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Nvidia and Bethesda sitting in a tree


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Now that Nvidia and Bethesda have embedded Nvidia code into Fallout4 making it less AMD friendly (GTX 550 minimum vs HD 7870 minimum), there is a need for the FO4 modding community to step up and figure out some means to help the hapless AMD video card owners to be able to play FO4 in a less deleterious manner.



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I'm Nvidia users myself, but does actual system requirment make totally no sense to me only?... Either they don't plan on ANY optimization and forcing risen hardware usage, or those requirments are temporary and will be changed closer to release to more adequate ones.

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Signette, either that or the news article link is exactly as it describes. Even a cynic has to ask why the disparity in minimum requirements. I know I wondered about it before reading the article.


A company called Microsoft used to do this type of thing all the time. Luckily, the Appellate Court dismissed their anti-trust suit and they have been less blatant in the same behavior since then. Enhancing for one product at the expense of a competitor is not a good thing, although end users might not care about such details unless they use AMD. Even if the secondary company such as Bethesda benefits in some way, it does not help all of their customers.

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I'm Nvidia users myself, but does actual system requirment make totally no sense to me only?... Either they don't plan on ANY optimization and forcing risen hardware usage, or those requirments are temporary and will be changed closer to release to more adequate ones.


Something is very wrong somewhere, you're not alone, others have noticed that the specs don't make any sense, I didn't notice Hairworks or anything like that.

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I'm Nvidia users myself, but does actual system requirment make totally no sense to me only?... Either they don't plan on ANY optimization and forcing risen hardware usage, or those requirments are temporary and will be changed closer to release to more adequate ones.


Something is very wrong somewhere, you're not alone, others have noticed that the specs don't make any sense, I didn't notice Hairworks or anything like that.



Actually, in the footage with Piper, you can see that her hair has physics when she tilts her head.

Edited by billyro
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I'm Nvidia users myself, but does actual system requirment make totally no sense to me only?... Either they don't plan on ANY optimization and forcing risen hardware usage, or those requirments are temporary and will be changed closer to release to more adequate ones.


Something is very wrong somewhere, you're not alone, others have noticed that the specs don't make any sense, I didn't notice Hairworks or anything like that.



Actually, in the footage with Piper, you can see that her hair has physics when she tilts her head.



I hadn't seen that, well there's something to disable to get a whole bunch of frames. I wonder why there is no sign of it on the player character? he has that bit of hair on his forehead and it doesn't move, the females doesn't move in chargen either. I'm not impressed with that hair, it's clipping through that collar, I'm not singling out Fallout, it wasn't very good in Tomb Raider or The Witcher, I don't think the technology is there yet, it's distracting more than anything else.

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Actually, in the footage with Piper, you can see that her hair has physics when she tilts her head.



Not just in that footage, you can spot hair physics in the E3 stuff too:




(Watch The Wife's hair as she tilts her head)


(It does not look like anything comparable to e.g. Lara Croft's hair physics in TR 2013, but it is also possible that she used too much hair-spray).

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I don't think Fallout 4 has hair physics. What we've seen is no different than say the Witcher 3's hair (when you do not have HairWorks on). It's animated hair, not hair with physics. At least I don't think so. It wouldn't suprise me if GameWorks was in there, as Nvidia is really pushing it lately. But I don't think a game like Fallout 4 is going to be using something like HairWorks orTressFX - it just stands out to me as a fairly high end feature for an otherwise simple looking game. Plus, I would think HairWorks would add obstacle to modding hairs, so they probably wouldn't add it. I could be wrong on that though.

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Actually, in the footage with Piper, you can see that her hair has physics when she tilts her head.



Not just in that footage, you can spot hair physics in the E3 stuff too:




(Watch The Wife's hair as she tilts her head)


(It does not look like anything comparable to e.g. Lara Croft's hair physics in TR 2013, but it is also possible that she used too much hair-spray).



I wonder if Hairworks has various quality settings, maybe from individual hairs to clumps of hair? the hair in the clip is moving as one, it's like she's used 3 cans of Elnett on it.

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I'm really disgusted with Nvidia's behavior with Gameworks, to the point that I honestly don't want to buy another of their cards. Even if it means spending hundreds more to get an AMD card that plays games as well as a lesser Nvidia card with proprietary optimizations, I'm seriously considering doing just that. I'm not sure I can blame Bethesda (or CD Projekt or other devs) for cooperating (collaborating?), though I wish one of the major studios would stand up to them and tell them where to stick their Gameworks terms. I read somewhere last week that Nvidia are planning to force people to create an account with them and give over all sorts of personal info in order to install optimized driver updates. They really have gone off the deep end in the pool of greed.


Since Beth insists on once again recycling Gamebryo, there will probably be plenty of performance gains to be had through Fallout.ini tweaking. You know they'll optimize it for the Xbox anyway, so there should be plenty of room to tweak settings for PCs without losing quality. I play Skyrim without too much trouble on a PC that doesn't even meet the minimum reqs, but it took considerable tweaking to manage it.


That doesn't help with other games though. Nvidia's behavior really is abhorrent.

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