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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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I did not read the previous 30 pages. Here's my take. People like to find fault. Period. Name anything great, and someone will tell you why it sucked.


I'm been playing this game since the release, and I have yet to rescue Nick Valentine. Granted I only play for a few hours each night after work, but still... That's a ridiculous amount of content. I've picked and chosen so far, 35 mods that help make the game the way I want to play it. That's pretty darn cool!


What other games can do this? I've only just scratched the surface of Fallout 4, and could give a rip about the settlements, I'm still adventuring and discovering.


Nah, to the haters, I say hate all you want. I know what a Bethesda game is supposed to be about. It's about being able to go wherever, do whatever, make stuff and become something more than you began as.


If I'm a fanboy, it's for good reason. Cheers.

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Here's my take on this: If your RPG have a character creation feature like TES series, you should not have family NPCs related to the player character. I don't know why Bethesda love this family crap - FO3 was about the father, and now FO4 is about the spouse and son. This is bulls***. There is no point in having such a powerful character customisation tool when your character is limited by the family crap.


Lets see, in FO4 we can customise both the husband and wife. If you make a very old man and a young woman, it would look like father and daughter. If you make an old woman and a young man, it look like mother and son. If you play as an old woman, its weird because your voice sounds young. I play as a female, more specifically, the seductress type with Black Widow and such. And it suddenly hit me: my toon is a MILF. All because my toon has a f***ing son. I don't want to roleplay as a mother, but Beth forces me to. I don't want to roleplay as a wife, but Beth forces me to. I was thinking of killing my husband once i have the chance, but thankfully the story did it for me.


Obsidian knew their s***, that's why NV was loved by the Fallout Classic fans. NV is the only good modern Fallout game, and that is a fact.


Any of you who says FO4 is a good game probably have not played Witcher 3, the GOTY and rightly so.

Edited by Immortalkickass
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Any of you who says FO4 is a good game probably have not played Witcher 3, the GOTY and rightly so.

But TW3 is GREAT, not GOOD. It very high up there. And saying anything blow is bad is very highly demanding and an understatement to TW3. With the fact it vastly different from fo4 in everything it may and does not appeal to the same people who play fo4.



Obsidian knew their s***, that's why NV was loved by the Fallout Classic fans. NV is the only good modern Fallout game, and that is a fact.

What about wasteland 2?

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Here's my take on this: If your RPG have a character creation feature like TES series, you should not have family NPCs related to the player character. I don't know why Bethesda love this family crap - FO3 was about the father, and now FO4 is about the spouse and son. This is bulls***. There is no point in having such a powerful character customisation tool when your character is limited by the family crap.


Lets see, in FO4 we can customise both the husband and wife. If you make a very old man and a young woman, it would look like father and daughter. If you make an old woman and a young man, it look like mother and son. If you play as an old woman, its weird because your voice sounds young. I play as a female, more specifically, the seductress type with Black Widow and such. And it suddenly hit me: my toon is a MILF. All because my toon has a f***ing son. I don't want to roleplay as a mother, but Beth forces me to. I don't want to roleplay as a wife, but Beth forces me to. I was thinking of killing my husband once i have the chance, but thankfully the story did it for me.


Obsidian knew their s***, that's why NV was loved by the Fallout Classic fans. NV is the only good modern Fallout game, and that is a fact.


Any of you who says FO4 is a good game probably have not played Witcher 3, the GOTY and rightly so.

Ah yes I played the Witcher as the female seductress as well.

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I don't want to roleplay as a mother, but Beth forces me to. I don't want to roleplay as a wife, but Beth forces me to. I was thinking of killing my husband once i have the chance, but thankfully the story did it for me.


Obsidian knew their s***, that's why NV was loved by the Fallout Classic fans. NV is the only good modern Fallout game, and that is a fact.


Any of you who says FO4 is a good game probably have not played Witcher 3, the GOTY and rightly so.

You complain about how FO4 restricts your roleplaying choices and then compare it unfavourably to a game that forces you to roleplay as Geralt?


I'm critical of many aspects of FO4, but the forced roleplay of the Witcher series effectively rules it out for me, so in that sense, FO4 is the clear winner.

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Here's my take on this: If your RPG have a character creation feature like TES series, you should not have family NPCs related to the player character. I don't know why Bethesda love this family crap - FO3 was about the father, and now FO4 is about the spouse and son. This is bulls***. There is no point in having such a powerful character customisation tool when your character is limited by the family crap.


Lets see, in FO4 we can customise both the husband and wife. If you make a very old man and a young woman, it would look like father and daughter. If you make an old woman and a young man, it look like mother and son. If you play as an old woman, its weird because your voice sounds young. I play as a female, more specifically, the seductress type with Black Widow and such. And it suddenly hit me: my toon is a MILF. All because my toon has a f***ing son. I don't want to roleplay as a mother, but Beth forces me to. I don't want to roleplay as a wife, but Beth forces me to. I was thinking of killing my husband once i have the chance, but thankfully the story did it for me.


Obsidian knew their s***, that's why NV was loved by the Fallout Classic fans. NV is the only good modern Fallout game, and that is a fact.


Any of you who says FO4 is a good game probably have not played Witcher 3, the GOTY and rightly so.



i have played the witcher 1 2 and 3 ...part 3 over 80 hours..know what? i like fallout 4 better...not storywise that given but gameplay/world/funwise.


i already put 135 hours into fallout 4 and way more to go

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Obsidian knew their s***, that's why NV was loved by the Fallout Classic fans. NV is the only good modern Fallout game, and that is a fact.


Any of you who says FO4 is a good game probably have not played Witcher 3, the GOTY and rightly so.

Woah couldnt diasagree more with you. How can NV be better than Fallout 3? NV felt like an extension not a new game. Take all the metros from Fallout 3, put them together, and the area they cover will be bigger than the exterior of NV. Fallout 3 was so much more detailed and had so many more quests that its absurb to compare it to NV. Ive spend countless hours on both, love both, but as Fallout 3 is my favorite game of all time, NV barely makes it to the top 10.


As for Witcher 3 vs Fallout 4, I dont think they should be compared, I mean in Witcher 3 you cant even use a chair or a bed, you go into any of the aswesome taverns and cant even sit down, there is alot more detail and contant in Fallout 4.


Having that said, Witcher 3 was made so well, that it absolutely deserves game of the year award, and id be damm surprised if Fallout 4 would steal it instead.

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