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Games of the future


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I created this topic for discussion on upcoming game titles (I know it says PC Gaming, but what the hell, consoles have games too). What are you most looking forward to?


Here is what I am eagerly awaiting:


Mass Effect



Genre: RPG

Platform: Xbox 360

Release date: ??? (IGN said the game was finished and was being polished, so...)


Description: Mass Effect is a science fiction RPG, made by Bioware, renown for their award wining RPG titles, such as Knights of the Old Republic, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights.


is the X06 video of it. Notice the character interaction, and the gameplay? This game is a must have for me :).


Official Website: http://masseffect.bioware.com/




Fable 2



Genre: RPG

Platform: Xbox 360 and probally PC (don't know much about Fable 2 yet)

Release date: ???


Interesting thing about Fable 2, as Peter Molyneux said (link to full article):


The greatest gaming moments of all time, he says, are connected to emotions. FFVII, when Aerith is killed; Ico, when the princess saves the main character. One of the three features, then, is Emotion. Molyneux intends for us to feel something that we've never felt before for a videogame character: love. He wants players to feel love in the game. So, to start with, you'll be able to play as either gender. You'll be able to get married, have protected or unprotected sex, and have babies. If you're a female character, you can get pregnant. As far as he knows, this is the first game where that's possible. There is same-sex marriage, as in the first title, but a same-sex couple can't conceive.
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I'm really looking forward to Spore, naturally, but I just read about this upcoming RPG, which has got me all in a tither. It looks to be kind of a mix between Oblivion's sort of open-ended play and a dark, gothic comic style graphics environment. The web site is updated almost daily with new pics and enticing diary entries. I think it's coming out the end of June.
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Wow that game does looks good! *bookmarks webpage*. It reminds me of Gothic 3, for some reason or another.

Haha I want this.


Oh, I am also looking forward to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Actually, one of our forum members is a dev for that game ;) .

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I agree, Mass Effect looks totally awesome!!!!!!!! That and Spore are probably the only games I'm looking forward to. I don't like to get hyped up about games so that I don't feel let down when it's actually pretty bad. I just hope Mass Effect comes out for other systems or the pc.
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Oh, I am also looking forward to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Actually, one of our forum members is a dev for that game ;) .

Awesome game! Take a look at these two videos too.



Oh, I am also looking forward to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Actually, one of our forum members is a dev for that game ;) .

And who's that?

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Spore is one I'm definitely looking forward to... I try not to get too hyped up though. :P Made that mistake with Oblivion.


Mass Effect looks very good. Of course, it's 360 "exclusive" so until they cave (which they will) and release it on PC, I won't be getting it.


Overlord! That game sounds fun. Sending my army of mischeivous goblins to cause inane/comedic destruction... :D


Those are my main ones at the moment. That Two Worlds looks potentially promising. Though non-mainstream western RPGs tend to be even *more* buggy than the much hyped releases, and have gameplay problems galore.


Fable 2 I haven't followed. That Molyneux has a rep for hyping worse than Bethesda, so I'm ignoring pre-release.

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Warhammer Online I'm watching quite tentively; I want a WoW killer.


Quake Wars is another. The BF2142 killer.


Shivering Isles.




Halo 2 for PC.


To name but a few.

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@Povuholo, that would be threedees. Part of Preject Serpent has a animal holding a gun for an avatar. That's him.
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Crysis does look pretty cool :P. I will probally not be getting it though... Too many stuff to buy (Windows Vista, DX10 Video card)...


As for Mass Effect, it will probally be imported to PC eventually, most BioWare games tend to.


I also have a little something for Halo 3; but not that much. I will probally get hyper hyped once the full details are announced.

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Warhammer Online I'm watching quite tentively; I want a WoW killer.


I doubt it's gonna be a WoW killer, but I certainly hope so. Everything I hear around me is "WO0t! Th3 l33t St4ff of Ugly Sh0es!!!1". It gets annoying after a little while.

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