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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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Morrowind apparently had better writing and did things the way most of the fans wanted. Oblivion saw a few departures from what worked well in Morrowind, and only further deviation occurred in Skyrim.


That's just my take from what people have said on the official boards who never shut up about the game.



You know, for lack of a better word, I call that nostalgic. I remember very well how excited I was playing my first open world game ever. The music, the atmosphere. But today I'm well aware of it's shortcomings. Many probably down to lacking technology. In 2002 you couldn't do what you can do now. And after all, Morrowind came on 4 CDs, one of them containing the creation kit. Now it's what? A 26 Gigs download on steam with FO4.


If you want to criticise FO4, you better not look to the past but to the past still being the present with Bethesda games. They carried over all the weaknesses of previous games and mostly added eye candy to add a little bit of polish. But again. I for one came to expect that from Bethesda. If Bethesda games were unmoddable and wouldn't attract a thriving community, I wouldn't buy them, Apart from Morrowind in it's very early stages, I never played a vanilla Bethesda game.



probably explains why the lack of awareness then, I get WHY one wouldn't want to because of the availability of mods but not doing it at all yields a dearth of experience on the topic of discussion

for the record, the previous games had far worse vanilla gameplay for gameplay's sake, but the point of them was the story and superior plot/writing/interesting experiences as one goes through - the gameplay was the method of progressing through the interesting world not the entire main draw of it - the dialogues were an equal part of the gameplay to the gunplay, this iteration has some interesting world design but the population of the world in the baseline game was, sparse.

it's interesting, but kind of railroaded and sparse

what this means is that in previous games where mods improved the combat and added new weapons as the primary requirement, this one needs story mods more

sure, the gun mods really help for me at any rate, but then I'm not participating and interacting with odd and quirky tasks, I'm mostly rooting through junk and pulling off headshots, while the world around me is interesting, a lot of the time nothing exactly "stands out"

it's certainly a fluid design for gameplay and roaming, and it's definitely appreciated, but the feeling that I get from playing fallout 3 interspersed with this is far different, FO3's interaction with residents is definitely more engaging and rewarding as a matter of RPG, not scripted FPS

there definitely is a certain amount of cinematic feel but often it's not engaging as an interactive part of the world, sometimes it is, and I like the stories, but that certain consequentialism and ability to screw up situations and have to live with them, while being able to do multiple replays to experience different potential iterations of the same general world... is missing


and since I got FO3 AFTER FO4, you can not tell me it's nostalgia

Edited by tartarsauce2
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God I miss fallout 3's beginning. It was actually done right imo. Gave you multiple people to care about, and then twisted the knife repeatedly. This game, you get two sentences with your spouse, and we are supposedly to be attached? Shoot, I had more dialogue with *dogmeat* then with my wife.

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God I miss fallout 3's beginning. It was actually done right imo. Gave you multiple people to care about, and then twisted the knife repeatedly. This game, you get two sentences with your spouse, and we are supposedly to be attached? Shoot, I had more dialogue with *dogmeat* then with my wife.


Yeah, the beginning. And then? What happened then? The usual Bethesda trick of getting through the mainquest in a few hours if you had the right level. Everything else was shooting, killing and fetching. The only difference between FDO4 and FO3 was the karma ´system still present.

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They did have a companion, a person from your childhood you could recruit. They also had that quest where you return home to get kicked out again. *shrugs* It's a matter of taste, but that had more of an impact on me then fallout 4s dead wife and missing kid.

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They did have a companion, a person from your childhood you could recruit. They also had that quest where you return home to get kicked out again. *shrugs* It's a matter of taste, but that had more of an impact on me then fallout 4s dead wife and missing kid.


Wow, great. That really added a lot. Shoot up the vault to recruit the one you hated as a child. But only if you had neutral karma. He even gave you a haircut if you asked nicely. Being kicked out, what a drama.


I'm not fighting FO4s corner here. Only the nostalgia that some people obviously carry like a standart. The same people who don't see that Bethesda has always been Bethesda, and that FO4 is the same like Skyrim, FO3, Obvlivion. and Morrowind. Only with shinier graphics.

Edited by cossayos
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[insert my sudden conversion in belief that FO4 is perfectest besterest game everer and desperate fansplaining without cause here]

you win cossayos, fallout 4 is the best fallout game in every way

your valiant fighting FO4's corner has carried the day!

