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Cool multiplayer games...


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I'm home on leave for a few weeks and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to some good coop mutiplay games that would work on a 2 person lan (me and my bro). We've been playing doom 2, GTA 2, and GTA 1... all great fun, but starting to get old... anyone have any suggestions? The games can be from any year and any genre, but I would love to play a FPS with a decent story (not just kill everyone ala doom 2).


Question 2: I recently had to reinstall windows 98 on my cpu (don't ask) and when I load up web pages *.gif files won't load. The blue bar at the bottom just stands still, and it seriously "lags" scrolling on some websites... I tried a search for it but I couldn't find anything... anyone know the problem? I tried windows update but on that page a gif file loads and I dont progress.

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1: I'd suggest Diablo 2 for some simple online RPG fun. Not a real RPG, more of an action game with level ups :P apart from that I don't really play enough FPSes to know of any good ones. Star Trek Elite Force/Elite Force 2 are good IMO. But like I said I'm not a big FPSer :P


2: That's one wierd bug. Never heard of it, sorry!

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The Baldur's Gate series is always good for multiplayer. I also love to play Warlords Battlecry over a LAN, it's an RTS game with customizable heroes in it that get experience after each and every battle, and can get magic items, but that game is very had to find nowadays.
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Yup, a few good gaming suggestions there. Diablo 1 and or 2 would be brilliant if you want to get straight into some fun action without all the hassle of spending several hours on character generation and worrying the choices you make will turn out wrong later in the game.


However, if you're looking for better graphics, more depth and (I'd say) more fun I'd have a look at the Bioware games based in the D&D Universe. Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, Icewind Dale 1 or 2 or my personal favourite, Neverwinter Nights are all GREAT to play on a LAN with 2 people or more.


As far as first person shooters go, I'd recommend buying Halo for the PC and playing it on the net - can't go wrong there, great stuff. Likewise Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat, mods for Half-Life are great multiplayer choices.


If you prefer your FPS a little more realistic then let me recommend Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. What sets this game aside from other war-based FPS games is the fact the multiplayer maps are LIMITLESS. Whereas games like HL, Halo, Quake et cetera are set piece maps - that is the maps are obviously made with bottle-necks and open areas within a set arena so conflicts happen in specific areas, DF:BHD's maps are so wide, you cannot reach the edge of the map in a vehicle before the timer runs out, its THAT big.


So, I'll draw a little diagram:



|-------------------- Team A Spawn



|----------------------- Map filled with hills, trees, buildings et cetera







|--------------------- Team B Spawn


Where as it is completely possible to run directly to Team B's spawn from Team A's, a sniper, for example, may want to spend five minutes running east, then spend ten minutes running south before going five minutes west and ending up behind Team B's spawn, finding a nice spot on a far away hill and taking pot shots at unsuspecting victims. Normal terrain is hilly, with scarce foliage and buildings found in the middle of the map. Most people bypass these areas though and are spotted running miles in every direction :shifty:


I seem to be the only one who finds that exciting however. Nevermind.

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Sven-Coop mod for Half-Life....Play Half-life cooperatively!

Rainbow Six - Raven Shield...very nice :)


BHD sounds pretty good I might look around for a copy of that.


No idea on that bug thing...you could try, Defrag, get someone to DCC spybot S&D and the Windows update aswell..

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