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Mods that everyone wants: mega list


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Repopulation mod! Add more settlers/raiders everything but not just add them to the game but make them travel so there seems to be more people!

It may require C.K. more radiant quests are added!


Survival mods, hunger, thirst, weather effects like the one in Skyrim!


More armor variety that's for sure!! <3

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i made a thread with this mod request but i dont think people got the game i was referencing

theres a game called state of decay, and pretty much every aspect of that game should be inside of fallout 4 . its settlement/survival done right.

but the major reason im suggesting this is , you can use your radio to call for your settlement members to come and loot an area you are at. so you don't have to sit there looking through everything

also the way they handle resources is SO MUCH better than fallout 4's . like you know the shipments of whatever you can buy from merchants, you would find those in the game world, and when an npc would loot it, it would be like a huge duffle bag . and if you had vehicles you could throw those dufflebags in the car and get more, and when you recover those resources , then random loot of that kind of given

also thigns like where you can break down those supplies in the field, you would get less amount of loot, but wouldn't be burdened by carrying the huge container

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Working on a true hardcore mode: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3488980-wip-wanderers-edition-true-hardcore-experience/



Many think that by simply nerfing the players output damage and raising the health on enemies is a way to maker a game more difficult. No, it is what is known as "Artificial difficulty" and what basically tends to occur is the player wasting round after round into sponges that is the enemy whilst their health very slowly drops. This is not fun.


What my mod (currently a WIP but feel free to follow it's progress, it won't be long until the first version is released) is going to do is raise the damage dealt to and by the player. So if essentially becomes a kill or be killed fight where one singular bullet can kill the enemy and you, the player. Whilst at the same time slowing the regen rate dramatically from consumables which will also be scarce and have a lower healing rate. Ammunition and consumables have had their probability of dropping in the level lists lowered and the chance for legendary enemies to spawn in all areas has been increased.


I have also raised the damage dealt by all radiation areas and radstorms so they are no longer and tingly +10 rad damage. Now the radstorms will hit you for 100 rads up to 500 rads depending on the module you pick on installation,


Combat AI has been altered so the enemies are more aggressive. Fall damage increased and companions have also been nerfed - less health and far less carry weight. These are only a few things i have done.


500+ changes thus far and counting.

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Couple misc things I'd like to see


- Settlement chest / container contents are shared. I wanted to put all my drugs in a drug ice box but they weren't part of the shared inventory


- Settlement Armory, running around and initiating trade with every single settler to upgrade their weapons is tiresome. Why not an Armory build item. I drop my weapons in it, and if a weapon in the Armory is better than a settlers inventory weapon, they'll swap it out themselves


- Companion command, return home and deposit all junk (gone for 10mins maybe 5?)


- Companion command, hold this but DO NOT USE IT. So I can ask them to hold a Fatman without worrying about them destroying the planet. I picture it being in the companion UI, just like there is an equip option, there should be a flag for no use option


- Body locator. Can't tell you how many times I've said, "where the hell did that body go". Just something simple like depress a key or button and they're either highlighted or shown on the mini map while the button is depressed


- Seperate intentory tabs for Notes/Tapes



Put all these and a few others in a "Quality of Life" mod with an installer so users can pick & choose their misc addons and you have a winner

Edited by RooksGambit
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