana con una calavera roja advirtiendo que las probabilidades de arruinar nuestros juegos era casi total. Y que lo advierta ANTES y no casi ya cuando uno le va dar click de instalación, medio desprevenido. No seas condescendiente cuando te USAN sin avisar adecuadamente, el TIEMPO vale oro amigo, y este es un tiempo perdido sin pedirlo. Obviamente que hay que defenderse y no dejarse pisotear la cabeza, sin amenazas o grandilocuencia, sólo con verdades, que aquí no son reconocidas. Me gustaría que los que manejan Nexus, lanzen una nueva encuesta, la anterior es ahora solamente una falsa estádistica. Cono no hablo ni me interesa hablar lenguas angloparlantes, uso al Dios Google y pego debajo la traduccion en castellano, para que no se preste a malas interpretaciones, aunque siempre suele entenderse, no es tampoco infalible. No odio a nadie, no amenazaré a nadie xdxd, ni tampoco dejaré que me tomen por idiota útil.Menos en un juego Saludos.PD si hay que pagar por una herramienta que funcione bien, con gusto lo haría si me libra de estas adversidades, ergo, Windows...jejeGOOGLE TRANSLATE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adamocelot Posted September 30, 2015 Share Posted September 30, 2015 In response to post #29077604. #29120804, #29141989 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote ThreeBlessings wrote: Just offering some hopefully helpful suggestions for the hardworking NMM team here.0.6x is a completely different animal - in structure, in theory, in implemtation, and in usage. As such is really should be (should have been) a completely new offering (NMM2). In engineering, if you make major changes to form-fit-function, you create new part number/product offering/etc. I get the direction of the new software version, but it should not be offered as an "upgrade", and it certainly should not be hooked into the "check for new versions" piece of the 0.5x NMM releases. The above specifically avoids all the undo pain being experienced by those users who either didn't know they were signing up for a nuke and replace, or did know and still experienced unrecoverable scenarios that nuked their install/mods.Yes, backup, read, beta, etc.... still, this is the ideal roll-out path:1) NMM 0.5x retired, no more updates (no prompts from the software, except to say you are now on a dead branch that isn't going to be updated)2) NMM2 0.1x announced - is available as a SEPARATE install file, old 0.5x still there but with a note "this is the old version that we won't be updating/supporting any more". NNM2 installer, before it does anything presents big fat "don't install this unless you are ready to start from scratch, mkay? Totally different beast that will nuke your current setup, mkay?" click here if you are willing to start over from scratch > Got it, awesome... proceed...General rule being that your user base varies from click-install-play people to hardcore codemonkey propeller head jockeys. It seems more than apparent in reading the forums and these posts that the chosen roll out strategy is suffering from not having created a new software offering and instead attempting an upgrade from Windows 95 to Linux. This has left all the click-install-play types nuked and pissed and feeling betrayed. Responding with "WTF RTFM!! ROFLMAO" just makes that situation worse.My suggestion is to bite the bullet and rename NMM 0.6x to NMM2 and isolate the old NMM so its clearly in a different stream and can't be had unless you consciously choose it knowing it may nuke your stuffs.That said - I thank you for all your hard work. I have learned so much using your software and it has extended my enjoyment of Skyrim literally for years. I will not be installing 0.6 because like soo many others my Skyrim setup is just the way I want it and I don't WANT to mess with it. for FO4 I MAY install the new one, but it will be a separate instance. Following points 1 and 2 above would make that a cleaner delineation.Wishing you the best!! (Truly!) Quote nahuelst wrote: Excellent commentary. Quote 4g3 wrote: Agree entirely, it's been implemented without decent project management oversight. Also completely agree with the comment on the teams hard work and has extended my love of the game for years too. Said well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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