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Mods that everyone wants: mega list


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my bad, sorry if i came across as dick, btw when car mods come out, may i suggest the mad max car with craftable upgrades & the fallout ford f100 van

The word is not fitting for this case.



btw when car mods come out, may i suggest the mad max car with craftable upgrades & the fallout ford f100 van

Ask the modder.


& i cant be the only one who wishes you could shot people in crotch when facing at or in the butt when turned back or running away in vats like in fallout 1-fallout 2

You can, it called iron sights.


i mean a mod so you can shot someone in the baby maker or the butt in vats


also another ideal for a mod, you get caps for opening beer bottles


Edited by kerrigan1603
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i always found it odd that i cant aim at someones gun in vats & have to aim at the arm & hope their gun falls to the ground unlike fallout 3/fallout new vegas where you could shot someones gun out of their hands, maybe a mod to fix this & return to how it was in vats in the last gen games

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i always found it odd that i cant aim at someones gun in vats & have to aim at the arm & hope their gun falls to the ground unlike fallout 3/fallout new vegas where you could shot someones gun out of their hands, maybe a mod to fix this & return to how it was in vats in the last gen games

Will add as better vats.

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Add new item - SPRAY PAINT and a bunch of stencils with various symbols (food, clean water, radiation, mutants, raiders, trade, safe, brotherhood, etc)

With spray-can you can tag the wall of the building so you can know if there is anything useful there or it's cleaned out.

You can also make use of paint cans and brushes that are already in the game.

If anyone wants to use this idea, please contact me via inbox and I can help with the mod as a designer. We can develop this mod together.


Also the adding notes and custom icons to the map would be extremely useful. Like crafting tables that are not on the map or spawning grounds.


And backpack (for extreme hoarding and realism purposes). Backpack in all sizes. From purse to big traveling backpacks.

Maybe even the brahmin mule that follows you, and runs away when there is trouble and comes back when the danger is gone. Which would work only outside and not in the dungeons. But it can carry like 500 or more...


I can help with the design, just... I really need those mods.


Thank you

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I want a mod that makes crafting station inventoris global and makes it so you don't need the items in your inventory to craft with them.

I had assumed crafting station inventories were global and that every station shared the same inventory. I was dropping off all my junk at any old crafting station I found. Now I have no idea where it all actually is.

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