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[WIPz] Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)


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Here is F4SE 0.1.4 with support for runtime 1.3.45: http://f4se.silverlock.org/beta/f4se_0_01_04.7z



- support for beta runtime 1.3.45
- enable logging from scaleform. add bEnableGFXLog=1 to the [Interface] section of your f4se.ini. create it if it doesn't exist.
- hook global scaleform tint functions to allow interface mods to selectively modify tint colors/intensities
- initial scaleform native plugin API
- more internal class decoding
Bethesda has hinted that additional updates will be coming more shortly than normal, so please be prepared for another update on our end to be needed when that happens.


Also, the embedded CustomControlMap.txt has changed again, so people using custom versions will need to update that as well (mainly by removing the up/down/left/right block).

Edited by ianpatt
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Bethesda has changed the keymapping (As noted in behippo's 1st page post). I tried using the customcontrolmap.txt from the f4se 0.1.3, to no avail. Haven't looked into it too far yet, and (being lazy) would prefer it if someone could just spoon feed me a solution to move the new beta's keymap back to the original keymapping. It was just so much easier using the 'e' key to select (in workshop mode) rather than the 'enter' key. Now I just jump around a lot. (I usually swap the 'e' key and the 'space' key...)


Issues that I found with trying to use MY customcontrolmap was not being able to 'take' things from containers. Out in the open on desks, counters, floors, shelves etc. fine. In desks or ammo boxes (what I tried) no good. Nor could I transfer.

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if someone could just spoon feed me a solution to move the new beta's keymap back to the original keymapping

The new default keymapping file is included with each release. Apply your customizations to that file and you should be good to go.
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