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Finacially Supporting/Paying for a Mod


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This maybe illegal or against the rules, so if it is I apologize. I just wanted to put it out there that if myself and several other people were willing to contribute financially to a mod project, if that would help make it happen. Like I said if this is against the rules I apologize but I thought it was worth a shot.

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Just to clarify:


Do not solicit services from other Nexus members in exchange for monetary compensation or promise of such compensation in connection with content that falls within the scope of a game publishers EULA. For example, this means that you may not recruit modders with the promise of monetary compensation to create a custom .ESP file for you or alter game content that is subject to Bethesdas EULA governing the use of their assets and the Creation Kit.

Quoted from the ToS you agreed to when you signed up, just over half way down under "Uploading Files and Images": http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules

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You cannot force someone to make it by paying them money, that's desperate.

who's forcing anyone? he wanted to know if offering to pay someone for their work was okay... that's not forcing anything that's just offering a job.




If no one wants to make it, it's best you start learning like right now, since by the way you sound, you still need a long way to go.

seriously? he was just clarifying something about the rules. why be a jerk just go away if you are going to be mean to people for no reason.

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