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Thread Necromancy

Politely Cryptic

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Why is there a thread necromancy rule? If it's important enough that people get snippy when other people (read newbies-who-should-probably-have-read-the-rules-but-made-an-honest-mistake) do it inadverantly, why don't the mods just lock the threads after a certain time limit to keep it from happening? Is it really just that much work to do? Or do people just like jumping on the newbies?
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Look at the number of threads we have. Do you really want to be the one who has to lock all of them? And as for why... its annoying to have a months old discussion come back so someone can add a "me too" post to get their post count up.
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I think you'll find this is mainly to prevent folks from resurrecting old threads just to increase their post count! I've seen a few forums use this rule in a effort to reduce spam posts!
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Ah, yes it is, but if someone genuinely has something to contribute, itsn't it more annoying to have them start a new thread for a topic than already exists? If I have something to say about a thread that has been dormant for a month, must I really start another thread to put my two cents in? Isn't it more annoying to have ten threads on the same topic?


I have never been to another board that has this rule. The better way to deal with th 'me too' thing that I have found is a increased word limit for posts. Say 50 words per post. Makes you have to think about your responce instead of saying 'thanks' or 'me too'.


.... MUCH better that getting SNAPPED at.

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The rule about thread necromancy is that if you have something genuinely new and informative to contribute - perhaps you found a way around a problem that others had given up on, or you want to update people on progress of a mod - then it isn't considered necromancy.


However, reviving an old thread only to repeat something already mentioned in the thread, or to post something like 'hey, yeah, I did that too' or 'wow, I never knew that' or 'that's cool!' is necromancy.


50 words per post? It's QUALITY that counts, not quantity. With copy/paste you could easily spam 50 words, whereas it is entirely possible to answer a question meaningfully in one word.


There are several threads on forum rules and etiquette - and if you didn't read them before posting and committed a faux pas then you only have yourself to blame, don't you think?

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I personally hate necromancy even though when ive stayed up really late i have made mistakes and done it once or twice. Everyone makes mistakes, the thing is once or twice over the course of a long time is acceptable but still not okay. The people who go and revive 5 threads in an hour or add "Hey thats so cool."after the thread has been dead one month or more are the people I get really mad at. :ranting:


edit- (theres something weird happening with my post...)

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The most perfect example of Thread Necromancy can be found here http://mwsource.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1692, i for one hate necromancy and when i see it my usual comment is :spam: = :rip: , so far necromancy seems to have risen since i joined, i feel sorry for the Admins and Mods having to deal with this almost every 5 minutes, sorry if this seems like spam or :ranting: but im just posting my beliefs on this subject.
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Well, I don't think that the thread necromancy rules should be removed, but I do think that the punishment is a tad bit too harsh. Instead of deleting entire threads simply because they have been necromanced, could moderators perhaps just delete or split the post(s) in question? It would remove the spam, obviously, and would not keep the thread bumped like deleting would.
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Well, I don't think that the thread necromancy rules should be removed, but I do think that the punishment is a tad bit too harsh. Instead of deleting entire threads simply because they have been necromanced, could moderators perhaps just delete or split the post(s) in question? It would remove the spam, obviously, and would not keep the thread bumped like deleting would.

Well, you see, with the new rules Dark0ne is presenting, that means anyone who replied to the necromancer would get their post counts deducted also. If we just deleted the necromancer's post, the post replying to it would still be there, and thus it would still be bumped and make the replying poster look like the spammer.

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