Edited by tartarsauce2
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[insert my sudden conversion in belief that FO4 is perfectest besterest game everer and desperate fansplaining without cause here]

you win cossayos, fallout 4 is the best fallout game in every way





Hyperbole much? It's a Fallout game. Not better or worse than previous titles.

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Morrowind did have better writing than any of their later titles, and it's not nostalgia, I went back and played Morrowind about 5 years after it came out, when I had finished Oblivion.


The plot was much more imaginitive than anything else they've produced since. (at least TES).


>Morrowind: stop the dust storms, which are carrying a cancer-like disease. This will spare the people living on the island from hardship. In the process, you destabilize the theocracy which has ruled Morrowind for thousands of years, and piss off the conservative/xenophobic political faction, which hopes the dust storms will drive out the Imperial influence. You learn the disease was caused in part by the island's same god-rulers, who violently suppress any inquiry into the issue. In the DLC, you learn that only 1/3 of the Tribunal is a functional ruler; the other has been missing for a long time, and the other has questionable sanity. At the end of the DLC 2 of the Tribunal are flat-out dead and the third is driven into hiding, leaving the nation empty-handed and in the hands of the bureaucracy the Tribunal built up around them.

>Oblivion: stop the evil demons from invading by killing all of them, to save "the world."

>Skyrim: Kill the evil black dragon, to save "the world."


Morrowind deals with themes such as abuse of power, problems of religion, foreign influence, corruption in political system (Crassius Curio and Yngling), mythology vs. history, and the problematic power of nation united by faith in a closed society.


Oblivion and Skyrim have none of this, basically the "Evil Other" which threatens for no reason other than the threat exists to threaten. In Morrowind you aren't ever certain who the enemy is, even Dagoth-Ur is not "evil" in a conventional sense, moreso when you learn the truth about him.

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EA uses an Orwellian term to describe what happened to game during the second half of the last decade. Streamlining. It's basically the appeal to you accepting that less is more. It coincides with games no longer being developed with the PC but the consoles in mind. A very different target audience, mostly younger and casual, who always look for the next shiny sensation on the horizon.


So yes, Morrowind required you to read to make the most of it. But it was one of the last of it's kind outside of indenpendent development. And I repeat, although some people have me down as defending FO4. With FO4 we're basically still playing Morrowind, although the technology and what is possible has moved on within the last 14 years. With Morrowind it was a novel concept, with FO4 it isn't. Morrowind's world was entirely static outside a select few scripted events. NPCs stayed glued to their spots, day and night. Noone took note of what you did to the world. I accepted that back then. But I'm not accepting it now, when so much more is possible.


But that said, people may hate FO4 because they have bought into the hype of it being something novel. In truth, everyone expecting a Bethesda product, should have expected the final result. How it turned out and that voiced protoganist is a sure pointer to less dialogue options, harder, if not impossible quest mods and the introduction of the dreaded dialogue wheel.


So I have next to no sympathy for people having bought what Bethesda and their PR department wanted them to believe. It was obvious how the final product would look like for anyone following the mainstream tendencies of so called AAA titles. It's a mediocre game. In my opinion not better or worse than anything else released within the last decade at the very least. I expected it to be and so I don't go cursing every step I take in the game. I knew what I was in for when I placed my order.


Hell, it gets even more hilarious when people start criticizing the graphics. Bethesda made no big secret of using the same old (revised) engine they used some 14 years ago.

Edited by cossayos
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God I miss fallout 3's beginning. It was actually done right imo. Gave you multiple people to care about, and then twisted the knife repeatedly. This game, you get two sentences with your spouse, and we are supposedly to be attached? Shoot, I had more dialogue with *dogmeat* then with my wife.


Man you really need to play Project Brazil. The nighttime part of Vault 19 was hands down the best non-violent section I've ever played in a Fallout game. I wish the opening of 3 and 4 were half as involved in establishing what kind of character you actually are.


As much as I say I hate Fallout 4, I would come back for a Project Brazil treatment of the pre-war section. Give me a week before the apocalypse, a week to have a normal life, and the sense of loss and deprivation might actually set the tone for playing a pre-war survivor.

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