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TES V: what do you want to see?


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Yes, I'm sure TES will eventually degrade into an action/shooter type game with little plot. Maybe you'll be a soldier in the army during a long war. All you'll do is kill, kill, kill. ...of course you'd have to escape from jail first.

Been there. Done that. Dropped the Hammer of Dawn on top of a Troika gun position at East Barricade Academy.


"That— was satisfying."

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What I'm trying to say is, Bethesda wants money. IF they make actual artifical intelligence, they will be rich beyond their wildest dreams. Not only will their game be popular, but EVERYONE will come begging at their door step asking how they made real AI with fistfulls of cash.


That sounds like a good enough incentive. Maybe they WILL do it.

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Basically if you think about it we got the same old tired spells we got in MW, with a few exceptions. He!! they even took away the greatest spell...Levitate.

I want to see self Polymorph. I want Vampire Clans and rewards for being a Vampire. Mounted Combat ftw.

Leveled mobs.(without OOO i would have long since moved on to somthing else) Call me a tard...but more damgum clothes!! a "little" bigger/diverse world. Actual ...realistic dual-weild (not a MH weapon and an OH shield that looks like a weapon). HAND TO HAND COMBAT FTW.....one two one two one two....ack. i want kicks and spins and DODGE(with an animation besides jump) not downing the modders but this is my wish list :P. (btw they may be on to somthing with the FLESH atronachs fight animations) hmm.... Skills that are BASED off of attributes...not the other way around. Being that Master of Restoration is the fast track to "TGM". I wish my 300 strength made me hit a little harder than my regular ol 100 strength. Although mages reek havoc with Resto mastery. wtb 2000 magicka w/o console cheats? easy

anyhoo....nuff ramblin

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What I would want to see, aye?




Let's see...


-Mounted combat


-the ability to wack people with the things you pick up using Telekinesis. *tried to wack Raminus Polus with a nearby Alembic*


-The ability to use both hands and feet in unarmed combat


-More factions! :D


-A better aiming system for the third person view


-Dragons! XD


-Maybe horse drawn carriages or something.


-More armour/clothes suited for stealthy assassins. x3


-Adoring fan is a must!


Oh, and sharks :D



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-Dragons! XD

The Ka Po'Tun are a race of tiger people that live on Akavir. Their name means "Tiger-Dragon's Empire". When the Tsaesci supposedly tried to eat all the dragons in their Empire, the dragons fled to Po' Tun, as the empire of tiger people was called then. A great war raged across the land, leaving all the black dragons and all but a few red dragons dead. The remaining red dragons retreated to Tamriel, where they were supposedly given refuge in Cyrodiil. Ever since, the tiger people that remained have tried to somehow become dragons. Tosh Raka is the first one to succeed. Apparently he is the largest Dragon on Nirn, with orange and black coloring, and has built Ka Po' Tun into the largest empire of Akavir. He desires the destruction of Tsaesci, after which he intends to invade the Tamriel. The first born-son of an Emperor is known as a Half-Breed, this is a title and rank.

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Oh yea i forgot what i REALLY want to see


more war plz kthxbai

towns against towns


broken walls, flaming ramparts, crashing gates with hordes of invaders

brave defenders and confident commanders

tactics and "developing siege weaponry" i.e. after so long or so much siege experience you get to construct siege equipment that is more...efficient.

i WANT the town of kvatch....make me the lord of it......I saved it, give me the reins and let me reconstruct it, along with the ability to decide what stores, what guilds, what NPC's.

AFTER that, trading or war among other cities. I mean really, in a province so unstable without one single leader, i.e. the Emporer, the varied groups of people would naturally vie for power. This can only lead to WAR glorious and fantastic WAR!!!.

ok i think ill go take my bloodbath now :)

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AFTER that, trading or war among other cities. I mean really, in a province so unstable without one single leader, i.e. the Emporer, the varied groups of people would naturally vie for power. This can only lead to WAR glorious and fantastic WAR!!!.

Actually, my speculation is that after the events of TES IV, the provinces will rebel. If TES V doesn't take place on Akavir, it will likely deal with that war...maybe Tosh Raka will take that opportunity to invade Tamriel...hmm...

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Whatever's clever !

I think though the CURRENT edition would be alot cooler if you had towns at war. battlefields and armies. Cities in SIEGE !!!...i just like that word....siege....it brings me smiles :P

Trebuchet (Tre-boo-sheh)...theres another nice...siege..related word

Dragons would also be cool. Heh thats even an organic..siege...engine. But apparently TES is moving away from flying in the air...they took away levitate, im prognosticating that flying on dragons is a no no. Sure there could BE dragons, but what fun are they if you cant RIDE em? ok nuff o dat


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...they took away levitate, ...

My speculation is the same as why they have closed cities. I'm sure when they first started, they had planned to put levitate back in there along with open cities, but with all the AI packages, scripting, graphics, fps would be at close to none without a super computer. So, they took away open cities. With closed cities, levitate couldn't work. Someone could be in the outer world use levitate to fly into a city and find the poorly rendered buildings to make it look like something's in there, but have no mana left, no mana potions, and have stunted mana so it won't recover. Then they are stuck with no way out. I'm sure people wouldn't be too happy about that.

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I'm sure it's already been said, but a decent construction set would be nice. Also better physics. Bethesda's implementation of Havok sucked, they need a new physics engine and also the ability to have proper cloth garments, like they used in Myst V.
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