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[WIPz] Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)


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Most of the "Pay for Mods" uproar was actually caused by Mod Users rather than actual modders. who successfully drove some great modders out of the community, many who just wanted it to be an option...........

No, a lot of mod makers were actually really against the system. More were against it then in favor of it.


That's actually not true. Opposition was a small minority. Plenty of modders were in favor, most simply said nothing and were waiting for their chance to get in.

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Most of the "Pay for Mods" uproar was actually caused by Mod Users rather than actual modders. who successfully drove some great modders out of the community, many who just wanted it to be an option...........

No, a lot of mod makers were actually really against the system. More were against it then in favor of it.


That's actually not true. Opposition was a small minority. Plenty of modders were in favor, most simply said nothing and were waiting for their chance to get in.


Damn I missed whole scene...

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Mod users outnumbered actual Modders by a huge percentage, of course Mod Users get what they stomp about, they want everything for free, and they get what they pay for with heaps of chaff mods clogging databases.

The whole thing was like people wanting all online stores shutdown because they don't want people to be able to sell stuff they've made :P

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Most of the "Pay for Mods" uproar was actually caused by Mod Users rather than actual modders. who successfully drove some great modders out of the community, many who just wanted it to be an option...........

No, a lot of mod makers were actually really against the system. More were against it then in favor of it.


That's actually not true. Opposition was a small minority. Plenty of modders were in favor, most simply said nothing and were waiting for their chance to get in.


The ones that remained silent on the issue shouldn't be labeled as supportive.

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The ones that remained silent on the issue shouldn't be labeled as supportive.

Why not? They certainly weren't against it, because staying silent meant the system stayed in place.

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Can we not discuss paid mods in this thread? Thanks.


F4SE 0.2.0 is out for runtime 1.6.9: http://f4se.silverlock.org/beta/f4se_0_02_00.7z


This release contains alpha support for Papyrus extensions. Functionality may change at any time, and things may break. For now, please don't release mods relying on the Papyrus extensions, but please do try them out and let us know if you run in to any problems.

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I keep getting crashes when I start the program, I don't even get to the menu I just get a black screen for a few seconds then CTD, even when I don't have any mods activated.
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Did you move the entire contents of the F4SE release into your install folder? If so, you may have to delete the "scr" folder from your Fallout 4 install directory.


I've done that Dan AND even followed IanPatt's advice to delete various .pex files https://community.bethesda.net/thread/3335?start=255&tstart=0


Sadly, like so many others I keep reading of on the forums, I just keep getting the *Play/Options/Support/Exit* screen over n over n over .... not even the full start screen anymore :confused:


I have no idea what is actually going on with this last update, but it really does look Beth' have rogered the pooch so to say :sick: I just hope I dont have to reinstall my whole FO4 once this mess is 'sorted' because I had things running so sweetly (for a change) .

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