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What do you think is the OVERALL least liked playable Race?


Least liked playable race in TES.  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is the GENERALLY least liked TES Race (playable)? Not YOUR least favourite race, but overall?

    • Nord
    • Imperial
    • Redguard
    • Breton
    • Dark Elf
    • High Elf
    • Wood Elf
    • Orc
    • Khajiit
    • Argonian

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I'm gonna say Imperials probably get the least love. Sure, the beast races don't get a lot of mod attention and the extreme physical appearances give them less general appeal, but furries people who do like them tend to really, really like them.

Imperials, on the other hand, don't really have anything wrong with them except nobody plays with them, presumably because unlike the other human races, they don't have strong gameplay niches (like Nordic warriors or Breton mages) and their racial ability is kind of worthless in a game where money seems to jump into your pocket anyway. Wood elves and dark elves are always going to have strong niches in the fantasy realm and the Altmer's highborn ability makes them dead ringers for hardcore mages, and the Thalmor element creates some fun options for a backstory.


Then there's orcs. I feel like everybody likes them but nobody's really gaga about them. There's a handful of decent mods for them and plenty of people play them, but you don't exactly encounter a lot of folks by the name of Orcs4Ever1992.

Edited by TheSpaceShuttleChallenger
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It's still early... But frankly I think High Elves are the most likely to win, with any respectable sample size. It's unfair to them, but most people can't even tell the difference between an Altmer and the Thalmor. The race as a whole has never been particularly popular, because of their aesthetic and weakness to just about everything (even if they once made good mages) and the association with the Thalmor now hasn't helped them at all.
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I'd say Imperial. In a fantasy world where you have talking lizards and cats, why the hell would you want to play a earth-like human?! I just find that absurd.


Now, my favorite race is Dunmer, probably because my first game was Morrowind, and I just love the politics and wizardry of Vvardenfell. Second is Argonians, because they are the most mysterious playable race.

And the High Elves' smugness has made me racist towards them, so I never play one.

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Imperials, they are tad boring. Nords looks better, play and have better racial power as humans.

I think argonians second, since they are just they way the are. Odd voice acting, appearance and making mods for them makes their loyal fans hate modding.

Edited by Boombro
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Not sure but for me, Imperials.

Beast races have their fans, elfs are picked quite a lot, orcs are the way to go for many powerbuild players in melee builds and for the humans, nords and bretons have a greater appeal... maybe redguard but I believe it probably has its own public as well and is a cool race all around... on the other hand, unless you are playing specific for the civil war, imperials have almost no appeal at all... the most bland and boring of all the human races.

Personally, I prefer to play a race that fits better the role I'm playing and being a jack of all trades, Imperials are a little too boring to pick as other races would represent the intent in a better way.

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The color possibilities are endless though.



While that's true, you must admit there isn't much anyone can do to make their faces more appealing. Plus, I always thought they looked creepy when they talk, especially up close.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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I picked wood elf/bosmer. The mods make them much nicer but certainly that little weasel adoring fan could turn anyone off back in Oblivion days. I think Oub is right, the people that play the beast races are fiercely loyal.


I just don't really like the Bosmer as a general rule. Probably also the most "generic" of all the races-very traditionally wood elf ranger type.

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