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Discussion about the rights of androids


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I'm a simple kind of person and on occasion I think about these kinds of things. Cogito, ergo sum ( I think, therefore I am ) the ability to recognize ones own existence and strive to be more that what we were created to be . . . If an artificial being is self aware and chooses to aspire to something greater I say more power to them. If I personally was living in the Boston Wasteland I would gladly live next to a Synth as long as that Synth is peaceful and isn't trying to harm anyone then I say live and let live. Now I know people are going to say that Synth's aren't alive and that they were created, but Humans are basically organic machines ourselves made up of carbon . . . We are Carbon based organic machines. Perhaps Humans and Synths are just two sides of the same coin. Any way that is my thoughts on the subject.

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well according to science, (assuming that sentients comes from physical processes rather than a "soul") if an android's brain is complex enough, it could become sentient and will be just as aware as you. Now the better question is, is the internet sentient? i mean it a complex system that can, in some sense, learn and it maybe complex enough to think. So it the internet (as a whole) sentient? If these androids infallout are, what do we do about it. If i was building a robot, i would have him enjoy doing what i ask. After all, we eat and have sex and we enjoy that because we where programed by mother nature. So we can program robots to like the things we want them to like. It wouldn't be slavory, it would be life. Imagine every time aa robot did something for you it had an orgasm (literaly), like we do when we have sex, building in a natural reward sytem making the robits love working for us,

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know I'm a little late to this discussion, but I've pondered on this as well. However, this is one of those subjects that 'IF we get to this bridge, THEN we'll discuss how to cross it', until then we treat machines as the mechanical, non-living slaves they are. We haven't developed androids or synths yet, and honestly not too thrilled about something like that. I work with production machines everyday and I honestly HATE the robot packer we have on a couple of our lines. The human packers are much more efficient in so many ways, so it's understood why I'm not too fond of machines most days, particularly production/industry, and frankly I'm glad we cannot give them rights. As for the synths in the game, after completing the main quest siding with the Minutemen, I will say this; the synths, no matter how 'intelligent' and human-like they seem, they are still just machines, like Terminators, so honestly, no you cannot give them rights, it would not be immoral to enslave them and put them work, (although unfair to actual people who need work to support their HUMAN families, not much different than replacing people with robots that aren't worth a s#*!). Even at the end when your 'son' the synth asked to come along, I said no because he was NOT a real child, he was just a machine as far as I was concerned, so I felt no remorse for leaving him when the reactor blew. Anyway, that being said, this my post and I approved this message.

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i personally find the idea of synths roaming around that are exactly like humans quite disturbing!


do these synths have dna?

can you mate with them?

can you have a baby thats parents are synth and human?

can synths have babies together?


where does this leave the human race in 2- 400 years away? possibly inferior, and possibly outcast from society?


its not fair to the human race to have robots replace humans, the human race needs other humans to perform our jobs and live our human lives.

with synths in our society, what makes us human is questionable, and is in my opinion what would be the eventual downfall of society and human existance.

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Synthetics they are what is on the label - Synthetic basically means "to imitate". They imitate life, they are not life. Rights of man are for man and man only. Synthetics are not biological in nature, they are man made. Do you give your coffee cup laws and rights because it merely exists? no. Then why should you give a robot rights? Because it thinks? Your PC and smart phone essentially think, in it's own way. Should they be considered equals and considered alive, too? Some art paintings can look exactly like a real life scenario. It is just an imitation of what we see.


Robots shouldn't have rights, they are merely tools.

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Synthetics are not biological in nature, they are man made. Do you give your coffee cup laws and rights because it merely exists?

Does your coffee cup fear, love and well, is sentient?


Synth are sentient even though they are human made. I mean look at nick, he paid respects to a dead friend body and was sad, opened a job because he liked doing it, he comments back at BoS members insults, he has thoughts about your actions and will hate you for some of them. Same for glory and Trashcan Carla (she is one.) and other synths. They are vastly different than a pc, phone and a coffee cup. How one goes about comparing them together is very odd.

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Synthetics are not biological in nature, they are man made. Do you give your coffee cup laws and rights because it merely exists?

Does your coffee cup fear, love and well, is sentient?


Synth are sentient even though they are human made. I mean look at nick, he paid respects to a dead friend body and was sad, opened a job because he liked doing it, he comments back at BoS members insults, he has thoughts about your actions and will hate you for some of them. Same for glory and Trashcan Carla (she is one.) and other synths. They are vastly different than a pc, phone and a coffee cup. How one goes about comparing them together is very odd.



Synthetics imitate and mimic life... so your explanation of what nick does as proof is ... as you said it.. very odd.

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